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"Samson, come here," I ordered and like the loyal goofball he was he obeyed instantly. "What's up?" He questioned, pushing up his glasses as he looked down at my laptop. "Can you read that? The font on this website is atrociously small." I remarked, setting the laptop on my knees and laying back into the couch. He gave me a questionable look and readjusted the screen. "The font is fine, Eurie." He muttered. I paid him no mind and squinted at the bright screen of information. "Why are you looking up festival events?"

I frowned and held it closer to his face. "Just read the date!" I ordered. He snickered then fell silent as he read. "There's the summer festival starting this evening?" He offered. I smiled. Jackpot.

I slammed the laptop down and grabbed my phone eagerly flicking through the many drafts I wrote up for Florence. I had almost fifty notes asking him to the festival. I had multiple that demanded he come with me and others that just simply asked him to attend the festival. "Great now come help me pick out which message to send him," I urged, showing him my phone. "Jesus, Eurus. How many drafts do you have?" He gasped, flicking through. "Okay- wait. I'm not going to help you until you tell me why you're doing this." He crossed his hands over his chest and frowned. I scoffed but didn't respond.

"I know you don't do well with talking to other people." He hummed. I looked at him with an incredulous look. "I talk to people all the time! That's how I get what I want," I retorted. He grabbed my phone and threw it to the other side of the couch. "You know how to use people. You don't actually talk to them like they're important."

I ignored him and snatched my phone back. "He is important.." I muttered. He gasped and poked my shoulder. "I knew it! You totally have a crush!" He gasped. For once I didn't have anything to say to him. It made me feel all weird inside, almost like everything about me was turning into warm melty goo. "Don't be ridiculous. My uncle would-"

"Yeah, yeah. Your uncle would have your head if that were true.." he finished for me. He held a look of familiar pity. I ignored him and shook my head. You'd think that after all these years together he would grow accustomed to that saying but noo.

"If I told you I liked him would you help me pick out a message to send him?" I teased, waving my phone in his face some more. He hit my arm away with a smile. "Fine, but none of those will do." He offered. I scoffed, my mind immediately going back to the night before, writing all these drafts and staying up late. "What do you mean? I can right a few more if they're all too forward.." I muttered. I opened up another note, but he gently placed a hand over my screen.

"Well, the way you've talked about him for the last twenty-four hours-" I shot him a glare. "I have not talked about this guy for the last day!" I grumbled. "Yeah, okay sure." He brushed off with that stupid amused smirk. "Anyway, he seems like the guy that enjoys oral contact more."

I felt my face do something weird and I gave him a sideways look. He gasped and punched my shoulder real hard. "You're so damn childish!" He groaned as I winced and held my shoulder. "Well when you put it like that-" he held a hand up to my face. "Shut it! What I meant was he would like it more if you called him!" he seethed. My smile didn't last that long when I thought about it. Calling him would mean he could ask my questions on the spot, questions I wouldn't have time to think through.

"No, I can't." I decided. He rolled his eyes with a groan. "Eurus, your chances of getting a yes from him are much better if you call him. I know I would appreciate a call, rather than a text." He offered. I thought about it, for a second, then immediately opened my notes. There was no way I was calling him. Too many possibilities for that to go wrong.

He deflated against the couch in defeat and hopped on his phone. There were a few minutes of comfortable silence with both of us minding our own business on our phones when he began furiously tapping on my shoulder. "What is it?" I whined, recoiling back from his persistent hand. "Look at this!" He practically shoved his phone in my face and I squinted to see what he was trying to show me. I couldn't read a thing, but the image right in the middle made my eyes widen and my blood start boiling. A picture of Remus, Rian and Florence seated at restaurant faced me and I had to physically hold back from crushing his phone in my hand.

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