The Conclusion (Final Part)

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"Face me Utando!!" Baliyo walks up to the front of the rest of the heroes.
"Baliyo!, What are you doing??!!" Rani asks.
"Saving my friends!" Baliyo shouts before charging at Utando.
"Well, You do have bravery......BUT YOU DON'T HAVE STRENGTH!!" Utando shouts whilst extending his claws and pushes his paw down on to Baliyo's head.
"BALIYO!!!" Rani runs at Utando.
"Don't interfere little girl....." Utando says about to swat Rani before someone stops him.
"I wouldn't do that....." Rose says.
"ROSE??!!" Vitani shouts.
"ROSE!!" Peach nuzzles Rose.
"YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Everyone else shouts.
"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, I TOSSED YOU OFF THE CLIFF!!!" Utando shouts in blasphemy and anger.
"Luckily I was there to save her....." Uhuru walks out of the shadows revealing himself.
"UHURU!!" The heroes shout in happiness.
"Y-You're okay!!" Aina says nuzzling into Uhuru's chest.
"Of course I am, But I heard what happened to the others, Kovu, Kiara, Dad.......even Keeno......." Uhuru grits his teeth in anger and sorrow at the names of his four family members.
"They deserved it......" Utando says in a taunting tone.
"YOU SHUT UP!!!!" Uhuru swats Utando in the face with loads of force.
"?????!!!!!" Everyone even Utando was shocked at the power Uhuru released.
"What the hell??!!, HOW DID YOU GET STRONGER??!!" Utando shouts in anger.
"By having a contingency plan...." Uhuru smirks.
"What do you mean?" Aina asks her mate.
"I knew I couldn't beat Utando, So I used the time during the first fight to conjure up some strength I trained for, What I basically did was transfer my orange form's power into my normal strength fusing them to get that power you just saw." Uhuru explains.
"Wow!!" Aina says amazed.
"The only worthless one here is you Utando, Look what you have done to the world, This is all because of you, You and your band of evil villains have cast nothing but destruction, Chaos, Hate, Sadness and many more negative emotions to this once beautiful world, Ever since you became evil, This world has become evil along with you......" Uhuru says with a serious tone making the heroes including Peach nod.
"I'm evil you say? At least I'm not a failure, It's not like I couldn't save my sister, Or father or brother.....or maybe even best friend....." Utando chuckles with a cocky smirk causing Uhuru to get furious.
"LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!! I WILL E-." Baliyo and Surak hold Uhuru back from Utando.
"Calm down Uhuru!" Baliyo shouts.
"Weaklings....." Utando claws at Aina's side.
"Aahh!!" Aina shouts in pain.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Rose shouts before tackling Utando the ground.
"You okay Aina?!" Peach and the Vreacians walk towards Aina.
"Y-Yeah...." Aina gets up in a wobbly manner.
"Why did you side with them Rose? We could of been perfect together but you loved an arrogant runt like Keeno.....Why?" Utando asks the love of his life.
"Because at least he was a hero, He fought for the innocent while you only fought for greed and power!" Rose shouts.
"The innocent are weak, Just like you....." Utando gets angry and scratches her eye.
"OWW!!!" Rose falls back on the ground putting a paw on her eye.
"If you side with them, You are my enemy....." Utando has the look of a merciless killer making Rose petrified.
"W-Wait, You don't have t-, Ahh, Get off!!" Rose shouts whilst Utando steps onto her neck.
"This is what I do to my enemies....." Utando says with pure emptiness.
"HELP M-." Rose tries to yell but Utando covers her mouth.
"This is where it ends...." Utando says with annoyance.
"Lwt gwoh ovwf mwe!!!" Rose tries to struggle from Utando's grip whilst beginning to cry.
"Farewell....." Utando raises his paw.
Meanwhile with the others trying to contain Uhuru.
"UHURU, CALM DOWN!!!" Vitani shouts at her brother in law.
"LET GO OF ME DAMN IT!!!!" Uhuru yells.
"ROSE!!!!" Mzuri shouts making the others look at her crying whilst Utando is slowly crushing her neck with his paw.
"ROSE, HOLD O-, UHURU WAIT!!!!" Rani shouts.
"GET OFF OF HER UTANDO!!!" Uhuru runs faster than a cheetah tackling Utando off of Rose.
"Rose!, Are you ok??!!" Zeena asks holding Rose.
"I was so scared...." Rose cries into Zeena's shoulder.
"Shh it's ok...." Zeena hugs Rose.
"Well, Time to settle this once and f- LOOK OUT!!!!" Mzuri yells causing everyone to duck.
"UHURU!!!" Everyone looks at the injured Uhuru flying towards a cliff wall and hitting it causing a crack to appear.
"Seems that wasn't enough....." Utando walks out with dead eyes.
"Vitani, Get everyone else out of here, We'll deal with this!" Halo says.
"Are you sure?!" Vitani asks worried for their Vreacian friends.
"I'm sure..." Halo says with a smile.
"Please come back...." Fuli hugs her older sister.
"I promise I will...." Halo hugs Fuli back.
"Let's go everyone!!" Kopa shouts to the rest of the heroes whilst picking up Uhuru.
"Quickly!!" The heroes run off leaving the Vreacians to fight Utando.
"You all against me?" Utando says with boredom.
"Then I'll kill you first...." Utando runs quickly at Mzuri.
"DAMN!!" Mzuri barely blocks Utando's swat attack.
"Get away from her!!" Zeena approaches Utando.
"You too...." Utando kicks Zeena away.
"Ahh...." Zeena gets up looking at her injured shoulder from the impact.
"TOO SLOW!!" Hasaki shouts whilst biting into Utando's shoulder.
"Damn you little runt, You got me good, But not good enough...." Utando slashes a very deep wound in Hasaki's chest and front legs.
"AARRGGHH!!!" Hasaki screams in pain.
"Hasaki!!" Rose shouts running to her but gets stopped by Utando.
"Last chance Rose, Join me or die...." Utando says with a menacing tone.
"I fight for them...." Rose says with an angry expression.
"Then die..." Utando upper paws Rose.
"Ahh!!" Rose falls backwards.
"Time to perish....." Utando raises his paw but gets stopped by Peach.
"PEACH??!!" Rose says shocked.
"Go!, I'll handle him!!" Peach says whilst holding Utando back.
"NO!, I WON'T LEAVE YOU!!" Rose refuses.
"GO NOW!!, BEFORE HE STARTS T-." Utando slashes Peach's neck spilling blood to the ground and on his paw.
"......" Rose's eyes widen at the sight.
"What a pitiful lioness..." Utando says with boredom whilst watching Peach's body flop to the floor.
"ROSE, ARE Y-.....No......" Mzuri stops and looks at Peach.
"Oh no....." The rest of the Vreacians look at Peach's body.
"...." Rose falls to the ground looking at Peach's sad eyes.
"Well, Time to die...." Utando raises his paw once more.
"No, That's enough!!" Rose stands up.
"Hm?" Utando looks in confusion.
"Peach was my best friend, She was like my sister, But you, y-you......YOU KILLED HER!!!!" Rose yells straight in Utando's face causing the Vreacians to look in shock and worry.
"So?" Utando says in a careless tone.
"Enough of this joke....." Utando tries to swat Rose but Rose and the rest of the Vreacians mix all their strength and toss Utando off of the giant cliff they were on.
"Finally, He's gone....." Mzuri says panting.
"Rose??" Hasaki asks.
"....." The Vreacians look at Rose as she lays down next to Peach's body crying.
"Rose, I'm sorry for your loss..." Zeena says putting a paw on Rose's shoulder.
"Why her........WHY??!!" Rose starts to cry harder.
"I'm sorry, But we need to g-." Mzuri feels claws dig into her neck.
"MZURI!!!" Zeena shouts.
"Well, You thought I was dead didn't you....." Utando says with an unimpressed smirk.
"LET HER GO!!" Halo runs at Utando.
"Make me....." Utando swats Halo off the cliff side.
"HALO!!!!" The Vreacians yell in horror as Halo falls to her death.
"YOU BASTARD!!" Zeena charges at Utando.
"Feisty aren't we?" Utando easily blocks Zeena's swat.
"DAMN YOU UTANDO!!!" Zeena yells in rage.
"Yes.....Damn me....." Utando bites on Zeena's neck with extreme force which instantly killed her.
"ZEENA!!!!" Hasaki screams in fear for her older sibling.
"...." Zeena flops to the floor.
"Time to finish the rest of you off...." Utando looks at Rose, Mzuri, Sapphire and Hasaki who are left standing.
"GET HIM!!!" Rose shouts making all of four of them charge at Utando.
"Pathetic....." Utando slashes Mzuri and Hasaki finishing them off leaving Rose and Sapphire.
"Damn it, We can't win......" Sapphire says.
"Yeah, He's too strong, You got a plan Sapphire?" Rose asks the brown lioness.
"No, Seems this the end.....It's been nice knowing you Rose...." Sapphire says with a smirk.
"Nice knowing you too, Now let's get-." Rose stops mid sentence by Sapphire pushing her off onto the rocky hill.
"Goodbye......Rose......." Sapphire looks at Rose with tears streaming down her eyes.
"SAPPHIRE!!!" Rose yells.
"Die......" Utando jumps onto Sapphire slashing her throat killing her.
"......." Rose looks at the scene with tears of sadness.
"Now, Time to find that brat, Rose....." Utando says before looking around for Rose.
"Damn it, I need to find the others...." Rose runs to where she last saw the other heroes.
Meanwhile with the others.
"Is Uhuru awake yet?" Nala asks entering the den they are staying at.
"No, Still unconscious from the impact with the cliff wall....." Surak says checking Uhuru's pulse.
"Will he be alright?" Nala asks in a worried tone.
"Besides some bruises and a broken bone or two and a slight dislocation, He will live, But he will need rest....." Surak says letting Uhuru sleep.
"Since when did you get so good at observing things like this and medical things?" Nala asks Surak.
"Nirmala taught me some things, I just learned from her." Surak says smiling.
"Is that a blush I see~?" Nala taunts Surak.
"N-No, Y-You must be seeing things..." Surak looks away.
"You like Nirmala, Don't you?" Nala teases Surak.
"N-No-It's n-nothi-....Yes I do...." Surak blushes thinking about her.
"Why don't you tell her??" Nala asks.
"Not every male can, It's like an instinct for us." Surak says in a embarrassed tone.
"But Uhuru asked Aina out like a true male, Didn't he?" Nala asks.
"Of course he would, Think about his life before he met any of us, That kid may seem like a hardcore badass which he is and I admire him for that, But everyone, Even you knows that deep down inside that kid is a true hero, He is a sweet and caring husband, A loving father, An amazing son, A great brother and a heroic family member." Surak says putting a paw on Nala's shoulder and smiling.
"That is true, He is a true hero....." Nala smiles looking at her sleeping son with tears.
"NALA, SURAK!!!" Nirmala bursts in.
"What is it??!!" Nala asks in shock.
"IT'S ROSE, SHE'S AT THE BRINK OF DEATH!" Nirmala shouts letting them follow her to Rose.
"Hold on Rose!" Kion says holding her open wound to stop the bleeding.
"I got Nala and Surak here!" Nirmala says making the others move.
"Hello Uhuru's mom........." Rose whispers.
"Shh....It's ok, We will save you......" Nala says.
"There will be no saving....." Utando says walking at of the shadows.
"UTANDO!!" Zuri shouts making the rest of the heroes circle around Rose.
"Well, Seems you all want to fight, fine by me...." Utando charges at the heroes.
"Nirmala, Get Rose and Uhuru to safety, The rest of us will fight off Utando..." Surak says.
"Understood!" Nirmala picks up Rose and runs to get Uhuru.
"GET HIM!!!" Kion shouts making all the remains heroes charge at Utando leading to their final battle.
Meanwhile with Uhuru, In his mind.
"Huh, Where am I??" Uhuru asks looking around the dark, empty and silent black space around him.
"In your sub-conscience...." A hollow voice says.
"Who's there?!" Uhuru immediately gets in his defensive stance.
"It's me......" A familiar figure walks out from the shadows.
"B-Ba-Basura??!!" Uhuru says in shock.
"Yes, It's me...." Basura looks at Uhuru with such joy.
"I never thought I would see you again...." Uhuru starts to cry.
"You have grown so much, I'm so proud of how strong you have become, You have even started your own family with Aina, I couldn't be more proud of you....." Basura cries tears of joy.
"I missed you so much....." Uhuru hugs Basura tightly making her laugh with joy.
"I missed you so much Uhuru, Look at how much you have grown....." Basura says whilst she puts her paw on Uhuru's cheek.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you back then, I failed you....." Uhuru falls to his hind legs with tears.
"No, You didn't fail me....." Basura says making Uhuru look up at her.
"But Utando killed you, I failed to save some innocent animals, I failed my duty as a Guardian of Vreace Temple....." Uhuru says shocked at her words.
"You never failed me, I let you go so you can come back big and strong, I never wanted you to get hurt, That's why I told Grenit to say that you need to run away, It was for your safety...." Basura says making Uhuru shocked.
"I failed to protect my family....." Uhuru says with tears.
"What do you mean?" Basura asks confused.
"My dad, My friends, My sister, Even Keeno......" Uhuru starts to cry in agony causing Basura to be shocked and sad.
"There there Uhuru......" Basura hugs Uhuru whilst he cries into her shoulder.
"I lost them, All because of Utando....." Uhuru cries.
"Wait, Utando's there??" Basura asks shocked.
"Yes, He came back and now he's killed some of my family members....." Uhuru starts to cry louder in pain and loss.
"......" Basura hates to see Uhuru like this so she comforts him.
"Why did this happen to me?" Uhuru looks at the ground with teary eyes.
"Maybe they can help...." Basura says pointing behind her.
"Who are th-....." Uhuru looks in shock seeing Kiara, Simba, Kovu, Peach and his Vreacian friends here in his mind.
"Hey Uhuru...." Kiara says walking up to him looking at his wet eyes.
"I can't believe it, You are all here in front of me...." Uhuru says with tears.
"I'm sorry that we couldn't make it Uhuru....." Halo says hugging one of her best friends.
"You guys are" Uhuru asks in shock.
"We tried to save the rest of your family by fighting Utando by ourselves, look where that got us...." Zeena says.
"All of you sacrificed your lives for me?" Uhuru asks shocked but thankful.
"We did, Because we care about you Uhuru, You are no longer the killing machine you thought you were, We are your family and you are our family...." Basura says hugging Uhuru.
"Seems I have missed out on something eh?" Everyone looks at Kion.
"Kion??!!" Kiara asks running towards her younger brother.
"Hey Kiara, Kovu a-...D-Dad...." Kion looks at Simba who smiles.
"Hello Kion...." Simba says hugging Kion.
Suddenly, Almost all of the heroes arrive in Uhuru's subconscious mind.
"Well, Seems we are all dead....." Bunga says.
"Uhuru, Listen to me, You need to get up and fight Utando!" Basura says with seriousness.
"But.....Utando is too str-." Uhuru gets cut off mid sentence by Keeno.
"Basura's right Uhuru, You need to get over your fear and fight him head on...." Keeno says putting a paw on Uhuru's shoulder.
"You guys think this is a good idea?" Uhuru asks.
"I do." Kiara says.
"So do we." The Vreacians speak.
"All of us do." The rest of the heroes say.
"Well, Guess it's time to finally put an end to this madness, 13 years of this hell can finally be put to an end....." Uhuru says making everyone else nod.
"Goodbye Uhuru, For now....." Basura says hugging Uhuru.
"I'll see you all either in the next life, Or I'll see you in this one...." Uhuru says hugging everyone.
"It's time to go Uhuru....." The hollow voice says.
"Well, Seems I have to go, Bye guys!!" Uhuru says.
"Bye Uhuru!!" All of the dead heroes wave.
Uhuru wakes up in a den.
"Ahh, My head....." Uhuru rubs his head with his paw.
"Where am I anyway?" Uhuru gets up and looks outside.
"This place seems peac-." Uhuru stops looking at Rose's dead body.
"Rose....." Uhuru says in sadness.
"....." Rose's lifeless corpse didn't respond.
"Uhuru, Listen to me, You need to get up and fight Utando!" Uhuru remembers Basura's words and stands up.
"I'll avenge you Rose, I'll avenge all of you, I promise...." Uhuru smiles.
"Now, Time to search for Utando....." Uhuru starts to run in the direction of the bodies.
"I think I'm going the right way, I'm not sure but it's worth a shot....." Uhuru says running to the place where most of the bodies were.
"This place is a bloodbath, Not really surprised that Utando did this, He would do anything to kill me...." Uhuru says still running.
"In any case, This might be my final stand, I just have to be prepared if that lunatic does anything he might regret, Not that he won't regret anything, Just that it might come back to bite him in the behind in the future..." Uhuru speaks whilst still running.
"Hopefully I win, If I die then I WILL do everything in my power to kill him with me...." Uhuru blatantly says.
"Luckily I think I'm getting closer, Just to make sure, I need to check for something..." Uhuru looks around a huge rock to see a huge crack in a cliff wall.
"Yep, That's where he threw me and I went unconscious, Which means he shouldn't be that far...." Uhuru speaks before checking around for Utando.
"And right you are Uhuru...." Utando walks out of the shadows.
"Utando shows himself huh?, Seems this is the final stand...." Uhuru says with a serious tone.
"Indeed it is, I have been waiting years for this moment...." Utando says with pure anger.
"So have I, This ends today Utando, No more running and quick fights, The end is now...." Uhuru says with unhinging confidence.
"You're quite right, Seems one of us will not make it....." Utando says.
"You remember the classic saying?" Uhuru asks.
"Always......" Utando answers.
"One shall stand....." Uhuru starts.
"And one shall fall...." Utando finishes.
There was a dead silence that filled the air, The two lions got into their ready positions, Waiting for the time to strike the other and catch them off guard....
"GET READY UHURU!!!" Utando shouts whilst lunging at Uhuru with his fangs bared at the unfazed male lion.
"Too slow...." Uhuru easily dodges.
"COCKY COWARD!! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S SLOW!!!" Utando slowly fills with rage, Piece by piece.
"This is why you lose Utando, You always get enraged so easily, It makes you more vulnerable since you aren't thinking straight..." Uhuru speaks with a smirk.
"SO YOU THINK....I....THE GREAT UTANDO....WILL BE BEATEN BY A USELESS HERO LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!" Utando fills to the brim with rage as his power rises to its full peak.
"Exactly what I said was happening to you, Filling with rage until you power up, This has happened every time we fight Utando, You get angry and I start beating you, Just accept your loss..." Uhuru says with a heavy hint of monotone in his voice.
"NEVER!!, I CAN NEVER LOSE!!!" Utando lands a huge blow on Uhuru.
"ARGH!" Uhuru backs up in pain.
"HOW'S THAT FOR SLOW??!!" Utando starts to beat Uhuru now reversing the roles.
"How is this possible..." Uhuru says trying to block or dodge each attack.
"It's because you are getting too cocky..." Utando slashes Uhuru's leg.
"ARGH!" Uhuru backs up.
"See, This is why you'll lose..." Utando runs at Uhuru ready to deliver the final blow.
"Hah! If I lose, THEN I'LL BRING YOU WITH ME!!" Uhuru lunges at Utando sending them tumbling off the side of the giant canyon cliff.
"ARGH!!" Utando's front right leg breaks from the fall.
"Damn...." Uhuru looks at his bruised body.
"You bastard, I'll kill y- argh..." Utando falls down due to this broken front leg.
"I'll never stop until I beat you...." Uhuru says as thunder and rain start to appear.
"Same with me..." Utando slowly gets up in a shaky state.
"LET'S END THIS!!!" The two males shout as they charge at each other.
"HAAAA!!!!" Uhuru and Utando lunge at each other as soon as the lightning strikes.
"TAKE THIS!!" Utando slashes Uhuru's leg.
"HOW ABOUT THIS?!" Uhuru scratches Utando's face leaving a scar.
"DAMN YOU!!!" Utando tackles Uhuru into a cliff wall.
"NICE TRY!!" Uhuru reverses the positions ramming Utando into the cliff wall.
"YOU LITTLE RAT!!" Utando knocks Uhuru onto the rocky ground.
"ARGH!!" Uhuru tries to kick Utando but misses.
"TIME TO DIE!!!" Utando raises his paw but stops midway.
"Too cocky eh..." Uhuru says.
"Argh....Gr-...." Utando falls down on his back as his neck has a huge wound on it.
"It's over Utando..." Uhuru slowly gets up.
"Heh....It truly is over...." Utando says with a smirk.
"Why are you so nonchalant about that?" Uhuru grows suspicious.
"I'm surprised you haven't realised it yet..." Utando says with his bloody smile.
"Realised wh- Argh!!" Uhuru falls down from the sudden intense pain.
"Maybe looks at your chest..." Utando chuckles.
"No way....." Uhuru sees a large wound on his chest.
"Seems we will die together...." Utando psychotically smiles.
"No..." Uhuru blandly says.
"Hmm..." Utando looks in confusion.
"Only you will die...." Uhuru throws a rock at the wobbling boulder on top of Utando.
"NO NO NO!!" Utando tries to crawl away.
"Au revoir Utando..." Uhuru looks at the boulder as it falls down and instantly crushes Utando.
"Huh?" Uhuru looks at the sky and sees balls of light go back to the place where the rest of the heroes died.
"I did it....I beat Utando...." Uhuru says before falling onto his back.
"Argh....I don't think I'll make it..." Uhuru says to himself.
Back with the other heroes.
"Huh?" Bunga wakes up seeing everyone else wake up as well.
"We're alive!!" Rose shouts in happiness.
"Uhuru beat Utando!!!" Kiara shouts in joy.
"Guys?" The heroes look to see Keeno walking out of the forest.
"Keeno..." Rose looks at the male with tears.
"Rose..." Keeno smiles.
"YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Rose runs at Keeno tackling him down.
"I missed you too..." Keeno blushes.
"Wait, Where's Uhuru?" Basura asks.
"GRANDMOTHER!!" Rose runs to Basura.
"My sweet little grandchild..." Basura instantly hugs Rose.
"Uhuru?" Halo looks around for Uhuru.
"Uhuru's not here?!" The heroes start to look around for the missing hero.
"UHURU!!" Nala shouts for her eldest son.
"What's that?" Zuri asks.
"Huh?" The rest of the heroes see a strange orb of light.
"What is that?" Kion asks.
"Looks like a ball of light..." Rani says as the orb slowly flies away.
"Quickly, Follow it!" Kion shouts.
The orb leads the heroes to the canyon as the orb descends.
"The canyon?" Zuri asks.
"Follow it." The heroes reach the bottom of the canyon and the orb leads to a boulder.
"What's with this boulder?" Tifu asks.
"Oh my god...." Rose says.
"What is it Rose?" Keeno asks his lover.
"Look." Rose points at Utando's paw sticking out from under the boulder leaving everyone speechless.
"If Utando is dead, Where is Uhuru?" Nala asks.
"O-Over here..." Uhuru raises his shaking paw.
"UHURU!!!" Aina rushes to her mate embracing him.
"Hey Aina..." Uhuru says with a whispering tone.
"Are you alright?! You're bleeding!" Aina shouts in devastation.
"Don't worry about me....Is everyone else safe?" Uhuru asks in slight worry.
"Yes, Everyone is safe, You saved everyone..." Aina says with a tear trickling down her cheek.
"Go-*cough*.." Uhuru coughs blood before he could finish.
"UHURU!!" Aina shouts making the rest of the heroes rush over to the bleeding lion.
"Hang in there Uhuru..." Keeno holds Uhuru's paw with tears dropping from his eyes.
"Keeno?" Uhuru shifts his head to the side to look at his best friend.
"Hang in there buddy, You'll make it, Stay strong." Keeno says in a whimpering voice.
"No, I won't, I've lost too much blood, There is no saving me anym-." Uhuru gets slapped by Aina.
"Listen to me guys..." Uhuru whispers as everyone looks at him.
"What is it Uhuru?" Kopa says with tears in his eyes.
"No matter where I'll be, In the desert, tundra, volcano, heaven, wherever it'll be, My spirit will always be here next to you even in the darkest of times, I enjoyed all of our moments together, Mom, Dad, Kiara, Basura, Kion, Kopa, Keeno, Aina and the rest of you, I will miss you all, I lo-ve...all" Uhuru says his final words before succumbing to the afterlife.
"...." Everyone looks down with tears falling from their eyes.
A few days later on a hot and sunny day at Vreace Temple, During the funeral of Uhuru.
"Today is a tragic day, The day where we say goodbye to the best hero we ever knew, He was a loving husband, Wonderful father, Caring son, Amazing brother and most of all, a caring friend, He sacrificed his life to save us all, We all know what happened in his past and even though his life was all gloom, He still found ways to help others in need like us, We were facing tough times but his strength, courage and wisdom made us see the bigger picture more clearly and helped us defeat the new evils that arose during these crises, He never cared about the villains as his strength was unbeatable to all who opposed him, May he rest in peace and may Seerna take him to the most wonderful place in heaven..." Furaha says with a trickling tear and a sad smile, The rest of the animals there were devastated at the loss of one of their friends and family.
"I can't believe he's gone for real now....." Halo says with tears in her eyes.
"I didn't even get to say goodbye..." Keeno looks down with tears.
"Keeno..." Rose looks at Keeno's tears as she nuzzles him.
"It should of been me, Not him, He was too pure to die like that..." Keeno says as he starts sobbing harder.
"Shh, It's okay..." Rose licks Keeno's cheek to help him calm down.
"He is in a better place now..." Kovu says with a tear.
"Uhuru..." Aina sobs as her cubs nuzzle her legs crying too.
"My baby boy..." Nala sobs into Simba's mane.
"Uhuru would want us to live on and not dwell on this tragic event, He would want us to take his sacrifice as a sign of courage to defend the people you love at all cost." Rafiki says with a smile.
"Rafiki's right, The only thing we can do now is keep going forward and achieving Uhuru's goal of peace and harmony in the world..." Simba says with tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Aina?" Rose walks over to her childhood friend.
"I'm alright..." She says trying not to cry.
"It's alright, I know you are not okay, Come here..." Rose pulls Aina into a hug as she cries into her shoulder.
"WHY HIM!!,HOW WILL OUR CUBS LIVE ON WITHOUT THEIR BRAVE AND STRONG FATHER TO PROTECT THEM!!!!." Aina yells at the top of her lungs with tears in her eyes.
"Aina..." Rose looks at her friend who was on the verge of spilling their entire heart out.
"I need some time alone..." Aina walks off as Rose watched her.
"I'm sorry Aina..." Rose feels sorrow for her friend.
"So what now?" Kion asks.
"Now, I believe it's best if we move forward in life and respect Uhuru's wishes, He would not be to happy with us not respecting his goals in his lifetime, Am I right?" Furaha says making them all nod in agreement.
"Indeed, Even though he is gone, He still lives within our hearts and souls till the very end of time." Basura says making everyone smile.
"I think it's time we go home." Nala says to Simba as he nods.
"Yep, I think it's time we go back home and not dwell on this dark moment." Simba says as everyone else walks back to their homes leaving Aina and Furaha.
"So Aina, What do you think will happen after our king is gone?" Furaha looks at his Queen with a concerned expression.
"I don't know, Hopefully I can lead everyone back on the right path..." Aina says half-heartedly.
"I know you still miss him, He's gone now though..." Furaha puts his paw on Aina's shoulder.
"How could you not miss him, You were his teacher, You taught him everything he knows, He was like your son and you don't miss him?!!" Aina shouts at Furaha.
"It's not that I don't miss him, It's that I know he would want me to move on if he ever perished in battle, I hope you understand." Furaha says before getting up and walking back to the temple.
"Seerna, If you can hear me from up in the heavens, Please bring back Uhuru, He doesn't deserve to die after all he has done to help this world and its inhabitants that roam these lands, He deserves nothing more than to be with people he cares about the most such as me and his cubs, I hope you will take my prayers in to consideration..." Aina walks ready to go to sleep hoping Seerna answered her call...

The end of the story!

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