The Fight (Part 1)

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Everyone brought Uhuru to the Tree of Life to heal his wound.
"Place him on that flat stone *points to the stone*" Nirmala requested.
"Here you go Uhuru *places him down*" Beshte said
"You are lucky I don't make any noise of pain, I'm not like Bunga." Uhuru replied.
"Hey!!" Bunga said upset.
"He is right though." Anga said.
"You guys are mean...." Bunga said with a grumpy face.
"Heh heh, Anyway, How do you feel Uhuru?" Nala asked.
"Like all my bones have been broken." He replied.
"Sorry we couldn't make it earlier bro." Kovu said.
"Don't sweat it, At least Heri made it in time." Uhuru replied.
"Yeah, I wish I was stronger, I could of helped you."
Heri said in guilt.
"Don't worry, You helped us a lot, You should be proud." Nala said reassuring Heri.
"Thank you Nala." She replied happily.
"Papa, You gwonna be okay?" Mwitu asked worriedly.
"I will be okay, Now go with your mama." Uhuru said to them.
"Okway, Bwye papa!" Meisha, Aibu & Mwitu say
"They act just like you." Nala says.
"I know they do, But they can't do it forever." Uhuru says.
"You ok big bro?" Kiara asked Uhuru looking at his wound.
"I will be fine Kiara, Don't worry." Uhuru said with a smile.
"I hope so." Kiara said nuzzling her big brother.
"Uhuru, You must relax...." Nirmala said calmly.
"How can I be calm if there is someone trying to steal my kids?!" Uhuru asked with a face of anger.
"I understand how you feel, But you have the rarest mark ever, Use this power to protect your wife and children....." Nirmala said with a smile.
"Or you can obtain the super form." Rafiki's said out of nowhere.
"Super form??" Everyone asked in confusion.
"The super form was obtained by the great lion king of the past, Ventus, He obtained the super form by being pure of heart and awakened the super form by rage, Maybe you can try that too." Rafiki answered.
"I can unlock it by rage huh?" Uhuru asked.
"Yes, And you are Pure of Heart so this should work." Rafiki answered Uhuru.
"But how do I get angry?" Uhuru questioned Rafiki.
"By thinking of something that makes you so angry you feel unstoppable." Rafiki said.
Uhuru thinks of Giza and starts to get angrier and angrier until a bright yellow aura appears around Uhuru but nothing else changes.

Uhuru thinks of Giza and starts to get angrier and angrier until a bright yellow aura appears around Uhuru but nothing else changes

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"Uhuru's power sky rocketed!" Everyone else was in shock but Rafiki shook his head.
"What's wrong Rafiki?" Uhuru asked.
"It seems you have the incomplete form right now, But don't worry, You can obtain the mastered form soon." Rafiki said before walking away.
Uhuru's mind: This power I got is tremendous, But this is incomplete, Meaning the true form is way stronger than this.
"Dang Uhuru, Your strength increased drastically" Kion said in amazement.
"I noticed that as well, Seems I'm stronger than you now, Heheheh........" Uhuru said in pure cockiness which made Kion pout.
"Yeah whatever....." Kion said upset he wasn't that strong.
"My little boy has grown up so much...." Nala said with a tear of happiness.
"Don't cry mom....." Uhuru said hugging his mother.
"Wow Uhuru, I can't believe you are the same person I loved long ago, You are so strong 🥰" Aina spoke while blushing which made Uhuru laugh.
"Seems your Uhuru has gotten strong....." Uhuru responded with a chuckle.
"Indeed he has....." A voice everyone recognised as only one person.
"What are you doing here?!" Zuri shouted at the shadow figure.
"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate Uhuru on his power, But, It is nothing compared to mine....." Giza starts to power up which made everyone fear his power, Even Uhuru was a bit shocked.

" Giza starts to power up which made everyone fear his power, Even Uhuru was a bit shocked

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"Come and face me now weaklings......" Giza said with impatience.
The two lion guards along with the night pride charged at Giza but to no avail, They didn't land a scratch on him only to be knocked out......
"Attack!" The rest of the remaining fighters charged, But, Same as the others, They fail as well, All that was left was Uhuru.
"Just you and me now, 'King'......." Giza spoke with no emotion.
"HHHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Uhuru tried his best to fight Giza head on but it wasn't working, And Uhuru knew Giza was only using about half his power........
"You see the gap between us, You may have quantity, BUT I HAVE QUALITY!!!!!" Giza swiped Uhuru's face so hard that Uhuru was sent twirling towards the temple.
"Gaahhh....." Uhuru spits out some blood from the punch's impact.
"Now you realise the true extent of my power, And I have seen yours, So you now realise that your doom is inevitable, After I kill you, I might murderer your precious Aina next, Or maybe your parents, Or maybe even your siblings, Wait, I know, What about your children?" Giza said laughing like a maniac.
When Uhuru heard this, His power was blasting way above Giza's 50% which made him hurl backwards from the shockwaves.
"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE???!!!" Giza yelled in anger.
"That's simple......" Uhuru spoke but Giza couldn't see him.
"SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!!!!" Giza demanded.
"Why should I, It's not like me to show myself to weaklings....." This made Giza mad beyond comprehension.
"ILL SHOW YOU WEAKLING!!!!!" Giza charged up a blast but he gets swatted away.
"HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL!!!!" Giza had enough and starts blasting energy spheres in every single direction causing mass destruction.
"Enough of this insolence......." Uhuru said before swatting Giza across his face leaving a huge scar across his cheek to his mouth.
Giza had enough and powered up to full power but this didn't faze Uhuru at all, In fact, Uhuru wanted this, He wants to fight Giza at full power even though he will win.
"SEE MY POWER!!!!!, I AM FAR SUPERIOR THAN YOU!!!!!!!" Giza yells in anger but out of nowhere, He gets sent flying by massive shockwaves because of Uhuru powering up to full power and revealing himself to Giza.
"I-I-Impossible........" Giza said in shock.
"The legend is true, I have obtained this great form and I shall use it........To destroy you.............Giza............" Uhuru spoke.

Sorry it took so long but I took a break from Wattpad for a while
This ends on an old fashioned CLIFFHANGER
See ya next time 😃

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