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"Will you two calm down? People are starting to record this and I doubt that'll be any good PR-wise." I whispered. The two men shut their mouths in an instant and looked at me with mild shock. I was surprised at my small outburst, but the more they argued the more cameras seemed to pop up.

The realisation that I told two warlords to shut up hit me and I pressed myself further into the booth chair. "T-Thank you.." I muttered. Things went silent for awhile and then people started talking again. The restaurant returned to some sort of normal with only a few glances on our direction.

"I feel like I've just been told off," Rian grumbled. He crossed his hand over his chest and deepened his scowl. At least he wasn't threatening anyone. "I'm sorry, Florence. I didn't mean to react like that." Remus gritted out, finally placing his fork down. I sighed in relief and smiled at him. "It's okay. I don't blame you." I told him. He grinned and averted his gaze to the menu.

"Ugh yuck." Rian commented. Remus' jaw clenched up and he went to pick up the fork again but I took it away from him and looked over at Rian. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are you doing here?" I asked. My patience was wearing thin was this man. "I told you. I'm here to eat." He blatantly lied. Now if Eurus was as bad as him maybe I would be able to tell is he was playing me along.

"Maybe if he wasn't being so arrogant about it there would've have been a scene."

"I did not cause a scene! You were the one who barged in here and-"

"Guys please! I just want one normal evening, is that so much to ask for?" I pleaded. Maybe it was too much as I was asking literal sworn enemies to stop fighting. Luckily for me, they stopped almost immediately. Neither of them said another word and continued to stay silent after our drinks were delivered. Rian just snatched his whiskey and sulked some more, though he didn't leave. Remus happily sipped the lemonade I got him with much enthusiasm. Our food arrived a few minutes after and my stomach growled with anticipation. It wasn't until I looked at the ribs did I realise I hadn't eaten anything since last night.

I began eating eagerly. I normally don't like anything that has to do with barbecue sauce but these ribs were so tender and delicious I had to physically stop myself from eating the whole plate.

I licked my fingers of the sauce and wiped my hands of one of the napkins. I looked up to see the amused eyes Remus and instantly felt my face flush red. I was just so hungry I didn't even bother to use my manners at all. "You ate that like a starved dog." Rian gasped. I expected him to have a judgemental look about him but instead he was dumbfounded.

Remus snorted and my eyes brows shot up. Was he snorting at me, or at Rian's joke? I couldn't tell, as he immediately shoved a rib in his mouth. Rian just took a swig of his drink and settled back. The situation wasn't as bad as it was before, but it was still tense as hell.

"So, uh, Remus. Tell me about your family." I cringed the minute the words left my mouth. This was my attempt at trying to start a conversation and by the grimace on his face it wasn't doing so well. "I don't really like to talk about them.." he muttered. I wanted to blow my brains out. "Oh, okay. Let's talk about something else then.." I said, although it was more of a comment towards myself.

"Aren't you going to ask about my family?" Rian, once again, butted in. I turned to him a pulled on a smile. "How's Aubrey?" I asked, remembering her weird comment she had on Remus. Something clicked in my head and a sudden thought popped up on my head. Did she tell him about my plans with Remus? What would motives would she have to send her grandson here?

He scoffed and took another sip of his drink. When he realised there was no more he ordered another. "Don't let her old age and nice demeanour fool you. That women's more demon than she is dragon." He grumbled. I was kind of shocked to hear him talk about his grandmother like that, especially when he spent our entire time in the city corralling her and making sure she was safe. "I could say the same about my grandfather, but like guess, more demon than he is human.." I joked, scratching the back of my neck.

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