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"You....." Uhuru says.
???: Why hello again, Uhuru..
"Zira....." Uhuru speaks.
"What are you doing out here?, I thought you had your friends....." Zira chuckles.
"I do, But I told them t-." Zira cuts Uhuru off.
"To go on without you?, Oh dear....,That will cost you...." Zira laughs.
"What do you want from me Zira?" Uhuru asks.
???: Your demise....
"Utando....." Uhuru slowly embraces his rage once more.
"Seems we caught you at a good time....." Utando smirks.
"Let me guess, You want me dead?" Uhuru chuckles.
"Yes....." Utando smirks evilly.
"Hahahahaha........" Uhuru dies of laughter.
"What's so funny??!!" One of the lions ask.
"You think you can kill me?, THAT'S HYSTERICAL!" Uhuru continues his contagious laughter.
"Get him....." Utando walks off.
"ATTACK!!" Zira yells.
"GOTCHA!!" A lioness yells clawing Uhuru's side where Giza got him.
"AARRGGHH!!" Uhuru throws the lions and lionesses off of him.
"You're not done yet..." Another lioness bites Uhuru's leg.
"Damn it....." Uhuru gets the lioness off of him and runs off.
"I gotta get out of here!" Uhuru whispers to himself.
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" A lioness jumps on Uhuru clawing him.
"Get off!" Uhuru kicks the lioness in the jaw.
"Damn you!, Benky!, Get him!!" The lioness speaks to her friend.
"I got him!!!" The lion tackles Uhuru.
"Take this!!" Uhuru bites Benky's side and leg.
"Nice try!" Benky slashes Uhuru's right shoulder and chest.
"Move out of my way!" Uhuru pushes Benky away and continues to run.
"Get him Crenta!!" Zira shouts to one of her best lionesses.
"I GOT HIM ZIRA!!" Crenta slashes at Uhuru's back multiple times.
"Grr!!" Uhuru slashes Crenta's eye.
"DAMN YOU!!" Crenta backs off putting her paw to her eye.
Uhuru runs around the corner to see a blocked river full of rocks to climb up.
"I need to get out of here, A-Argh....." Uhuru feels heavy pain from all his wounds.
"THERE HE IS!" Uhuru sees the army closing in.
"Gotta go now!" Uhuru attempts to climb up the blocked river.
"Where do you think you're going?" Zira's best lion says with a menacing chuckle.
"GET HIM SLOOK!!, GET HIM!!" Zira yells.
"HAHAHA!!" Slook digs his claws extremely deep into Uhuru's left back leg.
"GGGAARRGGHH!!!" Uhuru feels instant pain.
"This is your doom....." Slook chuckles.
"No, It will be yours!!" Uhuru tries to kick Slook off.
"That won't work!" Slook's claws go deeper inside.
"AARRGGHH!!!" Uhuru's pain inscreases.
"See!, I AM DOING THIS FOR ZIRA!!" Slook shouts.
"You won't kill me!" Uhuru says.
"Oh, But I will....., This is my moment of triumph and victory!!" Slook raises his paw to finish Uhuru once and for all.
"Maybe if you were as good as me, You would not have let your paw go!!" Uhuru kicks Slook down the rock wall of the blocked river.
"SLOOK!!" Zira says in worry.
"Aarrgghh....." Slook barely survived the 46 foot drop.
"I need to get out of here before I become dead meat....." Uhuru whispers whilst climbing up.
"GET HIM, ALL OF YOU!!!, GET HIM!!!" Zira runs and starts climbing.
"We will help Slook...." Two lionesses and three lions came to help Slook.
"Ok, NOW GET HIM!!!" The rest of the army starts climbing one by one.
"Damn it, I gotta climb faster....." Uhuru whispers before continuing to ascend the blocked sharp rock covered river.
Meanwhile with the group.
"Thank god Kion is ok...." Kiara says.
"I know Kiara, He is safe now...." Kopa says.
"Anyone seen Uhuru?" Vitani asks.
"He said he needed to clear his head." Rani answers.
"Oh ok, It doesn't usually take him this long to clear his head." Nala speaks.
"Maybe it's because of all the drama with Giza, Mzuka and now the person who killed his mother figure from back then, Can you blame him for taking a while?" Tiifu says.
"Tiifu has a point, All of this has effected Uhuru mentally, Physically and emotionally, Poor Uhuru...." Zuri says with a sad face.
"Yeah, Uhuru doesn't deserve this, He deserves better!" Kovu shouts.
"I agree with Kovu, My big brother deserves better than this, He doesn't need all this cubhood drama...." Kiara says.
"Besides that, Uhuru has us now, But I'm pretty sure he misses Basura....." Simba says with a sad expression.
"He does, He wishes he was stronger back then to fight Utando, But life is not always fair....." Sapphire says.
"I hope Uhuru is ok....." Aina says.
"He will be, He is Uhuru after all...." Kopa says trying to cheer her up.
"You're right, It's just he always gets hurt....." Aina says sadly.
"He does it to protect us....." Kiara says.
"Yeah, He's so heroic." Aina smiles thinking about him.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he's just clearing his mind." Simba says to her daughter in law.
"Yeah, I hope so...." Aina's voice echoes through the windy breeze.
Back to the ambush.....
"I ALMOST GOT THE RUNT!!" A random lioness yells trying to grab Uhuru's right hind leg.
"Just a bit higher...." Uhuru whispers in pain.
"HE'S GETTING AWAY!!" One of Zira's lions start to climb faster and faster.
"They're right on my tail, Time for plan B...." Uhuru starts to push the rocks causing them to fall.
"What's he doing??" The army look at Uhuru including Zira.
"HEY ZIRA!!!" Uhuru yells at the top of his lungs.
"What??!!" Zira asks in anger.
"TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE!!!" Uhuru pushes one more rock down causing the water to burst through the blockage.
"Oh no......" One lion says.
"RUN!!!!" A lioness yells.
"DAMN YOU UHURU!!!, MY MASTER WILL KILL YOU!!!" Uhuru stops Zira for a moment.
"ALSO, ZIRA!" Uhuru shouts.
"WHAT!!" Zira screams.
"TELL UTANDO I SAID BYE!!" The water starts to flow faster and faster towards the army.
"BOSS!, IT'S TOO FAST!!!" One of Zira's lions yell.
"KEEP RUNNING!!" Zira booms.
"UUHH, BOSS!!!!" Benky says.
"WHAT??!!" Zira loses her patience.
"THE WATER IS RIGHT BEHIND US!!" The water slowly devoured the entire army including Zira.
"That takes care of them, Now I'm almost....there!" Uhuru gets to the top of the rock wall.
Uhuru's mind: This pain is unbearable, I have scars scratches and wounds all over me, I can't handle this pain at all, I might pass out, But I need to get back, I remember the way.....
Back to the group.
"I'm starting to get worried now...." Kion says.
"Me too, Uhuru should not take this long....." Nala says worriedly.
"Pleass be safe Uhuru....." Aina whispers to herself with worry.
"Maybe me and my guard can go look for him?" Vitani suggests.
"Good idea, Maybe we can find him that way, Where did you see him last Rani?" Nala asks.
"We saw him in the south of the Forest of Blinturn or Slither, I can't remember what it's called...." Rani says.
"You mean the Forest of Vlintrush?" Keeno corrects Rani's error.
"Yeah, We were in the south." Rani continues.
"Maybe he is still near there?" Kopa says.
"Maybe, It's a possibility but it's all we got so far." Kovu speaks.
"Hmm??" Zuri says.
"What is it Zuri?" Tiifu asks her best friend.
"I see something moving over there?" The rest of the group look to see a familiar lion.
"Is that...." Kiara starts.


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