The Tour (Part 1)

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The boys were walking through the forest looking at the creepy scenery.

The boys were walking through the forest looking at the creepy scenery

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"So this is the Forest of Vlintrush?" Matumaini said a bit shaken.
"Don't worry Matumaini, This place isn't harmful." Kovu said.
"This place sure looks creepy...." Simba said.
"Yeah, This place used to belong to a group of wolves, But one day they vanished and no one knew how or why." Uhuru said.
"You mean they vanished without a trace?!" Kopa asked.
"Indeed." Uhuru replied.
"That is creepy." Kovu said.
"Never knew stuff like that could happen." Kion said.
"Which makes me feel more anxious." Surak replied.
"Calm down, As long as we stay together, We will be fine." Uhuru said.
"Wonder how the girls are doing?" Kopa said.
"Don't worry about them, They are fighters, They will be fine." Baliyo said.
"Well, We should explore this place." Simba said.
"You sure?" Kion asked.
"I agree, Let's do it." Matumaini said.
They explored the quiet and deserted forest but came back to the entrance.
"That place is creepy, Where next?" Kovu asked.
"Let's go to the mystic mountains." Uhuru said.
"Ok. What do you say Matumaini?" Baliyo asked.
No answer came.
"Matumaini?" Kion said.
Everyone looked behind them and they saw Matumaini was gone.
"Matumaini??!!" Surak shouted.
"Where did he go??!!" Simba said.
???: You looking for him?
"Who are you?" Uhuru asked.
They all saw a black shadow in the shape of a lion holding a knocked out Matumaini.
???: My name is Giza.... (Dark in Swahili)
"Let him go!" Baliyo shouted.
"Ah ah ah, You must do something for me." Giza said.
"What is it?" Simba asked losing patience.
"Kill Queen Kiara......" Giza said.
"Never!" Kopa shouted before lunging at Giza.
"Pathetic...." He swats away Kopa knocking him out.
"KOPA!!" Simba shouted.
"YOU!!!!" Kion said before roaring at Giza sending him flying.
Meanwhile at the waterfall with the girls.

Meanwhile at the waterfall with the girls

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"This waterfall is so pretty." Zuri said.
"I know, There is a field of pretty flowers near it." Aina said.
"Where is it?" Rani asked.
"Follow me." Aina said before running off.
"Wait for us!" Kiara said before she and the other girls were running.
When they reached the field of flowers, The girls were shocked at the amazing sight.

When they reached the field of flowers, The girls were shocked at the amazing sight

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