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"Not those," I grunted while snatching the premade cake from his hands and chucking it back onto the shelf. Remus gave me a weird look as I began pushing the trolley along.

"Why not? I bet Florence will like waking up to cake!" he protested from behind. I scoffed.

"Not only is that a terrible breakfast, he's also allergic to pistachios. I learnt the hard way." I breathed out, pushing my hair back with vigour. Normally I wouldn't think twice about such a slip up but looking back at it now add me clench my teeth and cringe. Maybe I should've been more considerate..

Wait- me? Considerate? The idea itself was like slander, like I had just committed treason towards myself! Never in my life had I been considerate. Plus, it was only a cake!

"Will you wait up!" Remus shouted from behind. I hadn't even noticed I was storming off until I noticed how far apart we were. I swerved the trolly so fast it marked the grounds and almost totalled an old lady passing by. She gave me a dirty look to which I gave back only to relax my features when Remus caught up.

"You passed the eggs, dummy." He snickered, gently placing the carton into our cart.

I felt my chest constrict at his small insult. Just the way he said it and the look of amusement in his eyes transported me back to a simpler times. To when I was still a kid doing everything a kid should do. It reminded me of times so pure and innocent the memories might as well have been made of light and clouds...


Some time ago....

"It looks like rubble.." he commented with a clear mischievous look plastered on his stupid face.

"Like you could do any better.." I bit back, frustration evident in my voice. I was both pissed off at him and at myself. I couldn't quite get the timing right on the eggs and they just burnt. There really wasn't much else I could do other than aimlessly push around the charred bits of my attempted breakfast.

"Oh I know I could never but it's still fun to make fun of you nonetheless!" He laughed whilst jumping off the counter and ruffing up my hair. I dropped the spatula faster than light and managed to elbow him in the side.

"Fuck off you reptile!" I seethed. He made my blood boil in a matter of seconds yet seemed so unfazed by it. I hated how nonchalant he could be and it only fired me up more. It got to such a level that I felt my skin start glowing with red heat.

"You look like a girl when you grow out your hair," he teased, tugging harshly on a lock of my hair. I raised a curled first but he seamlessly took my wrist and twisted it behind my back. Another thing I despised about him; his natural strength.

"Get the hell off me!" I grumbled as my anger slowly morphed into something else that made my stomach flip. Having my lower back pressed up against the counter and having his face in such a close proximity was making my head fuzzy.

"Tell me, Rian, do you like looking like a girl?" He asked with a weird seriousness taking over his tone. It sounded like a genuine question rather than a teasing comment.

A dangerous feeling formed right in the centre of my chest as my brain tried conjuring the most hurtful words I could string together and shove it in his face. However my mind clouded and suddenly I couldn't think of anything other than his question.

"I-I'm not f-fucking gay." I uttered out. It was the only thing I could get out. Nothing made sense right now.

I watched as his eyes dimmed and the smirk he held slowly faded. He gave me one more look before sighing and letting me go. I wanted to hurl my fist right into his sharp jawline but my hands fell away and felt tingling numb. It was the same sensation as waking up and discovering that you've slept on an arm and it's dead.

"I'm heading out with the guys for a hunt." He stated, holding his gaze on me for just a second too long. "The stove tops on fire, you should probably put it out.."

I whipped my head to the side to find the pan and a nearby stack of napkins set alight. I rushed to snuff out the raging flame and shove the burning paper into the sink. It was somewhat funny as I felt the flames lick at my arms, the heat trapped beneath my skin dissipated.


"See you later, dummy.." he said finally before walking out the door and leaving me alone.


"Rian? Riaaan?" Remus' voice, yet again, cut through my weird trance. The sudden memory of him... it left me a bit shaken. I tried steadying my shaking hand against the cart as I regained myself.

The memory itself was innocent but it held a dark reminder of how I failed yet another person. How I failed one person in particular because I had indifferent thoughts and acted selfishly. I failed him. I failed Wren.

"You okay?" Remus asked, staring wearily at my shaking hand. I frowned at him and gripped the handle bar tighter.

"Of course I am, don't be stupid. We need to get the bacon from the deli." I gritted out, winding backwards and trudging ahead.

Apart of me knew he only had good intentions but I was taught to never fall for such pretences. I felt somewhat different around Remus compared to just a few weeks ago but he was still dragon. He could be just as vile as the rest of them.

"Well anyways, I bet Florence would love these-"

"That's a terrible idea, Remus." I sighed, not bothering to even check what he had in his hands this time. He had been doing this since we arrived at the small supermarket.

"You haven't even looked!" He protested, catching up to me and waving something in my face. I tsk'd as I stopped on the middle of a busy aisle.

I snatched it from his hands and look down at the plastic packaging. I wish I could say I was surprised but I honestly was expecting something like this.

"Not everyone shares your obsessions with bunnies, Remus. Plus, these sleeping masks are tacky." I laughed as I set the bunny themed sleeping masks in the trolly. It was funny and easy to make fun of but also innocent. You'd think Remus would be into a more hardcore animal.

"So we're buying them?" He asked, his voice full of hopeful glee. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you bring your card? Because I don't want these on my receipt." I asked. He remained silent.

"No.." he muttered with defeat. He dragged his way next to me and reluctantly grabbed the masks out of the cart. We only made it last two aisles before his silence slowly edged its way into my head and I stopped.

"Fine. I'll pay for them, let's go back-"

"Yay! I didn't put them back." He cheered, placing the masks back in. I gave him a incredulous look as he walked ahead with a hop in his step. I tried my best to remain unfazed by having him around but I couldn't help but admit that I was slowly starting to rethink a few things. Mainly my thoughts on him.

Maybe he wasn't so bad..

"We just need the bacon and we're out of here, right?" He asked excitedly as we queued at the deli. He couldn't even stay still.

"We still need to get medicine for Florence but yeah, pretty much," I assured him as he silently cheered. He was literally like a giddy child.

"Then back to Florence." He stated with determination. It was kinda funny. He glanced at me with a smile so bright it put the store's fluorescent lights to shame.

"Then back to Florence." I confirmed.

We got more cute moments between Rian and Remus and a little backstory! Sorry for the wait, I was kinda caught up with life and Christmas stuff!

Any thoughts on Rian's past? Predictions on what happened? I'm glad to be back and I'm excited to hear from you guys!

I hope y'all enjoyed!

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