The Conclusion (Part 3)

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"Phew....we made it...." Mzuri says panting.
"Yeah, Now to help out the rest of our fr-....." Hasaki stops mid sentence and looks at the aftermath.
What happened during the time of the Vreacian group running.
"UHURU, ARE YOU OKAY??!!" Nala shouts.
"...." No answer came.
"Wait, It's too risky!" Baliyo shouts holding Kopa back.
"KOPA!!" Kiara shouts.
"See!!, Told you this is eas-.AHH!!" Kopa starts to tumble down due to a sinkhole forming.
"KOPA!!" Simba shouts whilst sliding down to save his son.
"DAD, HELP!!" Kopa holds on for dear life.
"KOPA!!!!!" Vitani yells.
"SIMBA, WATCH OUT!!!" Surak shouts.
"Huh?!-." A large rock hits Simba in the head sending him hurling to the bottom of the gigantic cliff.
"DAD!!!!" Kiara, Kion and Kopa yell.
"SIMBA!!!" Everyone else yells.
"AHHH!!!" Simba screamed before connecting with the solid rocks at the bottom.
"No......" Kiara starts to tear up.
"..." Simba's body was lying there, blood spewing out in every gash that was seen on him.
"..." Kopa falls to his hind legs with tears.
"Dad...." Kion says in tears.
"Damn it....." Surak says in anger.
"I will avenge you da- KION LOOK OUT!!" Kiara yells.
"Huh?-ARGH!!!" Kion yells in pain whilst being bitten on the paw.
"Well, This is the king of the tree of life?!" The random animal says in shock and disappointment.
"LET HIM GO!!!" Kiara dashes at the animal.
"Make me...." The animal slashes Kiara's neck spilling blood.
"KIARA!!!!!!" Vitani screams.
"..." Kiara lifelessly flops to the ground.
"N-No...." Zuri says.
"Well, How pathetic......" The animal says.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!" Kopa screams swatting the animal off the cliff side.
"DAMN YOU ALL, I PROMISE THAT MY MASTER WILL KILL YOU A-...." The animal's last words were echoed through the fall until the last thing the heroes heard was a loud crash.
"Damn....We lost some valuable friends...." Vitani looks at the bodies.
"Kiara....." Zuri picks up Kiara's head to make it face Zuri.
"She's gone Zuri...." Vitani puts a paw on Zuri's shoulder.
"No....." Zuri starts to tear up.
"....." The rest of the heroes are speechless thinking about their fallen friends.
"Kiara...." Kion looks at his older sister with tears of sadness and shock.
"I'm sorry Kion....." Baliyo puts a paw on his King's shoulder.
Meanwhile at the bottom of the cliff near the remnants of the sinkhole, Uhuru emerges from the pile of rocks that piled on top of him.
"Argh...Damn that hurt...." Uhuru slowly crawls out of the rock pile to see his father's dead body.
"D-Dad......" Uhuru crawls to Simba seeing him with wounds all over and no heart beat.
"....." No respond came from Simba's lifeless corpse.
"I failed again....." Uhuru starts to tear up.
"Well, Seems the king finally met his destined fate...." A familiar voice is heard.
"Utando......" Uhuru gets up with a face full of pure hatred.
"What's wrong? Lose your daddy?" Utando chuckles.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" Uhuru charges at Utando.
"Too slow...." Utando swats Uhuru in the face.
"Argh!!" Uhuru falls back but instantly charges at the blue lion.
"Why are you so worked up?, Your father met his destined fate, So did your friends...." Utando casts a sinister smirk at Uhuru.
"W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!!" Uhuru asks the lion.
"I sent one of my assassins to kill your friends, Seems like your sister and father were finished, What a shame, I could of made them my slaves if I really wanted to, Oh well, Time to get ri-." Utando feels a powerful paw hit him straight in the face.
"You......YOU SENT AN ASSASSIN TO KILL MY FRIENDS??!!" Uhuru replies in an ominous tone.
"Why yes I did, Two people you care about are dead already, Soon all of them will, Along with that disgusting lioness Aina and your pathetic children!" Utando shouts, This brings Uhuru to a maximum point of pure rage.
"I don't care if you talk bad about me, But don't you EVER, AND I MEAN EVER!, DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY WIFE AND CHILDREN LIKE THAT!!!" Uhuru has his paw at maximum pressure on Utando's neck.
"Kill me then coward...." Utando requests.
"With pleasure....." Uhuru extends his claws and digs them into Utando's neck.
"ARGH!!!!" The blue lion screams in pain.
"Weak....." Utando kicks Uhuru off and runs away.
"GET BACK HERE!!!!" Uhuru chases after the blue lion.
"Try this!!!" Utando starts a rock slide.
"DAMN IT!!!" Uhuru runs for cover.
"See you later, 'The Great Warrior'......." Utando mocks Uhuru's earned title and walks off into the distance.
"DAMN IT!!! I GOTTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Uhuru shouts to himself hiding behind a cliff wall for cover.
Just then, Uhuru sees a way to climb up out of the canyon.
"Bingo!" Uhuru starts to climb up.
"I hope Utando died....." Uhuru hears Vitani speak.
"Vitani, I'm sorry about Kovu....." Baliyo was heard.
"Oh yeah....Kovu......" Uhuru whispers remembering seeing his brother in law die by Utando's jaw.
"Seems Kiara and Simba are gone too......" Tiifu says in sadness.
"......" This information causes Uhuru to start tearing up.
"And seems you will be joining them...." Utando speaks.
"no!!" Uhuru shouts climbing faster.
"Wait, That voice......Is that.......Rose?" Uhuru whispers in shock.
"Ahh.....Rose, My one true love....." Utando puts a paw around her shoulder.
"Go away!, Your henchman killed Keeno!!!!" Rose says in anger.
"The pathetic lion? Why do you care about him?" Utando asks obliviously.
"I LOVED HIM!!, I WANTED TO BE WITH HIM FOREVER!!....AND YOU.....YOU-YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME, AAHH!!!" Rose screams in tears of anger trying to hit Utando.
"Is that how this always was, Your love to me was a lie??" Utando asks with a dumbfounded expression.
"I NEVER LOVED YOU, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!" Rose screams in pure agony.
"If that's how it be it...." Utando swats Rose off the cliff.
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Rose screams in fear.
"ROSE!!!!" The Vreacian group run to the edge but get stopped by Utando.
Meanwhile with Rose.
"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" Rose screams in tears of fear.
"Don't worry, You won't...." A reassuring voice tells her while catching her.
"Huh?" She looks up at the animal who caught her.
"Long time no see, Huh Rose?" The animal asks.
"Who are you?" She backs up a bit from the animal.
"It's me, Uhuru....." Uhuru says with his unforgettable smile.
"U-Uhuru??!!" Rose says in happiness seeing her best friend after many years.
"It's me...." Uhuru hugs Rose.
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" Rose shouts in a voice full of joy and happiness whilst snuggling into his mane laughing.
"I missed you too Rose." Uhuru smiles.
"Also, Did you hear what happened to some of your family?" Rose asks with sadness looking at Uhuru.
"Yes I did.....Kovu, Kiara and Dad........." Uhuru starts to tear up.
"Shh....." Rose hugs Uhuru.
"I couldn't protect them, Like I couldn't protect Basura....." This shocks Rose.
"W-What do you mean?, What happened to her??!!" Rose asks in worry.
"Oh right, You never knew what happened, When we were still Cubs, After you supposedly died....Utando went mad and started destroying Vreace Temple and during the battle, He killed Basura...." Rose starts to cry for her deceased grandmother.
"No.....Why her......" Rose starts to cry harder.
"I'm sorry about her, Is everyone else up there okay?" Uhuru asks.
"Yeah, One didn't make it though......" Rose swallows in worry of Uhuru's response.
"Who didn't?!" Uhuru starts to panic.
"Keeno......" Rose says causing Uhuru to fall in his hind legs and look at the ground with tears.
"Damn it, Why Keeno, I told you to stay alive......" Uhuru whispers to himself slowly getting up.
"Where are you going?" Rose asks Uhuru whilst watching him walk away.
"Going to avenge my fallen comrades and to save the rest of my friends and family, Want to join?" Uhuru asks Rose who gets up with an adventurous smirk.
"HELL YEAH!!" Rose shouts with enthusiasm causing Uhuru to chuckle.
"Then let's go....." Uhuru says.
The two heroes climb up the rest of the canyon to go and save the rest of the heroes, Will they succeed and come out victorious leading the heroes to fight another day? Or will Utando concoct a plan to rid the heroes once and for all, Find out in the next chapter of Lion Guard: The Astronomical Threat......

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