Old Enemy....

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"This is the lion who killed Basura??!!" Keeno shouts.
???: Yes it was me
"Who are you??!!" Nala shouts.
???: The name is Utando (Gloom in Swahili)

(This is Utando)"You are Uhuru's old enemy??" Bunga asks

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(This is Utando)
"You are Uhuru's old enemy??" Bunga asks.
"Yes I am...." Utando speaks.
"Why are you here Utando??" Uhuru speaks with anger.
"Ahh....Uhuru, So good to see you, 'Old Friend'...." Utando spits out the last two words with a hint of disgust.
"We were never friends...." Uhuru shows an expression of anger towards the blue lion.
"Listen, You can leave peacefully on one occasion...." The blue lion speaks.
"What is the occasion?" Matumaini asks.
"Give me Uhuru......" The blue lion says with a smirk.
"We will NE-..." Halo is cut off by Uhuru.
"Take me, Leave them alone...." Uhuru says with a hidden smirk.
"UHURU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!" Keeno shouts.
"Relax, This will work out fine..." Uhuru says with a smile.
"Good, Come here Uhuru...." Utando says with an evil smirk.
"I'm here, Now what??" Uhuru asks.
"You must obey me....." Utando says with an evil smirk.
"Hmm.. How about.....THIS!!!" Uhuru tackles Utando making the others fight again.
"I should of known it was one of your tricks...." Utando says with pure anger.
"I don't fall to scum very easily..." Utando became enraged at the insult.
"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE RUNT!!!" The two powerful lions clash.
Meanwhile, At Vreace Temple...
"I hope they are ok...." Heri says...
"I do too, I can sense the enemy army too you know...." Furaha says.
"I know, But that male lion I sense, He must be the leader..." Heri says with a worried expression.
"That's Utando...." Furaha says with an expression of anger.
"You know him??" Heri asks the young guard.
"I do, Remember Basura??" He replies.
"Yeah, I heard she was Uhuru's guardian when he was young, What about her??" Heri asks him.
"Utando attacked the temple when Uhuru was a kid and killed Basura in front of his eyes....." Furaha speaks with sadness.
"Poor Uhuru...." Heri says with a tear.
"He never got over it, Not even now...." Furaha says.
"Why?? Shouldn't he have moved on by now?" Heri asks.
"No, When Basura took him right after he was born, She always looked after Uhuru, Basura was the only parent Uhuru had back then, Until Utando took her life, Uhuru was never the same after that fateful day...." Furaha speaks with a tear.
"That's so sad...." Heri says releasing more tears.
"It is, Basura meant so much to Uhuru, She was like his mother back then, But Utando had to take her from Uhuru........" Furaha says with anger.
"I hope Uhuru can beat Utando, He can avenge her!" Heri says with optimism.
"I hope so Heri, I hope so...." Furaha's voice echoes with a smooth fluency in the oxygen-filled atmosphere.
Back at the tree of life.....
"Master!! We must retreat!!" Zira yells.
"I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME UHURU, MARK MY WORDS, I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" Utando booms whilst running off with his army.
"Is everyone ok?" Halo asks.
"I'm good...." Keeno says.
"So are we" Everyone else speaks with reassurance.
"That was a tough battle...." Kion speaks up.
"It sure was...." Uhuru says with a chilling tone.
"Uhuru, Are you ok?" Rani asks her brother in law.
"I never thought I would see that bastard ever again...." Uhuru grits his teeth saying that.
"It's ok, He's gone now big bro" Kiara says with a big smile.
"And besides, If he does come back for you, We are here for you all the way Uhuru." Keeno says to his best friend.
"Thanks guys, That means a lot." Uhuru says with a smile.
"Well then, Guess the "peace and quiet" is gone once again...." Kion says with anger.
"Yeah, Now we have to deal with Ulandi, Uranto, Whatever his name is...." Bunga says.
"It's Utando...." Uhuru says with pure hatred.
"Shh, It's ok....." Aina nuzzles her mate to try and comfort him.
"Thanks Aina." Uhuru licks Aina's cheek.
"Anything for my king...." Aina says with a giggle.
"Anyway, We need to think of a plan if Utando comes back..." Vitani speaks up.
"Leave Utando to me...." Uhuru says.
"Are you crazy??!! You sensed his power!!, He is too pow-..." Uhuru cuts Kopa off.
"He is my issue, My responsibility, You don't need to get involved with something like this if you don't want to lil bro....." Uhuru speaks with a calm expression.
"But that's why we are here, To help you Uhuru...." Rani says with concern in her voice.
"I know b-.." Halo cuts Uhuru off.
"Listen Uhuru, I know you want to kill him since he murdered Basura in front of your eyes, But we are your friends and family, We help each other no matter what, Right?" Halo says with a smile.
"Yes, I get that, But what if you die?" Uhuru asks with concern.
"If we die, We make sure Utando dies with us!" Matumaini says.
"Tayno Rooka Leano...." Uhuru says making everyone confused.
"What does that mean?" Baliyo asks.
"It's my catchphrase, It means 'We protect each other to the very end'..." Uhuru explains.
"Very good use of the catchphrase too Uhuru." Kion gives his older brother a smile.
"Thanks Kion, Anyway, What's the plan?" Uhuru asks everyone.
"We will need to train first of all...." Simba says with a serious face.
"Agreed, You guys may be strong, But at your current states, You won't do much...." Uhuru speaks.
"I'm gonna train Fuli and the lion guard." Halo says.
"I'll train Vitani's lion guard..." Zeena says.
"I'll train the night pride." Hasaki says.
"I'll train the pride lands." Keeno speaks.
"I'll train the hyena clan." Mzuri says.
"Who will you train Uhuru?" Kiara asks.
"I'll train my mate and my siblings as well as my parents and the jungle clan too." Uhuru says with a smile.
"YAYY!!!" Kiara yells with excitement.
"Well then, Should we get started on the training?" Bunga asks.
"You do know this training will be tough..." Keeno says with an evil smirk.
"How tough?" Zuri asks worriedly.
"Not that tough, Only a few bones broken and some dislocations but not that tough...." Uhuru chuckles evilly.
The others gulp, They will not enjoy this training......


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