The Final Battle (Part 3)

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The fire grows bigger and bigger the more Uhuru's and Mzuka's attacks collide causing devastating damage.........
"THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!" Baliyo shouts.
"UHURU, STOP!!!" Aina shouts.
"Hmph...." Uhuru heard Aina and stops his own attack and swats Mzuka's attack away.
"Damn you....." Mzuka whispers looking at the ground.
"Why are you guys still here??" Uhuru asked.
"How could you!!" Aina runs and slaps him.
"??!!" Everyone else was shocked.
"What was that for??" Uhuru asks his mate.
"How could you do this??!! You know I love you!" Aina forms tears.
"I know, B-....." Uhuru was cut off.
"But what??!! I can't lose you again...." Aina cries into Uhuru's mane.
"I'm sorry B- GUYS LOOK OUT!!" Uhuru shouts looking at the trees fall on top of the others.
"MOVE!!" All of them jump backwards and get blocked by the trees.
"Heh Heh....." Mzuka stands up and shoots an energy beam through Aina's heart once again but this time, Costing her life.
"I-I love you Uhuru......" Aina falls to the ground embracing death.
Uhuru's eyes form tears and he starts crying holding Aina.
"Aina......." Uhuru cries holding her.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Mzuka has finally lost his sanity...
"H-How dare you......." Uhuru speaks.
"What's wrong, Can't take losses??" Mzuka says.
"I will kill you....." Uhuru says while the ground starts to rumble violently.
"??!!" Mzuka could feel the power from Uhuru.....
"I will kill you..." Uhuru says even louder...
"Hold up, We can talk about this right??" Mzuka backed up terrified.
"I will kill you." Uhuru speaks once more.
"Wait, You don't have to do this!" Mzuka shouts.
"I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" Uhuru yells with rage going to 200% in the orange form.
"GGRR!!" Mzuka gets pushed back by the blasting wind.
"Time to die!" Uhuru says with pure anger.
"Uh oh...." Mzuka gulps.
Uhuru charges at Mzuka and starts to beat the crap out of him, Meanwhile with the others.
"Damn it!" Simba shouts.
"Hope Aina and Uhuru are ok." Nala speaks extremely worried
"Kion, Use the roar!" Bunga shouts.
"Oh yeah!!" Kion says before using the roar of the elders once again.
"It worked!!" Tiifu shouts.
"Why are there so many evil people now??" Zuri asks.
"I don't know, But we must help Uhuru...." Nala says worriedly.
"Mom is right, We have to help my brother" Kopa says.
"Then let's go!!!" Simba shouts running.
"Follow my father!!" Kion says following Simba with the others.
All of the heroes come to see a dead Aina and Uhuru in a state of anger.
"UHURU, STOP!!" Zuri shouts holding him back.
"CALM DOWN UHURU!!" Fuli helps Zuri hold Uhuru back.
"LET GO OF ME!!!" Uhuru roars with anger...
"Uhuru, Please calm down...." Nala says nuzzling her son...
"....." Everyone was shocked at how angry Uhuru has become....
"UHURU, PLEASE CALM DOWN!!" Tiifu shouts hugging him.
"I WILL KILL HIM!!!" Uhuru yells.
"Uhuru please......" Aina says holding his paw.
"......." Uhuru feels a tear trickle down his eye seeing Aina alive.
"It's ok....." Aina said licking his cheek.
Uhuru let go of his rage and saw Aina's smile......
"B-But.......How??" Uhuru said shocked.
"I had something to do with that...." Rafiki says.
"You saved me before, I will never let you die for me, I love you too much to let you go...." Aina says with a smile making Uhuru remember a specific moment in their lives when they were cubs.
"You sure you will protect me??" Kid Aina asks.
"Of course, From now until the end of time..." Kid Uhuru says.
"That's why you are my friend..." Kid Aina says giving a lick on Kid Uhuru's cheek.
"??!!" Kid Uhuru was absolutely shocked.
"Seems someone is shocked..." Kid Aina says with a giggle.
"Why did you do that??" Kid Uhuru asks Kid Aina.
"I love you silly..." Kid Aina gave her usual kind smile.
"So do I..." Kid Uhuru gave her a lick.
"We will always be together, Right Uhuru??" Kid Aina asks.
"Yes, From now until the end..." Kid Uhuru says with a smile.
"The promise I made to you??" Uhuru asks.
"Yes....When you made that promise, I knew you would be the one I would love for all eternity....." Aina says smiling with pure happiness.
"Why me??" Uhuru asks.
"Don't you get it??, She loves you because of your kindness and loving attitude towards her, She loves you for who you are..." Zuri says putting her paw on his shoulder.
"......" Uhuru let out a tear remembering what Basura told him when he was young.
"You sure someone will love me Basura??" Kid Uhuru asks.
"Of course there will be someone, I bet I know who she is." Basura says to the young cub.
"Who??" Kid Uhuru asks his supervisor.
"I was thinking Aina." Basura says.
"W-What??!! me and Aina are just friends......" Kid Uhuru says with an extreme blush.
"Aww, Is someone in denial??" Basura asks the young cub.
"N-No, You always have to knacker me...." Kid Uhuru says with a pout.
"Ahaha, You do love her, Don't you??" Basura asks Kid Uhuru.
"Y-Yes....." Kid Uhuru says in defeat...
"Why don't you tell her??" Basura asks him.
"I feel like she might not like me...." Kid Uhuru says with sadness.
"Come here....." Basura pulls him closer to her.
"Does she love me???" Uhuru says with a tear.
"Of course she does, She said you are the most handsome and cute lion she has ever met." Basura says.
"R-Really??" Kid Uhuru asks.
"Yes, After you rescued her from the stampede in the valley, She had feelings for you, But she is too shy to tell you." Basura says to the cub.
"I will tell her tomorrow night!" Kid Uhuru says.
"That's the spirit!" Basura says rubbing his head.
"Thanks for everything..." Kid Uhuru says with a smile whilst hugging her.
"Your welcome little one..." Basura speaks with happiness.
Back to present!
"I remember....." Uhuru says.
"Yes, Basura told you everything.." Aina says with a smile.
"Yeah she d-....." Uhuru was cut off by Mzuka.
"Make us y-....." Kion was stopped by Uhuru.
"He is mine...." Uhuru powers up to 200% in his Orange form.
Uhuru's mind: I will make you proud Basura, You may have been killed 18 years ago when I was 7 by my old enemy.... But your spirit lives on with me....
"HHHAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Both Uhuru and Mzuka scream and charge at each other.
"EVERYONE GET BACK!!!" Everyone else ran behind cover as fast as they could, Luckily everyone made it at the nick of time.
"HAAAAAAA!!!" Mzuka and Uhuru yelled releasing their energy beams.
"This fight is insane!, If they keep going, They both can die!!" Nirmala says with fear.
"What can we do??!!" Rani shouts in fear.
"There is nothing we can do!!" Simba shouts in fear and anger.
"There is something I can do..." Kion speaks.
"What is it Kion??" Bunga asks.
"Stay here!" Kion speaks whilst running to the battlefield.
"KION, WAIT!!!" Fuli shouts.
"HEY, BIG GUY!!" Kion yells.
"Hhmm??" Mzuka looks at Kion.
Kion uses the roar of the elders but this time it's different, It froze Mzuka in place.
"??!!" Everyone else was shocked.
"NOW UHURU!!!!" Kion yells.
"Mzuka!!, For hurting my friends, My family and my wife, YOU WILL PAY!!!!" Uhuru shouts shooting an energy beam at Mzuka.
"I shouldn't lose...." Mzuka says before evaporating into nothing.
"THEY DID IT!!!" Fuli says running to the two kings.
"You guys did it!!" Zuri says hugging them both.
"We did...." Uhuru says out of breath.
"Yeah...." Kion says panting.
"Kion....." Rani says nuzzling her mate.
"It's ok Rani, We did it..." Kion spoke.
"Not about that, The power that froze Mzuka, What was that??" Rani asks her mate and king.
"I actually don't know, I just dug deep within myself, Uskari never taught me this move either...." Kion speaks.
"Wow, Something you were never taught?" Baliyo asks the young king.
"Yeah, Never knew I could freeze someone in place with the roar...." Kion speaks with a calm tone.
"Seems you learned something you never did back then, You learned it by yourself." Rani says with a smile.
"Uhuru....." Aina says with a smile.
"Yes?" Uhuru asks his mate.
"You remembered that day when Basura told you how I felt right??" She asks him.
"Yes, But that's not the only thing I remembered..." Uhuru said.
"The promise too??" Aina asks Uhuru.
"Yeah, That one night that I said I will protect you from now until the end of eternity." Uhuru said with a smile.
"Oh you handsome lion..." Aina said with a blush.
"Uhuru?" Nala asks.
"Yes mom??" Uhuru asks his mother.
"I just want you to know, Me and your dad are getting old, We can't fight that much anymore, If me and your father pass away, We will love you no matter what..." Nala said with a tear whilst nuzzling her son.
"I love you mom..." Uhuru said with a tear whilst hugging her, He may have only met his actual family and friends 14 months ago, But he has already developed a massive connection with all of them.
"I love you too..." Nala starts crying whilst hugging her eldest son.
"Enough gloominess, Time to head back." Kion says.
All of the heroes head back to their section of the world, Soon Aina and Uhuru made it back to the temple.
"Finally back home!" Aina says happily.
"Our kids are safe." Uhuru says.
"You're back!" Heri says happily.
"We are fine, How is everything?" Uhuru asks his Royal Majuzi.
"We are quite exhausted Heri, May we take a break?" Aina asks.
"Of course." Heri says with a kind smile.
"Thank you." Uhuru says.
"So what does Basura think about you?" Aina asks her mate.
"What do you mean?" Uhuru asks with confusion.
"Do you feel she is proud?" Aina asks.
"I believe she is proud of me." Uhuru says remembering all her moments with Basura.
"You miss her, Don't you?" Aina asks Uhuru.
"Yeah, I do....." Uhuru says with a tear.
"It's ok, You still have all of us with you here Uhuru, Especially me, I will love you until the end of time." Aina says licking his cheek.
"Thanks Aina, Now I know why you are my mate..." Uhuru says with a smile.
"Aww, Stop teasing me you handsome lion." Aina blushes a lot whilst saying that.
"Anyway, Let's go to sleep, I'm tired." Uhuru says whilst laying on a rock.
"Yeah, I'm tired too...." Aina yawns and then lays down whilst being cuddled up with Uhuru.
"Goodnight Uhuru." Aina gives him a lick on the cheek.
"Goodnight Aina." Uhuru licks her.
The happy king and queen slowly shift off and their reality fades into a world of imaginary dreams.

Chapter is done!! 😁😁😄😄😃😃😀😀🙂🙂

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