Some Old Friends

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Uhuru and Aina woke up the next morning to one of Uhuru's trusted guards, Furaha.
"Your majesties, Please wake up..." Furaha speaks.
"What is it Furaha??" Uhuru asks the serious guard.
"We have seen a group of animals heading towards the temple defeating the guards with ease!" Furaha speaks louder.
"Get all the guards ready!!" Uhuru instructed Furaha.
"Yes, Your majesties!" Furaha runs out to warn all the other soldiers.
"What's happening??" Aina wakes up with a yawn.
"We are under attack!" Uhuru says.
"What???!!!" Aina says shocked at the information.
"Furaha saw a group of animals heading towards the temple, Defeating all the guards like they are nothing" Uhuru tells the situation to his mate.
"If doesn't matter, You will beat them easily." Aina says with her genuine smile of happiness.
"We don't know that yet, They could be extremely powerful..." Uhuru says with a serious tone.
"I guess you are right, But still, Have some faith Uhuru, For me...." Aina says with a genuine smile.
"Fine, Just for you since you are too beautiful and kind to refuse." Uhuru says with a smile.
"Oh you handsome lion 😘" Aina gives Uhuru a long lick on his cheek.
"YOUR MAJESTIES!!!" Zeathe, Another trusted guard, Ran in at full speed.
"What is it Zeathe??" Aina asked.
"The group of animals are already here!!" Zeathe shouts.
This leaves the king and queen speechless.
Uhuru's mind: WHAT??!! No way... They were far from the border a few minutes ago!!
Aina's minds: How??!! My poor babies will not die here, Uhuru will save us all!
"Are there any fallen guards??" Uhuru asks.
"No, All are wounded or unconscious, None are deceased..." Zeathe speaks with seriousness.
"At least that's good, They may be invading us, But at least they don't kill...." Uhuru says.
"Indeed, They are already at the temple gates!, What should we do, Your majesties??" Zeathe bows down to them.
"Get all the guards and defend the outside and inside of the temple, If you can though, Get some guards to guard my children, I would rather die than let them die..." Uhuru says making Aina worried.
"Understood!, I shall do that now!" Zeathe quickly bows before assembling all the guards to tell them the plan.
"You sure they are powerful??" Aina asks.
"Imagine the power they have, They could be very dangerous foes...." Uhuru says with a serious tone.
"Are you sure they can be stronger than you?" Aina asks him.
"Of course I'm sure, But we don't know the reality yet...." Uhuru speaks with seriousness once again.
"I hope our babies don't get hurt, I don't want to lose them..." Aina says with tears flowing from her eyes.
"Sshh, It's ok, They won't get hurt, As long as I'm here..." Uhuru speaks in a quiet yet smooth and comforting voice to cheer up Aina.
"You're right...." Aina says before putting her head under Uhuru's head.
"Your majesties!!, My guards will protect the young prince and princesses!" Furaha shouts.
"Understood, Me and Aina will go outside...." Uhuru says standing up.
"You sure??" Furaha asks Uhuru.
"Yes I'm sure, You and your guards stay with my children...." Uhuru speaks with a serious tone yet again.
"Understood, Let's go!" Furaha shouts making his guards follow him.
"You sure you want to see them in person?" Aina asks with concern.
"Yes, It's the only way to stop them...." Uhuru says.
"Alright, Let's go...." Aina says.
They both get out of the temple and someone quickly attacks Uhuru.
???: AINA!!
"Halo??!!" Aina shouts with a smile.
"Yes it's me!!" Halo hugs her friend.
??: Aina??
"No way...." Aina says.
"It's us..." The rest of the group say.
"Wait, Where is Keeno??" Aina asks.
"Fighting the lion that captured you...." Hasaki says with anger.
"What do you mean "captured me"??" Aina asks.
"You weren't captured??" Sapphire asks.
"No, I was never captured!" Aina says.
"But he took the temple from us...." Zeena speaks.
"He is my husband and he took back the temple for us.." Aina says.
"Really??!!" They all say.
"Yes, Help me get Keeno off of him!" Aina says running to the fight.
"Ok!" The rest of the females run with Aina.
"Who the hell are you??!!" Uhuru shouts.
"Give us back the temple!!" Keeno shouts.
"Why should I??!!" Uhuru says swatting Keeno in the face.
"IT BELONGS TO US!!" Keeno says kicking Uhuru hard in the stomach making him cough blood.
"You never answered my question!!" Uhuru says blocking Keeno's kick.
"My name is not im-....." Keeno was cut off by Aina.
"KEENO, STOP!!" Aina shouts.
"Aina?" Keeno says with a smile.
"Stop, Don't hurt him please...." Aina says with sadness.
"Why??" Keeno asks.
"He is my husband...." Aina says licking Uhuru's cheek.
"You know them??" Uhuru asks his mate.
"Guys, Don't you remember Uhuru?" Aina asks them.
"Uhuru is dead...." Hasaki says with tears.
"He is alive...." Aina says.
"What??!!" They all say.
"Yep.." Aina says with a smile.
"Where is he?" Keeno says.
"You are looking at him...." Aina points to Uhuru.
"Uhuru??" Keeno says with shock.
"The one and only..." Uhuru says with a smile.
"YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Keeno hugs his best friend.
"I can't believe your alive...." Sapphire says to her role model and older brother with pure happiness.
"Heh, Told you I never die...." Uhuru says with a smile.
The rest of the group embrace Uhuru.
"Wow, You have grown a lot Uhuru!" Halo says with amazement.
"Yeah, I guess so...." Uhuru speaks.
"Did you actually beat Damu???" Keeno asks.
"Yes I did, Me and my friends and family..." Uhuru speaks.
"Wait, YOU'RE REAL FAMILY??!!" Keeno asks.
"Yeah..." Uhuru says.
"You actually found your family??" Mzuri asks.
"Yeah I did, They are quite nice." Uhuru says with a big smile.
"Can we see them??" Zeena asks Uhuru.
"Yes we can, Right now actually..." Uhuru answers.
"To the pridelands!" Hasaki shouts.
"Not just the pridelands..." Uhuru says.
"What do you mean??" Sapphire asks.
Uhuru explains everything his siblings and family went through when he was gone.
"Wow!!" The group say in pure shock.
"They have been through a lot..." Uhuru says.
"I can see that..." Hasaki speaks.
"So where to first??" Aina asks them.
"Tree of life!!" They all shout.
"Alright then...." Uhuru says.
"Wait, Can I say something?" Keeno asks.
"Sure." Aina says with a smile.
"Was Uhuru holding back??" Keeno asks.
"What do you mean??" Halo asks.
"I felt magnificent power, He held back A LOT of power...." Keeno speaks.
"Is that true Uhuru??" Mzuri asks.
"It's true..." Uhuru says with a smirk.
"Uhuru, Why don't you show them your new forms??" Aina says with a giggle.
"Forms??" The group ask.
"Sure thing....." Uhuru says before starting to power up.
"??!!" The group felt a sudden burst of power.
"HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Uhuru transformed into the super form.

"HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Uhuru transformed into the super form

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"That's the...." Keeno started.
"Super Form!!" The rest finished
"Correct....." Uhuru says.
"That's not it though.." Aina says.
"What do you mean??" The group ask.
"This is what she means...." Uhuru speaks before transforming into the Ancient Form and Orange Form.

" Uhuru speaks before transforming into the Ancient Form and Orange Form

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"Such power

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"Such power....." The group say.
"Yep..." Uhuru goes back to normal.
"Let's get going now...." Hasaki speaks.
"Hold up, Furaha!" Uhuru shouts and Furaha runs out.
"What is it sire?" Furaha asks.
"Protect my children for a longer period of time, We are going to go see my family.
"Understood sire..." Furaha speaks before heading back to the children.
"Let's get going now...." Uhuru says.
All eight of the animals head off to the tree of life.

Chapter is now done 😄😄

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