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I tried stabilising myself as much as I could for the sake of Florence but I was simply unable. All my systems were going haywire ever since Florence suggested we slept in. All it took was a simple question with an even simpler answer for Florence to wriggle closer and wrap himself around me.

I hated these once suppressed emotions that Florence both awoke and provoked. It was something I myself was still trying to figure out and hopefully put an end to but for now I had to take care of Florence.

Who, as it turned out, was sick. It was almost scary how my body reacted to his coughs. I truly thought he had some sort of terminal illness and it put me through something worse than my weird rash. It caused a numbness to take place, starting at the crown of my head and slowly spreading downwards. Like a wild forest fire, it consumed every part of me.

My thoughts were put to a swift end as Florence groaned and shuffled. I silently thanked the lords above for waking him up. I had known that Florence was a very heavy sleeper but the minute his head hit my chest he was out like a log. At times I had even convinced myself he was in such a deep sleep that he had forgotten to breathe. I was glad he was awake because that meant more time between us that wasn't just sleeping.

Plus, I wasn't sure how much more I could take with him lying on my like this.

"Mm, good morning," he hummed, eyes still half closed as he rubbed at his left vigorously. He propped himself up with the support of his elbows on my chest, making me squirm a bit.

"It's no longer morning, Florence. In fact we probably should've been up a few hours ago." I corrected, a smirk undeniably making itself known.

He didn't comment, only groan as he sniffled. As if forgotten and just reminded, Florence groaned loudly and without warning flopped back down. I sucked air through my teeth as my lungs worked their way around their sudden smaller capacity.

"Are the others back yet?" He asked with a small cough. I grimaced at the sudden reminder.

When Florence had told me that the others were staying the night I sort of had a small panic. The idea of Florence being all alone with those two made my brain fry. I hadn't the slightest clue on why it affected me so but I was also trying to figure out why Florence made me stop hurting.

But laying here made me think of other things. Instead of constantly looking ahead and thinking of all the possibilities and routes that could take place I was figuring out ways to say sorry.

It was rare a moment like this occurred. A moment in which I had no plan- no carefully constructed apology that would enable Florence and get him back in my good graces. Because, as I've discovered, my methods didn't work on Florence. He was different.

Or maybe I was the one acting different around him?

"Hellooo?" He groaned, waving a hand in my face. I zeroed in on his eyes that hid just barely behind locks of his hair. "Earth to Eurus!" He giggled, tapping me lightly on the head before rolling off me and onto the vacant spot where Remus once was. 

I felt a faint heat brush up against my cheeks as he stood up and I remembered that he was wearing my clothes.

I watched carefully as he covered his forehead with his palm and haunched over with a small groan. "Oh shit.." he muttered before falling not so gracefully back onto me.

Instead of focusing on my now sore arm I sat up on high alert, fussing over him and making sure he didn't hurt himself. "I-It's just a headache- ow, ow.." he sucked a sharp breath in as he clenched his head. I had no idea how to help him because I hadn't gotten one of these colds in years but from what I remember, you needed to stay hydrated.

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