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"Is that...." Kiara starts.
"It is!" Tiifu shouts.
"Wait, LOOK!!" Zuri, Tiifu and Kiara look to see Uhuru extremely injured and limping.
"Uhuru!, Tiifu get help!" Kiara says.
"I will!" Tiifu runs off to find the group.
Zuri and Kiara run to help Uhuru.
"H-Huh?" Uhuru looks to see two blurry figures coming towards him.
"Uhuru!" Kiara says holding her older brother.
"Kiara?" Uhuru says in clear pain.
"You're ok....." Kiara says with tears.
"I'm f- *cough* fine....." Uhuru is visibly injured.
"Uhuru!!" The rest of the group came to help.
"Guys?" Uhuru asks.
"Uhuru, You're ok!" Aina rubs against him.
"Ooww!" Uhuru says.
"Sorry...." Aina says with a happy smile.
"Uhuru, Tell me what happened." Simba says.
"Utando....." Uhuru starts.
"What about Utando?" Nala asks.
"Utando.......Ambush........" Uhuru flopped to the ground due to the pain from his injuries.
"No......." The group overcame with shock and worry.
"It's alright bro, We're here for ya'." Kion and Keeno carry Uhuru.
"Hopefully Uhuru will make it....." Kiara whispers.
"Damn that little mother f-.." Nala stops Kopa.
"Language Kopa!" Nala says with an unimpressed expression.
"S-Sorry mom...." Kopa says with regret.
"I will kill that blue rat!!!" Kion says in anger and sadness.
"Relax Kion, We all will....." Keeno says still carrying Uhuru.
"Kiara, You ok?" Kovu asks.
"No I'm not....." Kovu hears her crying.
"You're worried about Uhuru....." Kovu's expression becomes a worried one.
"What if he doesn't make it......" Kiara says with tears.
"Relax, He will, He will stop at nothing to protect his family and friends, You have seen the extent of his will to do so, Trust me, He will be fine." Kovu nuzzles Kiara.
"You're right, I guess I just love my brother too much to let him die..." Kiara sighs nuzzling Kovu.
"Am I interrupting something?" Nala chuckles.
"N-Nothing mom!, You're not interrupting anything...." Kiara scoots away from Kovu.
"Anyway, Listen you two lovebirds, Rafiki is taking care of Uhuru, The possibility of Uhuru living is about 85%." Nala smiles.
"What if Uhuru's unlucky?" Kovu asks.
"He will die...." Nala says with worry.
"I believe Uhuru will live!" Kopa says.
"Me too!" Vitani walks up next to Kopa.
"Uhuru will be better...." Aina says.
"For now, We should rest, I'm getting tired...." Baliyo let's out a long yawn.
"I agree with Baliyo, We must pray that Uhuru will be better..." Surak speaks.
The heroes fall asleep except one, Aina.
"Why can't I sleep?" Aina asks her conscience.
"Maybe because you miss Uhuru by your side?" A voice replies.
"Who said that?" Aina whispers.
"That would be me haha!" A familiar baboon makes himself witness-able.
"Rafiki?" Aina asks.
"Da one and only!" Rafiki's usual laugh continues.
"What do you mean I miss Uhuru by my side?" Aina asks in a confused tone.
"Whenever you are near Uhuru, Your world feels amazing, When he is not near you like at this very moment, You feel sad and lonely...." Rafiki says in specific detail.
"Even so, I know Uhuru will be fine, He always is." Aina counteracts Rafiki's statement.
"That may be, But it doesn't change the fact that you never want Uhuru to leave your side." Rafiki states.
"That is true....but still, I know Uhuru will be fine, The gods have chosen the destiny for me and Uhuru." Aina says with a hint of positivity.
"Yes, The gods agreed on both of your destinies, However, Yours is very clear, Uhuru's can not be said the same for...." Rafiki's tone changes into a more serious one.
"Why so?" Aina asks in a bit of worry.
"Uhuru's destiny was to become the king of Vreace temple but the gods saw images of him soon becoming the single lion to destroy the pride lands or the single lion to save the pride lands but there was also a chance of him killing every animal living right now...." Rafiki explains.
"There's no way....Uhuru is too kind, There's no way in seerna's green earth that Uhuru will turn a new leaf to the dark side!" Aina feels worry coursing through her at this very moment.
"He may be kind, But any outcome can happen no matter the possibility." Rafiki speaks.
"Did the gods say the chances?" Aina asks the wise baboon.
"They unfortunately did not, But like I said before, Any outcome can happen no matter the possibility, We just have to hope that Uhuru doesn't allow himself to move on to the side of evil....." Rafiki prays to the gods.
"I hope so too, I don't want my Uhuru to hurt his family...." Aina looks up at the sky hoping the gods will save her mate.
Meanwhile with Uhuru.
"Why can't I sleep?" Uhuru asks himself rolling all around his resting place for the time being.
"Maybe because you don't have your precious Aina by your side?" The wise baboon appears once again.
"What do you mean Rafiki?" Uhuru asks with confusion.
"I had the same conversation with Aina not too long ago, She asked the exact same question like you did just now." Rafiki explains.
"What did she say?" Uhuru asks the wise baboon.
"She said that even though she misses you, She knows you will be alright, She also said that she misses you when you are not by her side." The baboon explains.
"She misses me huh?" Uhuru asks with an apologetic tone.
"Yes she does, A lot, I can see in her soul that she loves you with all her life and heart, Just like you love her the same way...." Rafiki says.
"I do, I'd do anything to protect her from any harm..." Uhuru speaks out loud.
"That's why you two are meant for each other, You both would risk your own lives for one another to ensure the other's safety, That's what makes your strong connection." Rafiki tells Uhuru.
"I see now, I must let my pain go to make sure Aina's safe, I can't let my injury get the best of me, What kind of mate would I be if I couldn't protect the one lioness I love....." Uhuru speaks.
"That's the spirit!" Rafiki slaps Uhuru's back showing a sign of proudness.
"Thanks Rafiki, Now to get back to Aina...." Uhuru limps back ignoring the pain.
After a few minutes of walking, Uhuru reaches Aina's resting rock.
"Hey, Aina..." Uhuru whispers in her ear.
"Huh?" Aina slowly wakes up.
"You seem a bit tired....." Uhuru says with a smile.
"U-Uhuru..." Aina says happily seeing her mate right in front of her.
"Seems you missed me huh?" Uhuru asks Aina.
"How are you here??" Aina asks.
"I walked...." Uhuru says.
"B-But your leg...." Aina notices Uhuru's damaged front right leg.
"Rafiki spoke to me." Uhuru says.
"W-What did he say?" Aina asks.
"He said that you missed me by your side, How our connection is very strong and so on and so forth." Uhuru explains.
"All of that is true, We do have a strong connection." Aina slowly licks Uhuru's cheek.
"Guess we do huh." Uhuru chuckles.
"But, What about your injuries?" Aina asks her mate with concern.
"I said to Rafiki that I would do everything in my power to protect you, Even risking my life to make sure you're safe which also means ignoring my injuries." Uhuru said with a bashful smile.
"Oh you handsome lion." Aina passionately licks Uhuru's cheek.
"Guess it's time to take a nap." Uhuru speaks up.
"Yeah, Good night Uhuru." Aina rests her head under Uhuru's to catch some z's.
"Good night my beautiful Queen." Uhuru says before entering the dream world.

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