The Apology

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Uhuru walks away from everyone.....
"Well done dad...." Aina says to her father in law before she runs off to find Uhuru.
"I-I didn't mean it...." Simba says with regret.
"I'll try and comfort Uhuru..." Sapphire speaks before joining Aina.
"So will we...." The rest of Uhuru's cubhood friends join the two females.
"I-I didn't mean to say those things...." Simba lets the tears flow.
"I know you didn't, Uhuru will forgive you, Just give him some time..." Nala comforts her mate.
"What if he doesn't forgive me, I really messed up...." Simba starts tearing up....
"Sshh....It's ok dad...." Kopa says hugging his father.
"Me and Kopa will check on Uhuru..." Vitani says worried about her brother in law.
"I will stay and comfort my dad..." Kiara speaks whilst head nuzzling her father.
"Simba, It's ok, Uhuru will forgive you...." Nala said Nuzzling Simba.
"Will he?, I said hurtful things...." Simba cries into his paw.
"Dad, Uhuru's just upset Kion betrayed him, You understand he is angry....." Kiara says to her father.
"I know, I shouldn't have got involved...." Simba's tear come to an end.
"Maybe you should go apologise to him?" Nala suggests.
"Yeah, I should...." Simba walks off to find Uhuru.
Meanwhile with Uhuru.
"What does my dad know, Nothing...." Uhuru whispers to himself.
"Uhuru??" Aina asks worriedly about her mate.
"What is it Aina?" Uhuru says with a sigh.
"Are you ok?" Aina asks with worry in her voice.
"Totally fine, Never better...." Uhuru speaks.
"Don't lie to me....." Aina says in a more serious tone.
"OKAY, IM NOT FINE!, HAPPY??!!" Uhuru shouts at Aina making her ears flop in sadness.
"I'll leave you alone...." Aina walks away sad that he shouted at her.
"Aina, W-Wait I........" Before Uhuru could finish, Aina left already.
"You ok Uhuru?" Sapphire and the others along with Vitani and Kopa come.
"No I'm not...." Uhuru sits down and stares at his own reflection in the water.
"What's wrong Uhuru?" Vitani asks her brother in law with worry in her voice.
"I guess I'm just lost...." Uhuru speaks with a sigh.
Keeno sits next to Uhuru.
"I'll handle this, You guys go..." Keeno requests.
"Alright..." The others walk back to Simba.
"You didn't have to stay Keeno..." Uhuru says to his best friend.
"What are best friends for then?" Keeno smiles.
"Thanks, I'm just angry that my father doesn't understand Kion is a traitor...." Uhuru says with anger.
"He did it to protect his family, Sure he tried to give you to Utando, But still, All he wanted to do was keep his family safe, And you know your dad loved Kion ever since he was born, You can't blame him for protecting his son...." Keeno's wise words bring Uhuru back to his true senses.
"You're right, I'll go apologise to dad...." Uhuru walks off to find his father.
"Good, Hope everything goes well!" Keeno shouts.
"Everything will, Trust me!!" Uhuru shouts back whilst running back.
In the middle of the jungle, Uhuru and Simba run into each other and meet eye to eye.
"Uhuru...." Simba says with a smile.
"Dad....." Uhuru smiles.
"Listen, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I wasn't thinking straight...." Uhuru puts his paw out as a sign to stop.
"I should be the one apologising, Kion was never a traitor, I guess it's just that Kion out of all animals who is also a family member just betrayed me like that, I guess I was just upset...." Uhuru speaks out.
"I can see why, I never thought Kion would betray us like that....." Simba says with sadness.
"Don't worry, We will get my lil bro back!" Uhuru says with confidence.
"But how?, You've seen Utando's army, It will be near impossible to take Kion back and defeat Utando as well....." Simba is very uncertain about Uhuru's plan.
"It doesn't matter about beating Utando and rescuing Kion at the same time...." Uhuru says with a smile.
"What do you mean??" Simba asks.
"We just need to get Kion back and then we can attack Utando later on!" Uhuru laughs with joy at his great idea.
"That is actually a great idea, You get all the knowledge from me." Simba chuckles.
"I think I get it more from Mom but ok...." Uhuru says.
"Are you sure?" Simba rubs Uhuru's head with his paw.
"Okay okay!, I get it from you and mom, How about that?" Uhuru asks.
"That works just fine." Simba smiles at his son.
"Now, I should probably go apologise to Aina..." Uhuru's smile faded.
"Why? What happened?" Simba asks.
"I might of shouted at her when I was still angry...." Uhuru said with a sad expression.
"You should, I will be back with the others." Simba hugs his son and goes back.
Uhuru caught up to Aina.
"Aina!, Wait!" Uhuru runs at full speed towards her.
"What do you want?" Uhuru realises she is hiding her sadness.
"Look, I'm sorry...." Uhuru says with a genuine smile.
"You yelled at me!, Why would I accept your apology?" Aina gives out a fake snarl.
"I know you are upset, But I can make you better...." Uhuru says become less impatient.
"No, You caused enough harm to me...." Aina doesn't know what to say.
"How about this?" Uhuru licks Aina's cheek slowly.
"W-What was that for!!" Uhuru sees Aina's fake tough personality fading.
"Because I love you....." Those words bring the true Aina back.
"UHURU!!" Aina hugs Uhuru shedding tears.
"Sshh...It's okay....." Uhuru speaks.
"No it's not, I-I was just angry you s-shouted at me, I didn't want t-to say those things b-but I did anyway, IM SORRY!!" Aina tears soak Uhuru's fur.
"I forgive you...." Uhuru says.
"R-Really?" Aina's tear filled face develops a smile.
"Yes, That's what mates are for...." Uhuru licks Aina's cheek once more.
"You're such a handsome lion, I could not have found anyone better to spend the rest of my life with than you...." Aina's tears slowly come to an end.
"Good, That's why I love you too, Beautiful lioness..." Aina blushes at the compliment.
"Since you are the best Lion, You deserve a gift..." Aina smiles.
"What's that?" Uhuru asks.
"This..." Aina gives Uhuru a long, slow lick on his right cheek.
"T-Thanks...." Uhuru begins to blush.
"Aaww, Is the big handsome lion blushing?" Aina playfully giggles.
"N-No, Anyway, We got to head back to the others..." Uhuru says.
"Yeah, But everything will be fine, I promise you Uhuru, We will get Kion back." Aina rest her head under Uhuru's.
"I know that, Let's go back." Uhuru chases Aina back to the others.


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