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The car ride was silent and still, aside from the odd bump or two. The atmosphere between Mom and I had changed into something that resembled a few years ago. Something years old yet still so fresh.

I had seen this particular graveyard only once, just after the funeral. I knew immediately that I never wanted to come back. I had no stigma against graveyards but this one in particular was a place of sorrow. Coming back was like discovering a wound I thought had healed was still open and bleeding.

We pulled up at the fancy mausoleum and both hopped out the car. This was where all deceased members of the Human High Order were buried. I say buried but really they were slotted into vacant spots amongst the marble walls. It didn't seem like a good place to leave someone's remains but Dad openly stated he wished to be here. Amongst the many members.

Members who died of old age. Members who weren't brutally attacked and had their lives taken too early.

It wasn't fair.

I tried my best to wipe away my negative thoughts and walked closely behind Mom into the building. She knew exactly where to go as she almost robotically walked straight to the west wing and to the far wall. I felt uneasy as I read the various golden plaques from passed members. I didn't feel like I belonged in here; I felt like an intruder.

When we reached his plaque Mom dropped her hand bag gently by her feet and approached the tombstone carefully. Could I even call it a tombstone if it was just something written on a wall? Actually, now was probably not the time to think about stuff like that.

I watched awkwardly as she pressed her head to the wall and clasped desperately at the tiny edges of the sign. She mouthed a few words, but all I could pick up was "I miss you."

I really had no clue as to what I was supposed to do. This was supposed to be a somber moment but all I felt aside from uncomfortable was emptiness. It scared me. This entire time I thought I'd break down sobbing upon the mere sight of the burial site but here I was. I felt hollow on the inside.

She moved to the side and my throat closed up at the sight of his name. It was in fancy cursive and bold, stretching across the plaque and almost covering the entire slab of marble. Francis Baker.

"You know," Mom sniffled, wiping away at her nose. "He never liked his name. He said it sounded too old."

There was a chuckle, lightening the weird tense mood almost instantly. "He claimed that we named you Florence so people would have finally make fun of someone else's name-"

"Wait a minute, I thought you named me Florence because it was your grandad's name!" I gasped. We both had smiles on, so that was a big improvement. "That was my reason."

"I believe he wanted to name you Florence because he wanted someone who would know what he went through." She sighed, the glow she carried dying almost instantly as her eyes softened. "So I was an experiment!" I tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood but all it elicited was a pitied huff. "No, Florence. I think your father just wanted the confirmation that someone had his back."

"By naming me after an old person?"

"I- Florence!"

I held my hand up in mock defence. I knew it wasn't the right time to be joking but I wanted to feel something. Anything other than.. nothing.

We stood in silence, Mom idly staring at the plaque while my eyes traveled up the tall walls, reading each and every word. Lots of them had sweet messages attached at the bottom. Whole paragraphs dedicated to the deceased. 'A Beloved Father, A Man of the People.' Was the only thing written below Dad's name.

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