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After a nearly restless sleep I decided to just work out in the hotel-owned gym. It was small, filled with basic equipment and nothing like mine back at home- but it was something to do in this boring-ass place! Added bonus, it would keep my mind off of that guy.

I was toying around with them dumbbells when his face popped up again. Again.

I shook my head and grabbed my bottle, downing the last of it. Ever since that stupid trip to the city I couldn't stop thinking about him. He reminded me of something- maybe a person or a place? I could practically feel my answer forming in my head but it always disappears! It's stupid, annoying and rude.

Not to mention that odd sense of guilt I received when seeing him become uncomfortable. I didn't see what was wrong with my comment. It was factually correct. People back home didn't get all upset when I said something mean so why should he?

But I'm not home and I made him feel uncomfortable.


I slammed my fist into the wall, effectively creating a massive hole. I ripped my hand away and brushed off all the dust. A small cut began to bleed which infuriated me more so I punched the wall again with my other fist.

Why did feelings have to get involved? They were pointless and lead to mistakes. I hated them almost as much as I hated that smug son of a bitch Eurus.

"You might want to get a bandaid on that," My grandma's voice crept up on my and I had to refrain punching the wall again. "I'm not a fucking child." I spat, wiping my slick hair away from my face. "You hold that tongue! You may not be a child anymore but I can still wash that mouth out!" She yelled.

I shut my mouth and ground my teeth together. "What do you want?" I snapped. We both had frowns. "I came to scold you." She answered bluntly. I scoffed, grabbing my towel and wiping the sweat from my forehead. "The way you treated that boy was rotten. What you said was unprecedented!"

I rolled my eyes. "I apologized! He said it was fine." I retorted. She seemed a little surprised. Ha. Take that, hag. "You shouldn't have said it in the first place. Do you know who he is?"

Who he was? Wasn't he just someone who worked here? If I saw him on the street I wouldn't have spared him a second glance. It was Father's idea to follow him into the city anyway. "A bell boy?" I asked. I could see her anger start to rise. "No, dammit! He's the son of Francis Baker." She huffed.

Hearing that name made something click inside my head. It was almost as if a thousand memories replayed before my eyes until I found the right one. The worst one. I covered my mouth and tried to shake the memory away but it hung on like a leech.

"No- I don't want to remember-" I covered my ears as if that was stop the onslaught of sudden flashbacks. Blood. Knife. That look in his eyes. "You did what you had to do. It was five years ago," She said lightly. I didn't even notice she had gotten closer until she placed a reassuring hand on my back. "Don't try to fucking console me!" I snapped.

I couldn't look at him without remembering what happened. "Rian I didn't mean to upset you I was only- I cut her off. "Only what? Guilt trip me into being nicer to some guy?" I yelled back. We both stood up and she backed away. "Control yourself! Twenty-eight years and you still can't control your dragon!" She scolded with a furious look. I looked down at my hands and realized steam was rolling off every muscle and my skin had become slightly red from the heat.

This was another annoying thing. It was a way of letting out all that heat inside in human form. It usually only happened with hatchlings with a temper. "You know what? I'm going for a walk!" I shouted before heading for the door. "What about your father? He's waiting for you!" She called out. "Tell him to go fuck himself!"

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