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Another sob escaped me as a pounding headache came my way. With my threat closed almost all the way up all I could do was just lay there and pray Remus or Eurus didn't freak out again.

Waking up was horrible. First it was the headaches, then the sneezes and coughs. I felt cold, freezing and then suddenly hot. Quick temperature changes, sneezes and coughs and long lasting headaches- I was definitely sick.

I hadn't regretted last night in the slightest but now I was having other thoughts..

I was in too much pain to explain to either men what was wrong. They seemingly had no clue what a cold was and completely lost their mind when I started crying from the pain and coughing hoarsely. They wouldn't stop yelling, asking what was wrong and screaming that I was dying.

Thankfully Eurus had calmed down as I curled into him. I couldn't tell whether or not he shut up because he was shocked and didn't know what to do or he realised I was crying because of how loud it was.

I heard another voice join in with the chorus of chaos just as things were calming down. I attempted to open my eyes to see who it was but a quick headache had me screwing my eyes shut impossibly hard.

"W-What's wrong with him?" Remus' voice filled the air leaving no room for the sweet silence I was hoping for.

"What happened to him?" Rian asked, his voice alone easing the pain in my head. His voice was gentle and quiet. It was exactly what I needed.

"He woke up with a sneeze then started crying! Out of nowhere!" Remus explained in a tone too loud and worried.

Everything went silent and I felt my body relax just a little. I practically melted into Eurus as the comfortable silence settled between us and my headache reduced itself to a full ache.

Eurus placed a hand on my head as I felt another press itself against my burning forehead. My eyes flew open and watched as Rian felt around my face with a look of concern I hadn't really seen on him. It sort of made my face burn up more. With a final tsk he retracted his hand and scowled at Remus and Eurus.

"He's sick you idiots." He grumbled out. He took one last look at me before heading off to get something.

"He's dying!?" Eurus screeched, right in my ear. And just like that this headache came back, full-speed and with determination to completely cripple me.

"He will be if you keep fucking screaming like that." Rian said, effectively shutting him up. I could tell by the way he tensed against my back that he was taken aback. He slowly tried to remove himself from me but I gripped onto him in fear that he was going to do something stupid.

"C-Cold.." I uttered out. It was a half-truth as I felt the goosebumps travel up my arms and a cold flush make it's away down my body. At that exact moment, with Eurus settled again, I felt a surge of heat spread from my back to my legs as I presumed Eurus pushed his super mighty dragon heat to the forefront.

"Better?" He asked softly. I responded by sinking even further into him and relished in the small comfort he provided.

Rian came over and handed me a tall glass of water. "We don't have any medicine so we'll have to make do." He huffed whilst taking a seat. With Eurus occupied and Remus hopefully at ease, there was silence. It was an almost perfect remedy for my headache but it still lingered and my sore throat was persistent.

I took a quick sip on the cool liquid and felt my throat ease up a bit. I still felt like utter shit.

"If you ask me it's what you deserve.." he muttered. I shot him a dirty look. How the hell did I deserve this?! This was torture.

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