The Tour (Part 2)

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They were all walking but they decided to start talking.
"So Kion, When are our cubs coming?" Rani asked which made him blush a deep crimson red.
"I....Uh-I um....I-I'm n-not so sure....." Kion said.
"You will be ready soon." Rani replied.
"Thanks Rani." Kion said before they nuzzled each other.
"So Uhuru, Where are we heading to now?" Fuli asked politely.
"We are going to Island Leamno." Uhuru answered.
"How long will it take?" Nala asked.
"About 20 minutes." He replied.
"Ok, Well everyone get ready for this walk." Simba said.
"Alright." Zuri said.
After about 20 minutes, everyone was kind of exhausted but their expressions become in shock as they saw the island.

After about 20 minutes, everyone was kind of exhausted but their expressions become in shock as they saw the island

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"It looks so nice." Kovu said.
"It does, This island has a secret treasure in it, That treasure has been passed down from generations of foxes." Uhuru said.
"Wow, are there more places to go to?" Fuli asked wanting to see more.
"Yes there is." Uhuru said.
"Yay!!!" Everyone said.
"So where do you want to go?" Uhuru asked.
"Can we go to that rock place?" Baliyo asked.
"Fine, Let's go, But be very careful." Uhuru said which made everyone nod.
"So how long will it take?" Kion asked.
"A couple of minutes." Uhuru replied.
After 7 minutes of walking, They reach the rock place (Magma Fields).

After 7 minutes of walking, They reach the rock place (Magma Fields)

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"This is "the rock place", But it's called Magma Fields." Uhuru said.
"Does anything live here?" Surak asked pretty certain you can't live in this place.
"Yes, Something lives here." Uhuru said which made everyone shocked.
"What animal lives here?" Rani asked Uhuru.
"That." Uhuru said and they were shocked at what they saw.

" Uhuru said and they were shocked at what they saw

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