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Waking up was more comfortable then I'd like to admit. Falling asleep was also easier than usual. Normally I'd stay up to dawn thinking. Thinking of nothing in particular, just... pondering.

However this marked the second time I'd fallen asleep so quickly and the common factor was Florence. However, so was alcohol so I couldn't go pinning him as the sole reason. Plus, Remus and Eurus were here.

Yeah, no. That argument was so weak even Remus could've pointed that out.

I sighed, wanting to relish in this surprising comfort but my body had other plans. I felt constricted and hot and just uncomfortable. The heat spread from the top of my head to my lower regions where I concluded that my sudden discomfort was from something I wouldn't even dare to think about.

Seems like something woke up before me..

The thought alone made my skin crawl and jump started the rest of my body, allowing me to shoot up and properly look down. Morning-Fucking-Wood! I hadn't gotten anything of the sort since...

I didn't want to think back any further as the problem at hand seemed to reign in my thoughts. Just standing here in the cold didn't do me any justice.

Morning glory, morning tent, a woodie- whatever the hell people called it nowadays- it was frustrating! And to get it here, alongside my literal enemies was not only foul but also soul-destroying. I hadn't even had the usual 'dream' that comes previous to these mishaps!

Before I could even think of what to do there was a loud groan and the sound of shifting blankets. I froze instead of distracting myself or running. Literally anything would've been better than one of them seeing me in this state. I would've sucker punched whoever it was if it meant I could make an escape.

"Rian?" Remus grumbled as his head popped over the couch. I turned awkwardly and sent him the best death glare I could muster up at the time.

As he craned his neck his ink black curls tumbled over themselves and hung loose over his head. Even in the tiny rays of sunlight his smooth skin still gleamed. His eyes were half closed but that didn't stop his icy blue orbs pinning themselves to me.

Usually the mere mention of his name would make me want to punch a wall but in these weird, recent times I only got slightly annoyed when he looked at me. It was odd and things would be better off if I didn't question it.

"What do you want?" I grumbled out as I did my best  to cover myself. He shuffled around for a bit then released an almost concerned groan.

"Somethings wrong."

My head snapped back to his direction as my entire body was slowly lit aflame. He was standing up now, shirtless and gazing down his sweatpants as he hooked his thumbs around the band and pulled. He was clearly sporting the same problem yet it didn't seem to phase him as much. He was just aimlessly staring down his pants.

I quickly looked around as my mind reeled with all thoughts of things to yell at him. How could he be so fine with this?! I didn't actually see anything but still!

"Fucking-! Put that shit away!" I yelled as my face came to a full boil.

"A-Aren't you going to help?" He stammered out, the thick slap of the band signalling that I was in the clear. His comment only made me spiral further. Surely he wasn't this clueless! "This only happens when I get-"

"No!" I interrupted.

"Or when I have-"


"B-But sometimes at night I get these dreams-"

"Remus just shut your mouth! I don't need to hear it!" I said finally as I felt myself relax from the distraction. "It's normal. Don't worry about it j-just..." I tried backing up as my words failed to find me. I didn't exactly know what to tell him. If he was serious and not pulling my leg then I couldn't just tell him to leave it alone and wait for it to go away! But then I certainly wasn't going to tell him to go 'relieve' himself. "D-Do whatever it is you need to do. Take a cold shower or- or.."

I took a risk and glanced at him only to find the absolute worry on his face. Somehow just a single look sucked all the awkward bits out of this situation.

"It's perfectly normal, Remus. Sometimes it just happens." I explained in the most easy voice I could muster. This entire thing was ridiculous- I shouldn't have to be the one to explain this to him! "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to have a shower in my room."

He opened and closed his lout a few times but with a final frown just nodded.

Remus was always a strange man. He kept to himself and always tried to shroud himself in a cloud of mystery. At first I thought it was purposeful and that he looked almost as pompous as Eurus but recent times have changed my thinking. Remus was an excellent warrior but there were certain... absences when it came to his thoughts on seemingly normal stuff. Suddenly I wasn't put off by his alluding mystery, instead I was becoming... intrigued.

"Call me if he wakes up before I'm back." I grunted out before promptly leaving.


Once I got to my room I quickly showered and freshened up, thankful to whoever that my witch of a grandma was still asleep. I knew for sure she had questions as to what I had been doing for the last twenty four hours. Questions I didn't feel the need to answer, especially not to her.

I made sure to grab my keys and my card before leaving the room. I was more lively and quick to rid my thoughts of today's more recent events. Hopefully Remus wouldn't mention anything about it and save me from future embarrassment.

I planned on making Florence- well, them breakfast. Florence seemed so interested in the fact that I cooked and I let my own insecurities get in the way and shut him down fast. No one had ever really taken an interest to my secret hobby but my mind stupidly assumed he was taking the piss with me. Hopefully this would make up for my small but sudden outburst.

As I walked the hallways I noticed the silence above all else. There were no pesky councilmen, no annoying pleas for Eurus to come out or for one of us to explain what the hell was happening. I'd figured I would've found this reassuring but instead I found it a bit unnerving. Why did they give up so easily? What were they planning?

I wouldn't let myself get sucked into that vortex and instead approached our designated hotel door and knocked the code. Something simple yet highly insisted by Florence and Remus.

I waited patiently- well, to the best of my ability- before trying again. No one answered yet again. Although I had only tried two times I was already fed up with this so I instead knocked hard and loud, completely ditching the code. Surely one of them could've answered by now! There were three of them inside!

Suddenly, the door swung open, an expecting Remus at the other end. He looked almost as disheveled as he did when he first woke up, only seemingly more stressed.

I opened my mouth to speak but a loud groan-like sob sound sent me on high alert as Remus whipped around quickly. "You gotta come quick, Rian." He said hurriedly.

"What's going on? Is everyone okay?" I asked as I basically charged into the room. Gone for less than an hour and shits already happening. There was another sob followed by a obnoxious sneeze.

"It's Florence. Somethings wrong."

Eh, a smaller chapter but a chapter none the less!

I'm back from camping and glad to be writing again! Never in my life have I been more glad to see an outlet and 4g. Before y'all ask, camping was horrible for a number of reasons, mainly because I couldn't reach out to you guys!

Anyways, how did you like the chapter? I honestly adore writing scenes between Remus and Rian because I find them so cute and kinda wholesome!

Now I just gotta work Eurus into the mix..

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