The Final Battle (Part 2)

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"It's time for you to go back to where you belong Mzuka, Hell...." Uhuru says with an intimidating glare.
"YOU DON'T SCARE ME!!!" Mzuka yells in rage.
"Face it Mzuka, You are no match for Kion or Uhuru!!" Rani shouts.
"Heh, That's what you think......." Mzuka calmly speaks.
"Huh??" They all suddenly feel a boost of power.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mzuka's yells vibrate through the forest with a chilling echo.
"THIS POWER, IT'S AMAZING!!" Uhuru shouts with a smile knowing that he is using 0.000001% in his red and purple form.
Mzuka transforms from a shadow lion into some new form the heroes have never seen.

Mzuka transforms from a shadow lion into some new form the heroes have never seen

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"What is that form??!!" Rani shouts in fear.
"The demon form......" Mzuka says with a chilling tone.
"The demon form?" Nala asks.
"Only shadow lions can transform into this...." Mzuka answers.
Kion's mind: This will be harder than we thought....
Uhuru's mind: He might be a bit stronger, But it's not enough to beat me.....
Mzuka charges at both of the kings at high speeds, Kion was caught off guard but Uhuru saw it coming.
"KION!!, UHURU!!" All the others watched as Mzuka laid waste to the two powerful kings.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Mzuka laughs in happiness and insanity as he thinks he is the superior one in this battle.
"D-Damn it....He is too strong....." Kion says making Rani worry.
"Seems your new forms won't save you, Hahahahaha!!!!!" Mzuka laughs maniacally once again.
"Heh, My form will...." Uhuru says calmly.
"Huh?" Kion says making everyone including Mzuka turn to face him.
"I am no where near 100% power, I am only using 0.001% of my power right now...." Uhuru says with a cocky smirk.
"???!!!" The rest of the heroes could not believe Uhuru held back so much.
"Heh, You think I will fall for that lie??, I am not dumb...." Mzuka says cockily.
"We'll see, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Uhuru goes full power.
"WHAT IS THIS!!!!!" Mzuka gets thrown back by the shockwaves.
Kopa's mind: Big bro can win this!!
Kion's mind: BEAT MZUKA BIG BRO!!
Everyone else's mind: GO UHURU!!!!
"HA!!, YOU THINK THAT RELEASING FULL POWER, I WON'T BE SCARED OF YOU!!!, HAAA!!!" Mzuka swats Uhuru's face at full speed but Uhuru isn't fazed.
"How pitiful......" Uhuru says.
"I-IMP-IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Mzuka shouts.
"My turn...." Uhuru swats Mzuka gently sending Mzuka through 510 trees and 215 boulders.
"Damn it....." Mzuka speaks quietly.
"Give up Mzuka, It's over...." Uhuru suggests.
"NEVER!!!" Mzuka shouts shooting a laser through Nala, Zuri, Rani, Nirmala, Aina, Vitani and all the other girls making them lose consciousness.....
"I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" Kovu tries to run but Uhuru stops him.
"Get everyone out of here, I will deal with Mzuka..." Uhuru speaks.
"Are you insane!!!, You could die...." Kion says.
"Don't worry about me, I can buy you enough time...." Uhuru calmly speaks.
"BUT YOUR PROMISE!!!" Matumaini shouts.
"I kept my promise, I can be here for you in the afterlife IF I die......" Uhuru speaks.
"Bye big bro...." Kion says.
"Go..." Uhuru speaks.
"B-But....." Matumaini starts.
"GO NOW!!" Uhuru shouts making all of them drag the females away to safety.
"Pretty dumb move sending them away without giving you help...." Mzuka starts with anger.
"I know you know I'm stronger than you......" Uhuru states.
"Maybe so, But I still have tricks up my sleeve...." Mzuka speaks with a smirk.
"Huh??" Uhuru felt the ground shaking.....
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Mzuka transforms once again...

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