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After Florence left we were quick to disperse. We didn't talk much, well, Eurus and I naturally ignored each other but, solely on Rian, there was some conversation. Eurus and Rian talked a lot which ticked me off while I skulked around the hotel room and collected my minimal items.

It had bothered me a lot when we had to leave Florence all alone with Eurus but it bothered me even more when he hung out with Rian in the kitchen. It just didn't sit right with me.

Anyways, now I was back in Midas' lavish estate and being endlessly annoyed by my cousins antics. I decided I should tell him about... well Florence.

You what?" Midas gasped as he added a dramatic flare with a light hand over his chest.

"I-I, err... asked him if it were okay to take him out." I responded weakly, a small blush inking my cheeks. I tried skipping on my steely mask but the fluttering feeling in my chest was making it pretty hard.

"Please for the love of everything there is, tell me you did not word it like that when you asked him!" He groaned, hurriedly sitting next to me on the couch. His eyes were wide with anticipation as I frowned deeply and shifted my gaze.

"I-It went something like that.." I mumbled.

The shifter groaned so loud you'd think the mountain would shake. A few maids looked his way but one quick glare from me and they ran scurrying.

"You make it sound like you're going to put a hit on him!" He laughed although I certainly did not find it funny. I've never had a single bad thought about Florence and I intended to keep it that way.

"It's funny, y'know.." he stretched before getting up again and making his way to the bar. Jesus this man didn't stay still.

"What is?"

He paused for a second, eyeing me up and down before beginning his cocktail. "Originally I thought... well I thought him and Eurus were..." He purposefully trailed off.

I was suddenly injected with a a very dense and poisonous cloud of dark thoughts that swirled and spiralled out of control and threatened me with sinister temptations. For the first time in awhile I felt my hand buzz with an urge to maim.

"Florence and Eurus were what?" I urged further, my voice slipping a few octaves lower as I shot up like a rocket.

Midas clearly noticed my new demeanour and his care-free attitude dropped. "Jesus, Remi, calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Midas and never fucking call me that." I warned. He took a step back as I advanced.

"You don't want a repeat of that night, Remus, do you?" He bit out quickly and I halted almost instantly. Bad memories of the night he was referring to invaded my thoughts and just like that my building anger was snuffed out. The small buzz in my arm was killed off instantly.

"Great, now that you're thinking more rationally we can plan out this date of yours." Midas cautiously turned around and quickly finished his drink before urging me to sit down.

"To be frank, cuz, I've never understood why you hate Eurus so. I get the whole 'mutually assured hatred' from the tribe but you seem to hate him more than most." He noted and I could've sworn he was purposefully trying to emulate Eurus' condescending and snooty tone.

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