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My palms were all sweaty and my temperature rose to extreme levels. I felt sick. Why us - of all people - selected to house not one, not two but three dragon-shifters?! There were far better hotels than ours!

Mom had worked at this hotel for years. She moved up the ranks and eventually became manager. She managed to rope me into it, earning me a job at the hotel which I've been working at for two years now. It pays well, even if almost all the residents are stingy and almost always leave the room looking like it was hit by a bomb. So why was it so special?

Apparently it was because of the 'size' of the hotel that would be appropriate to house the entire supernatrual and human high order and the selected members from each tribe. Mom was also worried, as we were about to come face to face with the warlords. We knew fully well that they were at war- for a long time too! Hundreds of years. The reasons behind the feud were long forgotten and petty excuses were used to extend it, now our city could become a battlefield.

One wrong move and we could be the cause of the second Dragon War. Beds weren't made by the time they returned to their rooms? War. The soap is cheap and the towels weren't folded properly? War. This was too much stress. "Florence get it together!" She snipped and I instantly snapped back to reality. "Sorry!" I exclaimed while wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans. There was a buzz of excitement and a plague of worry hanging in the air. People whispered, waiting for the trumpets from outside to sound.

I looked around the lobby we were standing in trying to find Josh. I also did another look around the room for the umpteenth time, checking that the red tugs were cleaned and free of dirt, the dark rustic-looking tables were spotless and not a single uniform had stains. I spotted him, instantly noticing how bored out of his mind he look, sighing deeply and checking out his freshly painted nails. He caught me staring and smiled brightly. I frowned. He clearly didn't understand how important this was. I called him over with a scowl and he started towards us.

He greeted mom who was too focused on the entrance to reply. "What's up?" He asked, batting his long lashes. "Could you at least look interested? Warlords are about to enter the room!"

He still seemed disinterested but then his eyes lit up. "Do you think they're hot? Ooh I dibs all of them!" He exclaimed, earning side glances from the other staff. "I landed you this job to earn money. Not oggle at hot guys! Plus, they're probably super old." I snorted, staring at the doors. "You're no fun, Flo." He teased. I was about to defend myself when the doors flew open and a burly man walked in. He was chubby and short, with a red face and beady small eyes. His nose was permanently stuck in the air, his eyes darting around the room and snarling. Mom tensed up but didn't act out on it. This hotel was her pride and joy.

The room filled with murmurs and noises from what sounded like a large crowd boomed from outside. "A most warm welcome for your beloved Supernatural High Order!" He boomed and a loud applause sounded. Five supernaturals entered the room, all with the same posture. Backs straight, noses in the air. I knew some of them as Elder Orion, Elder Maria and Saint Velma. I was a little rusty when it came to the supernatural side of things.

We greeted them with bright smiles and directed them to a bellboy who would direct them to their assigned rooms. He introduced the human high order and a few humans, including my grandfather or mom's father-in-law. "Neil. It's great to see you." Mom greeted. It was an awkward exchange, as the last time they spoke was a few years ago. "Lisa. I see you still work here." He sighed, looking around in disinterest. She nodded, looking down at her feet. She wasn't the type to keep quiet or let a conversation die. "Grandpa," I greeted and plastered on a smile. He looked down at me, his judgemental gaze more intense. "Florence." He hissed, slowly with venom. This man truly was a snake.

"I imagine you gave me a room with a view?" He asked but clearly didn't expect an answer. He strolled away, my blood boiling. He had no right to talk to us like that.

"Champion of wars, Remus Slade, leader of the Northern dragon tribe!" The burly man shouted, ripping me from my thoughts. On cue a man covered in leathers and animal skins entered the room.

He had ink black skin with piercing blue eyes. If it was dark enough he would blend right in. His hair was equally as black, slicked back with curls just long enough to touch his shoulders. His muscles practically buldged from his body as he trudged over to us. He basically oozed power, enforcing everything and anything submission. He was handsome.

I found myself swallowing hard. "It is a great pleasure to have you staying with us." Mom greeted. His piercing blue eyes found my amber ones, lingering. I froze. What was I supposed to do? I dared to stare back but in the end I was the one to look away. He grunted then nodded before taking off, a few others following behind. I took a deep breath. "Woah.." I breathed. I didn't fail to notice the warning look mom shot me. "He is hot! And what the hell was that? You were basically fucking!" Josh exasperated earning an incredulous look from me. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied. He was about to open his big mouth again when the announcer began talking again. "Charmer of the Manipulative Wyverns, Eurus Meade!"

A man dressed in fine colourful silk walked in with a smug look. He had short wavy blonde hair that was finely cut just under his ears. His charming forest green eyes scanned the room but his eyes weren't judgemental, like Neil's. They looked like he was finding fresh prey. He was lean but had some muscle to him, evident by the slightly translucent fabrics. His fahsion almost made you forget he was a warlord.

When he reached us I was at a loss for words again. "I-It's a pleasure to meet you." I stuttered, feeling my face heat up. Was I supposed to bow? This was confusing me. All this stress was changing my attitude and I didn't like it. He raised a brow, and his smirk widened. "Cute," he stated before moving along his way. Josh didn't waste a second, hassling me on whatever just happened. Mom sighed but it wasn't one of relief.

"Rian Wicker, Valiant Hero of the Southern dragon tribe!"

We regained our posture and quickly pulled on a smile. The third man walked with metal armor. He looked like a stereotypical knight. His auburn hair was tired into a small ponytail and similar warm hazel eyes found mine. They were steely, almost brooding. He wasn't like the first man, Remus who had an unreadable expression. He marched over, sticking out his hand. Mom took it with a smile. "It is a great honor to have you staying at our hotel," she beamed. He turned to me, scanning me up and down. His gaze softened for a quick second then hardened again and off he went. I wanted to hide my slightly hot face but we still had guests to greet.

By the time we were done I was exhausted.

This is a demo for a concept that popped up in my mind! I don't know if I want to do anything with it but honestly it's up to the response I get. I hope you all enjoyed anyway!!

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