New Allies

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The heroes were enjoying their break in the jungle until something horrible occurred....
"Ahh, Nice and peaceful." Zuri spoke whilst laying on the ground.
"You can say that again." Tiifu lays on the grass enjoying her relaxation.
"Guess it is quite relaxing..." Bunga happily sighs.
"Thank god this past week has been quiet...." Nala says.
"Yeah, I mean, We are enjoying ourselves after all the hard work." Baliyo smiles.
"Hey, Anyone seen Uhuru?" Rani asks.
"I haven't." Vitani speaks.
"I'm right here!" Uhuru yells.
"There you are you sneaky little devil." Kopa chuckles.
"Never call me that again....." Uhuru says with an unamused face.
"S-Sorry, hehe....." Kopa nervously laughs.
"So, What should we do in the meantime before Utando decides to pull our strings once again?" Zuri asked.
"I don't know actually, I just want everything to be peaceful once again." Kopa speaks.
"Same here." Baliyo says.
"Anyone seen the others?" Vitani asks.
"No I haven't, But I'm sure they will be fine, After all, Those girls are very powerful, I wouldn't worry about them too much if I were y-..." Uhuru gets cut off by something.
The heroes heard the girls scream in the far distance.
"The girls are in trouble!!" Kopa yells.
"LET'S GO!!!" Uhuru booms.
"Right!" The others follow Uhuru to the location where the screams originated from.
"There they are!" Vitani shouts.
"Let Kiara go Utando!!!" Nala yells in anger.
"Mom, Help me...." Kiara whispers wounded and locked in Utando's paw around her neck.
"Make me you b-...." Utando is cut off.
"LET HER GO NOW UTANDO!!!!!!!!" Uhuru screams in absolute rage.
"Uhuru!" The heroes shout in happiness.
"Uhuru...." Kiara says in tears.
"Make me Uhuru...." Utando smirks.
"I will make sure you suffer!" Uhuru shouts.
"Ah ah ah, One wrong move and her throat splits." Utando chuckles whilst having a claw to Kiara's neck.
Uhuru's mind: Damn it, He's got me in a tight situation, What should I do?
"What shall the "Great Warrior" do now in this predicament?" Utando mocks.
"What do you want?" Uhuru asks.
"There is only one thing that I want in this world..." Utando replies with seriousness.
"And what is that one thing?" Uhuru asks bluntly.
"Your death...." Utando speaks with anger.
"Then let her go and take me....." The brave king speaks.
"Uhuru!, Are you crazy??!!" Nala shouts.
"It's the only way, Either I go with them, Or Kiara dies...." Uhuru says.
"Then come with us." One of Utando's remaining guards push me towards the front.
Uhuru looks back to see everyone's emotion went from anger to sadness, Especially his mate.
"Goodbye..." Everyone said to Uhuru.
"Goodbye, Stay safe!" Uhuru shouts back.
"Keep moving!" A guard yells at Uhuru.
"I love you all...." Uhuru whispers to himself.
"Well, Seems the "Great Warrior" can't handle being separated from his loved one, heheh..." Utando menacingly chuckles.
"You shut your mouth!" Uhuru yells at the blue lion.
"SILENCE!" Utando slashes Uhuru's eye.
"AARRGGHH!" Uhuru holds his eye with his paw due to the pain.
"You need to learn your place worm, You will always be nothing but a worthless and useless lion, No matter what..." Utando says in anger.
"You don't know that, I mean, That is why your friends left you, For the exact same reason you just gave me..." Uhuru chuckles.
"We both know you wouldn't do that, What's the point if you want to make me suffer slowly, Doing that would be the opposite of your intentions, Wouldn't it?" Uhuru asks the aggressive lion.
"Why y-, You lit-, Curse you!!" Utando accepts his defeat.
"Face it Utando, You wouldn't kill me, You're too weak and foolish to do something like that." Uhuru says to the enraged lion.
"I will do what I want, YOU HEAR ME??!!, WHAT "I" WANT!, NOT WHAT YOU WANT!!!!" Utando starts to yell at the top of his lungs.
"Sir, Please calm down..." One of the guards tells their leader.
"Are you commanding me??" Utando asks with an angry expression.
"N-No sir, But we can't let anyone hear this...." The guard responds backing up in fear.
"Grr....." Utando paces back and forth deciding on his next move.
"Man, For someone who is stronger than me, You sure do have a small brain if it takes you this long to think..." Uhuru taunts Utando.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY??!!!" Utando asks losing his temper.
"Me, I said nothing but the truth." Uhuru innocently looks at the sky with an "innocent" face.
"Listen, You two guards will watch him, If he escapes, You two are dead...." Utando says.
"Y-Yes sir....." The guards bow beneath Utando.
"Hmph....." Utando walks off.
"Well, What should we do while your boss is gone?" Uhuru asked the two guards.
"We should free you." The first guard says out of nowhere.
"Wait, What?" Uhuru asked confused.
"We thought Utando was a good leader but now we see he is just an evil tyrant killing the heroes in this world." The second guard speaks.
"Well, Can you free me?" Uhuru asks.
"Sure thing." The first guard helps Uhuru.
"Thanks, Who are you two anyway?" Uhuru asks the two guards.
"I'm Jenos, This is my mate, Atlanta." The first guard says.
"Hi there." Atlanta smiles.
"It's a pleasure to meet you two, Glad to know some people are regaining their consciousness back." Uhuru says.
"Indeed, You seem like a nice guy Uhuru, Why does Utando hate you so much?" Jenos asks the young king.
"I will tell you some other time." Uhuru answers.
Suddenly, In the distance, They saw the rise of ashes that can only be from one source, Fire.....
"Fire??!!" Atlanta yells in shock.
"MY FAMILY!!!" Uhuru shouts in worry and fear.
"We will help you Uhuru!" Jenos says running beside Uhuru.
"Thank you, I already lost a family member once due to my failures, I will not let it happen again!" Uhuru yells.
"Then let's go kick some butt!" Atlanta shouts with joy.

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