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It's was pretty akward after Rian's comment at the cafe. Josh didn't seem as chatty around him and Liza seemed to put as much distance between them as she could. As for myself, I stuck around simply because I wanted to make sure Aubrey was okay.

It was fun catching up with my old friends and just hanging out. Leo had dyed his hair platinum blonde which looked like a well combed pile of snow on his head. He was way taller then me, almost as tall as Rian. Sally, on the other hand, hadn't gotten any taller whatsoever and was probably the shortest out of all of us. She still had her really nice afro which we all agreed had aged well. Travis had changed the most, his usual mop of black curls had grown past his shoulders and he had been working out!

"Remember when you tried straightening it? An entire clump came out!" Josh wheezed. Sally frowned and pulled at her hair. "Don't remind me!" She whined. Liza lightly punched Josh in the shoulder. "I think it looks good, Sal." She encouraged.

"So, Flo. Got yourself a girlfriend yet?" Travis asked, slinging his arm around my shoulder. I stayed silent, my brain trying to find an answer. I could've just easily said no but I felt like it was more complicated then that.

I noticed Rian staring at me and a little more pressure was added onto such a small answer. "N-No." I managed to say. Everyone gave me weird looks but continued on our walk through the city. I remained quiet for most of it, sticking by Aubrey just to make sure she was okay.

After she scolded her grandson back at the cafe she insisted that she didn't need his help with walking though that really didn't do much. He still stuck to her side and refused to move. 

Rian hadn't done much complaining after his outburst. He actually kept his mouth shut and wasn't so uptight. I didn't tell the others about the guards just in case they freaked out. Plus, I didn't want to anger Rian again.

We changed our minds about going to the mall and instead chose to just chat and walk around the city. There was an entire street dedicated to small shops and colourful vendors which we went down and bought a few trinkets. The street was practically buzzing with activity with a giant crowd forming in the centre, going in all sorts of different directions. It was like one big chaotic river stream.

We stopped to watch a flash mob that occurred which was got Leo all excited. Liza and Sal left for something else while we stayed and watched the people dance. Aubrey was smiling and seemed to enjoy the lively activity despite all the noise. Rian on the other hand seemed flustered and a little confused as to what was happening. This was his first time in Miracle after all.

I shuffled over to him, despite that little voice in my head reminding me that he was adept with a sword and probably more. "Are you okay?" I asked, raising my voice due to the music and the noise. He stared down and this time didn't give me a scowl. He stared blankly at me then looked away. "I'm fine." He mumbled. I just about managed to hear that over the intense sounds.

There wasn't a lot of talking since then, only cheering for the crowd. They even pulled some people from the crowd into the dance, though I was luck enough not to get chosen. Josh and Leo wanted so badly to get picked but the mob dispersed before they could.

Once the crowd thinned Liza and Sal came back with small bags full of other stuff they bought.

This day wasn't turning out too bad. Other than that awkward moment at the cafe it was relatively good! Rian wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be which was honestly the most surprising thing I've learnt today. I wanted to ask him what happened last night but I didn't want to annoy him so I held off on that.

Once we decided we were ready to go we walked back which was a bit of a trek. All of us didn't live too far from the hotel so that was going to be our meeting place when we had the time to catch up again which was easier than catching a train to the city.

Since there wasn't a crowd Rian could stick by his grandmother again and go back to brooding. His guards kept super close in the crowd and now that we were out in the open they fell back a little. For Rian it must seem annoying to have someone watch out for you but for me it was a little comforting. I knew they were here for him and his grandmother but I still felt a little safer with them around.

We were infront of the cafe again, saying out goodbyes to our friends. "We'll see you guys soon, okay?" Sal promised. "It was nice to see you all!" Leo exclaimed, giving us all a hug.

Travis patted me on the back with a smile. "Thanks for inviting us. And sorry about earlier. I didn't realize-" I cut him off early, saving myself from the embarrassment. "It's nothing. You didn't do anything wrong,"

He nodded then fell back with the others. "We'll be driving back since we need to make a few stops. Goodluck with the train though!" Leo called out as we began walking away. "Thanks!" Josh shouted before they disappeared down the street.

"That was nice," I commented. Liza nodded. "I'm glad Sal finally likes her hair." She sighed happily. Josh and I looked at eachother. "Oh shut up!" She seethed.

"We didn't say anything, but okay!" Josh laughed. Liza seemed really angry and a bit embarrased, something I've rarely ever seen her show.

"Travis looks really different.." I acknowledged. He used to get bullied for being really scrawny during high school. "Tell me about it. I didn't even think he could grow any kind of muscle!" Josh said, almost bumping into one of the public transport guards. The guy glared down at him but Josh didn't spare him another glance.

We talked about everything exciting that took place today as we waited for the train. We all took a seat with us talking to eachother and Rian quietly talking with his grandmother. He didn't seem angry or agitated or annoyed. He was calmly talking. I didn't think the guy was capable of talking calmly.

I quikcly checked my phone and the app that held all the information for work. I luckily wasn't put on for tomorrow either but there were some other developments. Media had finally arrived in all it's glory, surrounding the hotel. The Human High Order had curiously offered to solve the crowding problem and the potential risk by hiring a company called Evolve to heighten security measures. That was strange.

Now the small fight last night was bound to end up everywhere.

The train arrived and we all quickly got up and headed inside. There weren't as many people around but I still found myself sitting next to Rian. The train began to move with a jolt and soon we were on our way home.

Awhile past of pure silence before Rian poked my shoulder. I looked up and met his intense hazel eyes. "I wanted to... apologize for my actions earlier." He mumbled, darting hid eyes over to the window. "I didn't mean to offend you. If I did."

I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my feet. "It's okay. I think you might have hurt my friend Josh, though. Since he's-" I started but was cut off. "So you're not mad?" He asked. I shook my head in the negative. "Well. Great." He sighed, leaning backwards into his seat.

I did the same, going on my phone and checking my social media. Even if his words were hurtful he didn't mean them. It made me feel warm knowing he felt the need to apologize.

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