Nearing the end....

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Uhuru and his two new allies were running as fast they could back to the tree of life.
"We got to go faster!!" Uhuru shouts.
"Relax Uhuru, We will make it at this speed." Jenos says.
"I know, But you never know with Utando, He always thinks ahead of what he is currently doing." Uhuru says in a hurry.
"That is true....." Jenos says.
"No time for talking, Time for reinforcements!" Atlanta says running ahead of both the young males.
"We got to make it before a fight starts!" Jenos shouts.
"There is a fight already happening, Remember!, This is Utando we're talking about!" Uhuru yells at Jenos in response.
"Good point!" Jenos shouts.
"Why are we shouting??!!" Uhuru booms back.
"I don't know!, Keep going!!!" Jenos screams.
"We are almost there!!" Atlanta shouts at the duo.
"Good!" Uhuru says before the trio make it to the Tree of Life on fire.....

"Good!" Uhuru says before the trio make it to the Tree of Life on fire

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"Oh no...." Atlanta says.
"There!!" Jenos yells.
They run to help the rest of the heroes.
"Let go of me!!!" Rani shouts.
"Never....." A buff tiger says before clawing at Rani's side.
"AAAAHHHH!!" Rani cries in pain.
"Look at you, Pathe-GAH!!" The tiger gets knocked off of Rani by a familiar golden fur, Red mane lion.
"K-Kion....." Rani says in happiness and tears.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!!!!!" Kion shouts in a sudden deep voice.
"N-Nothing, I swear...." The tiger backs up in fear.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Kion instantly tackles the tiger clawing and biting him to death.
"PLEASE, SPARE ME, I BEG Y-......" The tiger gets cut off by Kion biting his neck with extreme force.
"Never mess with my wife......." Kion says to the tiger's body before walking to Rani.
"Hey Kion..." Rani says in clear pain.
"I'm sorry....I should of been there to help you, Just....hold on......please....." Kion says tearing up.
"KION, BEHIND YOU!!" Kiara yells.
"Hu-ARGH!!" Kion gets tackled by a familiar blue lion.
"Is that...." Baliyo backs up in fear.
"Utando...." Matumaini says in shock.
"LISTEN, ALL OF YOU!!!" All of the animals look at Utando.
"What do you want Utando?" Simba asks walking to the front of the "Defending Army".
"I want your Tree of Life....." Utando says with a smile.
"Hold on, You said you only wanted Uhuru's death!" Nala shouts in anger and blasphemy.
"Uhuru's death was the one thing I wanted in my lifetime.... But now that I see there are more prides than I thought, I'll take all the prides for myself thank you, Hahahaha!!!" Utando laughs at the heroes.
"If you want to take our prides so badly, You will have to go through me." A mysterious but recognisable voice alerts all the animals on the battlefield.
"You!!!" Utando booms in rage.
"Told you I can't die...." The memorable lion says.
"UHURU!!" The heroes shout in happiness.
"The one and only, In the flesh no less!" Uhuru says with a smile.
"So this is your family Uhuru?" Atlanta asks.
"You know them Uhuru?" Nala asks.
"Yep, They freed me, And they abandoned Utando who was also their leader so they can help me get back here." Uhuru explains.
"Oh wow, Nice to meet you....Uhhhh...." Kion stutters since he doesn't know their names.
"I'm Jenos, This is my mate, Atlanta." The young male says.
"Hello there." Atlanta smiles.
"ENOUGH!! GET THEM!!!" Utando yells.
"You are no king! UTANDO IS THE ONE TRUE KING!!" A random lion shouts at Uhuru.
"We'll see about that...." Uhuru upper-pawed the enemy lion.
"Argh!" The lion falls backwards on to the burnt grass.
"Seems you are weak, How unfortunate....." Uhuru says with a chuckle.
"You should always look in all directions, Fake king...." The lion says.
"Huh??!!" Uhuru suddenly gets surrounded by enemy forces.
"You're outmatched....." A random hippo says.
"We'll see about that..." Uhuru says before powering up to the super form.
"Oh no....." A random tiger says.
"GET HIM!!" The enemy lion says.
"Cocky aren't you?" Uhuru says before fighting them off one by one.
"Retre-..." Uhuru paws the enemy lion in the face before he finishes speaking.
"Too easy....." Uhuru laughs.
After a gruesome fight that lasted 2 hours, The heroes were victorious once again.
"How can this be? HOW DID I LOSE??!!" Utando yells in rage.
"There is only one way you lost Utando, Heroes always triumph over the villains." Uhuru says with an amused face.
"Grr......" Utando looks at his fallen army in rage.
"Face it Utando!, It's over!" Kiara shouts as she and the rest of the heroes join Uhuru's side.
"We'll see about that...." Utando's eyes start to glow.
"What the?!" Kopa shouts.
"JOIN ME, HUMBLE SERVANTS!!" Utando shouts.
"What just happened??" Nala asks.
"Master..." Kopa said whilst walking towards Utando.
"KOPA!" Vitani tries to stop Kopa but fails miserably.
"Let us go to our master...." Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Makini and Anga as well as many other heroes go to Utando.
"What is happening?!" Zuri asks in worry.
"He had to use it, Didn't he....." Uhuru says.
"Use what?" Nala asks whilst her and everyone else look at Uhuru for an answer.
"Utando has a special power, The power to control minds....." Uhuru says with anger.
"Then I'm guessing that's why everyone started following him after his eyes glowed, He used his power...." Kion says with anger in his voice.
"That is correct lil bro, That bastard always thinks one step ahead...." Uhuru says with seriousness.
"Damn, Now that he used its power, It will be harder for us to beat Utando...." Vitani says.
"But, If Uhuru knows about Utando's power, Then he should know how to stop it, Right Uhuru?" Kiara says.
"No, I don't...." Uhuru says with seriousness yet again which shocked everyone.
"W-What?!" The remaining heroes said in shock.
"I do not know how to stop Utando's power, But what I definitely do know is, From this point onwards into the future, This battle has just gotten worse, A whole lot worse...." Uhuru says with a tinge of anger.

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