The Final Battle (Part 1)

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"What was that??!!" Tiifu shouted in fear.
"UUHH GUYS!!!" Bunga shouts.
"Not now Bunga!" Fuli said.
"GUYS!!!!" Bunga shouts even louder.
"WHAT????!!!!" Everyone shouts.
"EVERYONE SPLIT UP!!" Kion shouts.
All of the heroes go their separate ways while Uhuru ran to the tree of life.
"I sensed that energy before, But wh- GIZA!!" Uhuru shouts.
"Well well well, Look who it is...." Giza said with hatred
"I should of known you would of come back!" Uhuru said with anger!
"Seems you were right again Huh??" Giza asks in a calm tone.
"I would kill you now!!" Uhuru shouts.
"You can't kill me....." Giza says.
"WHY NOT??!!" Uhuru shouts in pure rage.
"Because, Ever since you met your family and friends, Even your wife, You became more soft and careful, But before you met anyone else, You were a ruthless killing machine, Face it, You are too soft to kill me now......" Giza mockingly said.
"You sure about that??" Uhuru asks Giza with a smirk.
"Even if you did kill me, What would your friends and family think of you?, A murderer, A monster?" Giza said with an evil grin.
"MAYBE BOTH!!" Uhuru turns into his Super Form swatting Giza through 40 trees.
"HOW DARE YOU!!" Giza goes full power but it still not enough to beat Uhuru.
"Your full power is still no match for me..." Uhuru calmly spoke.
"GRR, I WILL DESTR-....GWWAAAHHH!!!" A sudden blade of green energy was forcefully pierced through Giza's heart costing his life...
"Damn It....." The last spoken words of Giza were released into the cooling air combined with the deadly toxins of the ash of the rising flames...
???: Hehe, What a weakling....
"Who are you??!!" Uhuru asked shocked at the immense total power of this new guy.....
???: The name's Mzuka (Ghost in Swahili)
"What do you want??!!" Uhuru shouts.
"I know you were watching us in the cave...." Mzuka speaks with a calm tone.
"What do you m-.....You were the other person with that huge power!" Uhuru figures it out at the right time...
"Correct, Seems you are smarter than you look...." Mzuka says with a menacing smirk...
"So you are the boss!" Uhuru shouts.
"Me?, Well, You're wrong, I'm not the boss, The boss is way way way WAY more powerful than me, And I'm stronger than you, You can never win" Mzuka laughs whilst speaking.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Uhuru goes full power in his super form.
"Heh, Not enough......" Mzuka goes full power and Uhuru senses unbelievable power resonating from Mzuka......

" Mzuka goes full power and Uhuru senses unbelievable power resonating from Mzuka

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"You are no match for me....." Mzuka says with such confidence.
Meanwhile, Everyone else regroups but doesn't see Uhuru.
"Where is Uhuru?!" Beshte shouts.
"Wasn't he with you?!" Nala says.
"No, He went off on his own!" Kiara says.
Aina's mind: Where are you Uhuru?? 😖🥺😭
"He has to be around here somewhere!!" Kion shouts.
"But where, He could be all ar-...." Kovu was cut off because a sudden mass of power was felt, All of them felt the massive energy coming from the centre of the forest.
"That power...." Zuri said in fear.
"Wait, I SEE UHURU!!, HE IS FIGHTING GIZA!!" Ono shouts.
"Everyone!, Go!!" All of the heroes ran off towards the centre to help Uhuru.
"You sure we can help Kion?, Me and Zuri are not that powerful..." Tiifu says worriedly...
"Don't worry, We just need to give Uhuru some back up!" Kion says making her cheer up.
Back with Mzuka and Uhuru
"Damn, Gotta admit, My super form isn't even enough...." Uhuru says with a cocky smirk.
"Heh, Seems you are corr-...." Mzuka is cut off by Bunga and the others.
"Stop right there Giza!" Kion shouts.
"What are you guys doing here??" Uhuru says.
"Uhuru, Your hurt!" Rani says worriedly.
Everyone was shocked how hurt Uhuru was, He was bleeding everywhere and had many bruises....

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