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I wiped my sweaty palms on my knees, hoping no one could tell I was scared out of my mind. Was this a game all three of them liked to play? To mess with my head? If that was the goal then consider it accomplished.

"You seem to be causing him distress," Remus pointed out, staring at Neil's hand on my shoulder which was still hanging onto me as if his life depended it. Neil stuttered, then regained himself and let go of me. That was probably gonna leave a red mark. "Please, Lords, we have much to discuss tonight about the peace treaty and-" Neil was interrupted. Something he absolutely hated. "It's our first say here, is it not? How am I supposed to sign a peace treaty and end decades of war when I've barely had time to eat?" Rian retorted. I couldn't help but look at him with astonishment.

"I agree. Rome wasn't built in a day," Eurus chimed in. The two looked at eachother with mild surprise and then discomfort. Did they just agree on something? I thought that was against every moral code they had. Remus remained silent, only staring at Neil. I spotted Mom and noticed the confused expression on her face. I found the courage to get up and hurry over to her. "What's going on? Did you get yourself in trouble again, Florence?" She asked.

I noticed how nice she looked tonight. Her chocolate hair was let down for once and I could see she had some very light makeup on. "Of course not! they just sat next to me!" I whispered. She gave me an incredulous look. Josh poked me and Liza was bouncing behind him. How she managed to do that in heels I'm not sure.

"Everyone's staring at you." Liza pointed out, rather loudly. I looked back and realized people were still looking. People I didn't recognize were trying to talk to the three dragon lords but they weren't having any of it. They had their eyes over in my direction. "Maybe it's for the best if you guys hang out inside for awhile," mom whispered. I was thankful for her suggestion, mostly for my sake and since she was probably freaking out that I might have annoyed one of the warlords. "Yeah, save me some food, okay?" I kissed her on the cheek and quickly left.

The nice air-conditioned lobby was mostly empty aside from a few other employees just cleaning the lobby. Josh and Liza followed me. They were poking and asking a while bunch of questions I didn't know the answers to.

"Guys, please stop! I have no idea why they sat down at our table!" I exclaimed. Both of them seemed more confused then me- if that was even possible. "I think I'm gonna go home.." I muttered. "No, don't go! We still have so much to do!" Josh tried to object. Liza nodded. "I just got here, dude." She huffed sadly. I really didn't want to leave but I had distracted the trio of dragons from their purpose. I didn't want a war to break out because of me.

"Stick around tomorrow? Josh and I aren't working so we could go into Miracle." I sighed. I could tell Josh wanted to come up with another reason why I shouldn't leave but Liza stopped him. "Sure. If you don't feel comfortable than you should go." She compromised. I looked over at Josh who shrugged. "Promise we'll all hang out tomorrow?" He spoke. I nodded. "Promise." 

I hugged them both before making my way over to the exit. I waved to some of my co-workers who mostly smiled and watched me leave, knowing they probably had hours left on their shift. I was relieved to feel the hot air can my face as I began to walk home. The sun hadn't fully set so I had some sort of comfort- not that it wasn't safe in Miradel. The entire island was basically a resort with little to no crime rate. Awhile ago it was claimed to be the safest region until Casea received the resources they needed to rebuild their capital.

I walked to the bus stop and waited for awhile. The crickets and the distance sounds of waves helped calm me down. Why me of all people did they choose to sit at my table? I felt uncomfortable from all the sudden attention they brought with them. Not so much by them which in itself was a bit strange.

The horrible sound of a brakes screeching to a halt shook me from my thoughts and I quickly hopped on the bus. The bus driver greeted me as I fished for my bus pass. Once I tagged on I noticed the bus was mostly empty so I took a seat in the back and plugged in my earphones. To help calm my nerves further I put some music on and closed my eyes.


Once I got home I instantly went to my dog Honey. He leapt and jumped, licking and pawing at myself probably excited that I came home early. "Hey boy," I hummed, scratching the side of his head. I gently pushed the golden retriever off of me and placed my phone on the counter.

My house wasn't too big but it was large enough for me and mom. The interior was somewhat rustic but that only made it more homely to me. The voices coming from the television caught my attention as bright lights flashed on the screen. We always left the tv on because it made Honey less rowdy when we weren't around. Mom joked that he liked to sit and watch the news channels.

I quickly grabbed the remote and turned the volume up, taking a seat on the couch. "An explosive had been set off at the Chamire Palace, causing multiple injuries," A woman reporter stated.

I frowned. I really should know more about supernatrual politics. "There have been no reported casualties, however, one of the princes- Prince Zaelyn is currently in critical condition. More on that later." It then panned over to another reporter who began talking about some anniversary for the Mer.

I sighed then channel surfed for awhile until I stopped for some cheesy kid cartoons.

Though I was trying not to think about what happened early I couldn't help but replay those memories. Eurus said he wanted to see me specifically. Rian seemed kind of mean which was what I thought warlords were like but he still sat at my table. Remus was quiet and odd, but complimented me. It made my cheeks heat up with embarrassment and caused my head to hurt trying to figure out why.

Honey jumped up onto the couch and rested his big head on my thigh. I patted the top of his head while I left my thoughts drift. I was wondering what mom was doing, and how Liza was catching up with Josh. I felt bad for leaving them.

My phone dinged then lit up. I quickly got up and grabbed it from the counter and looked at the bright screen. Funnily enough it was a text from Josh. As I read it my heart began to slowly drop.

"Flo, shits going down."

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