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Once the driver arrived at my address I realised Rian was half asleep. I poked him in the rib cage and he was startled awake. "The fuck did you do that for?" He mumbled, wiping at the corners of his mouth. "We need to get out, come on." I whispered, gently tugging him out of the car. I thanked the driver and began walking to my house. None of the lights were on which was another good sign she was asleep but I couldn't be too careful. Especially when Rian was already wandering in front of me.

We made it to the porch and I slipped a hand underneath the welcome mate. I felt something hard and grabbed out the key, slotting it into the door and cracking it open just the tiniest bit. I peered in, and the house was dead still. "Okay Rian, I'm going to sneak you up to my room. You need to be super quiet, okay?" I whispered to him. He grinned with a lazy expression and I felt my stomach do a couple of flips. He looked handsome. "Let's James Bond this shit!" He cheered, hitting the back of his heel on a flower pot. It flattered around for awhile before settling on the floor again.

I took his hand and guided him through my house. I knew it well enough to traverse the various rooms in the dark but not well enough to guide someone else, so I had to use my other hand to hold up my phone for the flash light. We were taking it slow, creeping through the house and making sure there were no creaky floor boards when I heard the loud creaking of a door being opened. I gasped and fumbled to turn the light off when I felt something hairy brush against my leg and I realised it was Honey. He jumped up and pawed at Rian excitedly but clearly he was caught off guard and he cursed loudly. He started to freak out and in my own panic that he wasn't caught off guard, he was actually scared of Honey.

In his attempt to get Honey away from him he managed to knock my phone out of my hand and it clattered time the ground with a loud thud, flash light pointing into the floor. I grabbed Honey by the collar a little too harshly and pulled him away from Rian. Now in the darkness I thought we were in the clear until I heard my mom's bed creak loudly. I shoved Rian to the floor and kneeled beside him, covering his mouth with my hand. We were in the kitchen, so we were both hidden by the island when the lights flooded my vision.

"Florence? Is that you?" Mom's voice filled the almost silent room. I cursed under my breath and reluctantly stood up from the floor, still making sure Rian was staying out with a heel to his thigh. She was in her sleeping gown and was holding the wooden plank she kept beside her bed, just in case she had to ward off any unwanted visitors. "It's just me mom. Honey surprised me and I dropped my phone.." I quickly improvised. Her alarmed expression faded into a sleepy one and she held the plank a little lower. She yawned and turned back into her bedroom. "I need to sleep, I got work tomorrow. Goodnight," she sighed, calling for Honey. He ripped himself from my grasp and skipped over to to her room before she shut the lights and closed her door.

I breathed a sigh of relief and picked up my phone, illuminating the room yet again. I went to help Rian up and couldn't help but notice the small red tint to his cheeks. "S-Sorry. I panicked." I apologised, helping him up. He then followed me silently up to my room and I finally let myself relax. Geez, when did I get so tired?

"We don't have a spare mattress, so we'll just have to divide the bed." I quickly said when I noticed he was staring at my made bed. I would gladly sleep on the floor once he actually fell asleep.

I was too tired to change so I just kicked off my shoes and socks and began making the divider out of spare pillows. Rian was pretty silent which I was so thankful for. I didn't need my mom waking up again and catching us in my room.

I made one last trip to the light switch and fell back into my side of the bed. Rian was shuffling around and then he paused, an eerily uncomfortable silence setting in. He was probably out of it already, but as the night wore on I could only think about his motives. Why had he come tonight? Why did he even talk to me? Why did he have to approach me in the first place?

I usually enjoyed the silence when it came to my bedroom, but I couldn't take it anymore. "Rian?" I whispered. I wasn't hopeful for a reply, but I felt the bed shift and then something bare and hot touch my leg. He groaned in response and I froze up. "D-Did you take your pants off?" I asked awkwardly. My face felt like it was ready to pop from the heat and my arms got all itchy and tingly. "Who the hell sleeps in denim?" He mumbled, confirming my suspicions. Why was he taking up my side of the bed? I made a divider for this specific reason!

It took a couple of minutes to calm my beating heart. I shouldn't be acting like this. Not around him. The heartbeat in my eardrums slowly eased and all I could feel was the weird abnormal heat rolling off of him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. Crickets from outside filled the void that was the silence and then he shuffled again. Pillows were disrupted and the blanket moved. I was half expecting his breath fan my face, but instead I felt a push of air near my stomach. I cautiously pulled my hands from their awkward position by my side and felt ahead of me. They met his head and his soft strands of hair.

Why the hell did he wiggle down there for?!

"Yes. Then go to sleep." He grumbled. I went to shuffle back further, but found I was already at the edge of the bed. At this point it probably would've been better to just sleep downstairs or on the floor.

With some thought over the questions, I figured he probably wouldn't even remember this when he woke up. "Why are you talking to me? I-I mean, like, it's nice but-"

"I'm talking to you because your not stupid like my family. Less stupid then Remus and Eurus. Less... stupid then.. my.." he trailed off and I felt his forehead press into my stomach. Did he fall asleep mid answer?!

I thought about his answer for ages. I had no idea what time it was until I checked my phone and realised it was already midnight. I settled into the bed and tried my best not to disturb Rian. I closed my eyes and let his slow and easy breathes guide me to sleep.

Ah, sorry for the shorter chapter! Trying to keep my streak up since I've left you guys with nothing for awhile.

Thoughts on Rian? Is he a hot head or softie?

Who would you guys like to see more of next, Remus, Eurus or more Rian? Genuinely curious as to who might your favs me out of the three.


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