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I was thankfully allowed to use the work phone and managed to call mom for a ride. I thanked Gus, the current manager on shift before making my way to the parking lot where I waited for a familiar car to pull up.

I sat down on a public bench and watched as a black SUV pulled up right next to me. I panicked just the tiniest bit and shot up from my seat.

A man got out and I recognised him as one of Neil's bodyguards which put me at ease, but the fact that Neil was approaching me didn't make my anxiety any better. The man himself stepped out wearing a neck brace and a limp to match. I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands over my chest. I was positive his fall wasn't that bad.

"Florence, you are just the person I was looking for," he greeted while swatting away his bodyguard. I tried to refrain from frowning but I nearly had a stroke doing so. "I'm glad you're okay. I heard about your little fall," I said, eyeing off his neck brace. He readjusted it and cleared his throat. "Yes. It was quite traumatic. Anyway, a little birdie told me you've spent an evening with both Eurus and Rian." He hummed, giving me that smug look he always likes to wear. I'd usually reply with something witty but I got the feeling this was a serious matter.

"Y-Yeah. I guess they have a thing for hanging out with me." I remarked. He let out a boisterous laugh that somehow made me a little more insecure. "Don't flatter yourself. They don't hang out with people like you. They gain connections through you to people like me." He said with a small snicker. "Now, I suggest you disassociate yourself with them. They're powerful men who don't want anything to do with you."

I wasn't going to lie, they were menacing and kind of scary but having some sort of new attention felt nice. That's normal, right? Normally his words didn't affect me that much but his words cut deep this time and I was left speechless. He was triumphant this time, and he could tell by that shit eating grin he had on. "Sir, you're about to be late for that conference with Evolve." His body guarded chimed in. He made a gruff noise before spinning on his heel and headed towards the hotel.

Another vehicle pulled up and thankfully it wasn't someone I wasn't expecting. Mom opened the door for me with a frown and I instantly knew she had questions. "Where the hell where you last night, Florence?!" She questioned. I bit my lower lip. Yeah, she was totally pissed off at me. "Eurus tried to take me home but he wasn't able to get inside, and apparently you were asleep." I said in one quick breath. The slight twitch in her eye told me she wasn't pleased with my answer. "And then what happened?" She pressed further. "And then nothing?"

"Florence Baker!"

"Jeez, calm down. He took me to his hotel room."

She groaned loudly. She was silent which was another sign she was more tired than she was angry which. "Your grey hairs are showing," I joked in a pathetic attempt to lighten the mood. "Do you not hear yourself, Flo? It was bad enough he invited us to this party, but taking you to his hotel room? People are going to talk." She carried on. "Attention from these people aren't good." I sunk back into the car seat and blew out a lungful of air. Why did everyone care that they were noticing me?

"All Eurus did was invite us to a party. A lavish one. We should be thankful." I grumbled, just as we pulled up our driveway. "I am thankful! It's just your father always talked about those Wyverns. They'll do anything so that we're in debt to them. Right now, we're in debt." She ranted. "He didn't have to pay for our stuff, but he did. He didn't have to take you in, but he did. He didn't need to pay attention to you, yet here we are."

I made a frustrated groan and unbuckled myself. This paired with my conversation with Neil wasn't helping my self-esteem at all. Here I was beginning to think they just simply wanted to talk to me but apparently others saw it different. It made me question my own logic. Was I even thinking right? Maybe I was delusional for thinking they wanted to be buddy buddy with me.

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