The Return

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Uhuru, Aina and the rest of the friends walk to the tree of life, Much to their surprise, They get stopped by the Night/Day Pride immediately.
"Who are you??!!" Bunga shouts.
"Woah, Relax guys..." Uhuru steps forward.
"Uhuru!" Kion runs up and hugs his big brother.
"Guys, This is Kion, My lil bro, Kion, These are my cubhood friends" Uhuru speaks with a smile.
"So you are Kion??" Zeena asks.
"Yes I am." Kion says with a genuine smile.
"You seem strong, How about a lil sparring match...." Hasaki asks.
"Umm...." Kion speaks.
"Not now Hasaki...." Uhuru says with boredom in his voice.
"You're no fun Uhuru...." Hasaki says with a pout.
"Sorry about that, Can they see the tree of life?" Uhuru asks.
"Sure, Any friend of yours is welcome here Uhuru." Nirmala says with a smile.
"Thank you, Let's go guys!" Uhuru says running towards the tree of life.
"Wait for us!!" The rest say following close behind.
The group run to the tree of life perimeters to see beautiful landscapes.
"This place is amazing." Keeno says with shock.
"We have to meet the queen." Kion says.
"Rani?" Uhuru asks.
"Yes." Kion says before running to his mate.
Sapphire's mind: Rani?? That name is familiar, And those brown lions seemed familiar too, I wonder why??
"You okay Sapph?" Keeno asks.
"Yes, I am." She says with a genuine smile.
"Good, Let's go!!" Keeno shouts making everyone follow Kion.
"Time for you guys to meet Rani." Bunga says.
"Rani is the name of the queen??" Zeena asks.
"Yep." Ono says.
"Not gonna lie, This place is amazing." Hasaki says.
"I know right, What do you think Mzuri??" Halo asks.
"It sure is beautiful." She replies.
"We can talk about the scenery later, Let's get going!" Uhuru says.
After many minutes of running, They reached the tree of life which held a meeting of all the animals.
"I know it has been peaceful for a couple of hours, But we stopped the threat!" Rani says making the animals cheer.
"You sure did." Uhuru says.
"Hello Uhuru, How are you today?" Rani asks her older brother in law.
"I'm good, I brought some friends to explore the tree of life." He replies.
"Who are these friends?" Rani asks curiously.
"My cubhood friends, Introduce yourselves guys." Uhuru says moving out the way.
"Hello there, I'm Halo!" The cheetah speaks with pure joy.
"I'm Mzuri, Nice to meet you." The hyena says with a smile.
"I'm Keeno, Uhuru's best friend." He says with a smile.
"I'm Hasaki, Nice to meet you Queen Rani." The young female lion says bowing down.
"Hello, I'm Zeena, Hasaki's older sister, Nice to meet you, Your majesty." The female says bowing down like her younger sister.
"And I'm Sapphire, Nice to meet you." She says with a smile.
"You look a lot like me, Are you from here or something?" Rani asks Sapphire.
"I remember being born here, My parents were King Sahasi and Queen Ananda." As soon as she said that, A dead silence filled the air.
"Those are my parents!!!" Rani says in shock.
"??!!" It all clicked to Sapphire, This young lioness she was facing was her little sister.
"W-What??" Sapphire asks.
"Their my parents too....which means your my-.." Rani gets cut off by Sapphire.
"I'm your older sister then!" Sapphire says jumping around in joy.
Both girls squeal with delight.
"I did not expect this..." Kion says.
"Neither did I....." Uhuru speaks.
"Can you two stop squealing??" Baliyo said covering his ears.
"Sorry about that Baliyo....." Rani says with nervous laughter.
"Relax lil sis, Uhuru?" Sapphire says.
"Yeah, What do you want Sapph?" Uhuru asks the younger lioness.
"Do you think Halo can reveal her secret too?" Sapphire asks.
"What secret?" Uhuru asks looking at Halo.
"That I'm Fuli's older sister....." Everyone else besides Sapphire was aw-struck at this information.
"Two shocking secrets revealed in one day......" Keeno says aw-struck.
"We can explore a bit more then we will go to the jungle...." Aina says.
Suddenly, Out of nowhere, Ullu came crashing down from the sky in pain.
"Ullu!!!" Everyone besides Aina, Uhuru and his friends shout.
"Ullu?" Uhuru asks walking up to her.
"Guys.......She's back......." Ullu speaks.
"Who is??!!" Kion shouts.
"Zira......." Ullu speaks before falling unconscious.
"No way....." Bunga speaks.
"Yes......I am back......" Zira says walking in front of the Tree of Life with a ginormous army of lions.
"What do you want Zira??!!" Kion shouts.
"Simple, TO KILL YOU!!" Zira shouts.
"Woah, Relax, Don't start fights you can't win." Uhuru says.
"Who the hell are you??!!" One of Zira's lion speak.
"The first son of Simba, Uhuru......." The lions become a bit frightened as Zira backs up in pure shock.
"Y-You are real....." Zira speaks in pure shock.
"Indeed I am, And I heard about you before, You're Zira correct?" Uhuru asks the dark lioness.
"Yes I am....." Zira speaks with pure anger.
"No need to get angry tiger......" Uhuru mocks her with a chuckle.
"Are you mocking me?? ME??!!" Zira rushes in and tackles Uhuru.
"UHURU!!" The heroes shout.
"GET THEM!!!" The rogue lions and lionesses charge at the heroes.
"Time to whoop some butt!!!" Bunga charges in.
"CHARGE!!!!" The rest of the good animals charge in towards the evil army.
It was an intense clash, Many wounds, Lots of blood, A variety of permanent scars and scratches, This will be a gruesome war.....
"THERE'S TOO MANY!!!" Kion yells.
"KEEP FIGHTING!!!" Halo shouts.
"How are their so many of them??!!" Sapphire shouts.
"We need reinforcements your majesties!!" Beshte shouts in fear and anger.
"Ono!! Get the Jungle Clan and the Pride Landers here!!!" Fuli shouts.
"Affirmative!!!" Ono sneaks past the enemy lines and flies off to gain their allies.
"It's over....." Zira says looking at Uhuru.
"Well, Tigers do have that attitude so I guess it's natural....." Uhuru speaks with a tiny smirk.
"WHAT WAS THAT??!!" Zira yells in anger.
"Aww, What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Uhuru says whilst releasing his intoxicating laughs of joy.
"HOW DARE YOU MOCK THE MATE OF SCAR!!!!" Zira raises her claw but Uhuru pushes her off easily.
"Hmph, Didn't think I needed to use this...." Uhuru speaks with an unsatisfied face.
"What the??!!" Zira shouts.
Everyone feels the air release more pressure than before, And all of the animals locate the source to Uhuru who was now in his super form....

Everyone feels the air release more pressure than before, And all of the animals locate the source to Uhuru who was now in his super form

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"Th-That's impossible...." One of Zira's lions said in fear.
"Don't be cowards!! REMEMBER WHO WE ARE FIGHTING FOR!!!" Zira screams to motivate her army which successfully worked.
"GET THEM!!" One of Zira's lions yell in determination.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Simba says from
behind the battle appearing with the Pride Landers.
"Dad!!" Kion shouts.
"Dad's right you know...." Kopa appears with Vitani and the Jungle Clan.
"Well.....Hello Simba...." Zira spits out the last bit in disgust.
"Zira??!!" Nala says in pure shock that she is alive.
"Nala......" Zira speaks.
"How are you alive??!!, You threw yourself in the ravine!!" Simba shouts in anger.
"I just got lucky I guess....." Zira snarls at Simba.
"But you would of been dead..." Vitani speaks with worry in her voice.
"My master saved me......" Zira says with a smirk.
"Who is your master Zira, ANSWER ME!!" Simba booms in pure rage.
"I mean, He is standing right behind you....." Zira says with a chuckle.
"Huh?" Simba turns around and much to his demise, He gets a paw straight to the face sending him flying towards the middle of the battlefield.
"DAD!!!" Kopa, Kiara and Kion yell.
"SIMBA!!" Everyone else besides Zira and her army yell in fear.
Luckily, Uhuru was quick and jumped into the air and caught his father.
"Dad??, You ok?" Uhuru says helping his father up.
"Yeah, I'm fine Uhuru." Simba says with a reassuring smile towards his first Son.
"Master, You are finally here..." Zira and her army bow down.
???: So this is King Simba......
"Yes I am...." Simba says with pure fearlessness.
"Who are you?!" Nala shouts.
???: Oh pardon me, Allow me to introduce myself.
The figure steps out of the shadow and Uhuru became shocked and a bit scared...
"Now, Tell us your n-.." Uhuru stopped Simba.
"Dad, Don't do it...." Uhuru says.
"Why not??!! HE WORKS WITH ZIRA!" Simba yells at his son.
"I know that lion...." Uhuru says.
"You do??" Simba asks in curiosity.
"He is the one who killed Basura....." A dead silence filled the air with shocked and fearful face expressions.....


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