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When I first opened my eyes I was surprised when I wasn't blinded with light. Normally my curtains would've been drawn and sunlight would be streaming through my window but I could barely make out my familiar furniture.

I rubbed the hazy film from my eyes and sat up. Whoa, when did my bed get so big? Why was it so goddamn cold in here? I suddenly felt very constricted and realized I was still wearing the same clothes I had on the night before but my shoes were missing. Where the hell am I?

What happened last night? I remember having a couple drinks and Remus. Oh god- did I- no. I still had my clothes on. I can't believe that was my first thought as to what happened.

I got out of bed and tried fumbling for the light but couldn't find it. Instead I tugged on the curtains and allowed the blinding white light to blind me. I was hit with a giant migraine as I looked away from the window and held my head. That was a very bad idea. I kept my eyes screwed shut until the pain eased and I looked around the room.

I noticed the art on the wall first, then the familiar decor and the mini fridge. A hotel room? I was at the hotel but who's room? I didn't want to go snooping around someone else's stuff to find out. I stayed frozen for a good five minutes until I heard approaching footsteps and the small beep from the lock accepting a keycard. A small flash of fear ran through me as I anticipated who was on the other side. The door opened completely and my face fell. To say it fell was an understatement, more like plummeted. I must've looked like an idiot just standing there with a twisted face.

Eurus Meade stared at me with an equally shocked expression before he regained his posture. He was gleaming with sweat and his blonde hair was darkened and slick so he was most likely working out. "Florence, I wasn't expecting you awake this early." He spoke first. I was still reeling from his appearance in the doorway. Why the hell was I in his hotel room! I still had my hand over my head as I felt the pain begin chipping away at my head again. "Wha- what happened last night?" I asked. It was the only question I could think of that would result in the least embarrassing answer.

"You got stupid drunk then embarrased yourself infront of lots of people." He said sternly. He almost reminded me of a mad parent. My face felt hot as I thought what that could mean. I thought I only had a few drinks! How could I have gotten drunk so fast? "B-But it's alright. I called Midas and he made sure no one left the party with any incriminating evidence of what happened!" He quickly said. I frowned when I felt a hard pang of pain.

"I left you some medication." He pointed out, adverting his gaze to the side. I noticed a glass of water and some pills on the bedside table and quickly took it and downed the glass. I sat back down on the bed to help prevent the room from spinning.

"Why didn't you take me home?" I asked without another thought. His eyes lost focus and he frantically looked all over the room like he lost his answer here. "I would've but your damn phone was dead!" He seethed screwing his eyes shut and frowning, as if he were the one with a big headache and sensitive to loud noise.

I went to check my phone which was uncomfortably still in my pocket and confirmed it was indeed dead. I think the stress of the party caused me to forget about charging my phone. "Your phone was dead, your mother was alseep and you didn't have keys to your house." He muttered. I thought about my keys and how I usually had them on me, but for this one occasion I left them at home. How convenient, Florence.

"Do you have a charger? I need to call Josh," I asked, still too dazed to treat this situation as it was. A really, really complicated one. "You don't need to do that! I could drive you." He claimed with a slight smile. I sat speechless and gave an awkward smile. "I mean, I could get someone to drive you there?" He tried again.

I shook my head since I didn't want to cause him anymore trouble I probably embarrased him infront of all his friends. I should be greatful he took me on let alone invited me to the party. "No, it's all good! Actually, I'm pretty sure he's working today so I'll just go down and hang out until the end of his shift." I excused and the atmosphere around him instantly deflated.

I got up and slotted my phone back into my pocket, searching for my shoes. "They're by the door," he mumbled, stepping out of the way. I grabbed my shoes and went to open the door before turning around. "Thank you, Eurus. For last night." I beamed. He turned a few shades red before looking away. "Don't mention it. Drive safely," he said before I opened the door and left.

I took a deep breath and started walking down the halls. From the emptiness and the lack of 'do not disturb' signs I guessed it was near noon. I made my way down the familiar hall and into the elevator where I was hoping I would find Josh at ground level. He would most likely be on food service duty so maybe I'd find him in the kitchens, and if I couldn't find him I'd just use one of the many hotel phones to ring mom.

The elevator began it's descent and for those breif few seconds I tried remembering about what happened last night. Everything past drinking with Remus was a blur. If I did anything super incriminating towards myself or anyone else surely there would have been news about it by now.

The elevator jolted to a stop and the doors slid open, revealing the busy lobby. I started scanning the room, trying to find Josh when my eyes met another familiar pair. It wasn't Josh, but Remus who stood out like a sore thumb with his posse of guards. It wasn't long until he made his way over to me with an almost frightening demeanor. 

I wanted to avoid him and save myself another awkward conversation but by the time I found it in me to move I had only stepped closer towards him, nearly colliding with his chest. "Florence," he greeted. He didn't seem mad, but he didn't look happy either. Was he always in a constant state of nothing unless he was drunk. "H-Hello, Remus." I greeted. His lips curled a bit into a small smile. "I just wanted to apologise-"

"Apologise?" He echoed, looking me up and down and giving the shoes in my hand a peculiar look. "Y-Yeah. I just wanted to apologise for embarrassing you." I continued. He frowned and for a second I thought I did something really bad. "You didn't embarrass me! I had fun last night!" He exclaimed. I was shocked at first, but then it wore off and I smiled. "Oh! Well that's good. I was afraid I did something stupid.."

He snorted and for the second time I could tell what he was feeling. "Oh trust me, you did!" He barked. Most people were minding their own business but I couldn't help but notice a few turn their heads. "Really? I can't remember a thing!" I admitted. "Yeah! It was probably the only highlight of this trip I've had so far. I could tell you about it more later if you aren't busy?" He said in a lower tone.

He made sure to lock eyes with me so I had no choice but to answer now. If I wasn't busy later? I didn't have work until tomorrow, so I definitely wasn't busy but did I want to spend another evening with a warlord? I mean surely I'm breaking record with this streak of mine.

I opened my mouth to answer, decided on my decision when another recognizable voice rang out from the rest. "Florence!"

I turned my head to see Josh, holding a tray of food and wearing a both questioning and angry look. Oh shoot.

Do you think Florence would say yes to evening with Remus or not?

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