The Fight (Part 2)

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Giza looks at Uhuru with fear, anger and greed.
Giza asks in anger.
"Easy explanation, I am Pure Of Heart and I am awakened by fury, I am the Super Lion!!!, King Uhuru!!!!" Uhuru says before appearing in front of Giza in his super form.

"Easy explanation, I am Pure Of Heart and I am awakened by fury, I am the Super Lion!!!, King Uhuru!!!!" Uhuru says before appearing in front of Giza in his super form

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"Don't you dare make a fool of me!!!" Giza says trying to swat Uhuru but he gets swatted instead.
Rafiki comes from the forest and is in shock looking at Uhuru but also proud, Proud that someone is like Ventus, A pure hearted king that protects others and himself from evil like Giza.
" head......." Tiifu said getting up.
"Wait, Who is that?!" Bunga said getting up.
"Who is that guy???" Baliyo asked making everyone look at super Uhuru.
"You really don't know who he is?" Rafiki said laughing while helping Baliyo up.
"You know him?" Nala asked.
"Look closely, Look at his mane style, his fur...." Rafiki spoke calmly.
"Uhuru?!, Wait, Why is he golden?" Zuri asked.
"Remember he had a golden aura and it was incomplete...." Rafiki spoke.
"Wait, Don't tell me!" Kiara started excitedly.
"Yes......" Rafiki started.
Everyone looks at Rafiki.
"He unlocked the complete version of the super form." Rafiki finished which made everyone shocked and amazed.
"Look!" Rani shouted which made everyone watch Super Uhuru and Full Power Giza fight to the death.
"I WILL NOT LOSE TO SUCH AN INFERIOR BEING, I REFUSE TO!!!!" Giza yells in rage shooting energy beams at Uhuru.

"I WILL NOT LOSE TO SUCH AN INFERIOR BEING, I REFUSE TO!!!!" Giza yells in rage shooting energy beams at Uhuru

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"Too slow......" Uhuru said calmly before running at incredible speeds that even Giza can't keep up.
"SLOW DOWN YOU COWARD!!!!!" Giza shoots even more energy beams in every direction trying to hit Uhuru.
"Now it's my turn" Uhuru says before firing a huge energy beam at Giza at such velocity.

"Now it's my turn" Uhuru says before firing a huge energy beam at Giza at such velocity

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"AAAHHHH!!!!!" Giza barely dodges it saving his own life in the process.
Giza's mind: He is too strong for me, I need to retreat, All I need to do is create a perfect distraction....
"TAKE THIS!!!!!" Giza shouts throwing giant rocks catching Uhuru off guard but barely dodges whilst Giza escapes in the meantime.
"*huff* *huff* *huff*" Uhuru breathed heavily while on the ground with one knee.
"Uhuru!!" Kiara ran to her big brother hugging him tight.
"Woah, Kiara, What's wrong?" Uhuru asked but then he saw her tears.
"I thought you were gonna die........" Kiara said with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"It's ok....I won't die that easily....." Kiara cheered up hearing this.
"Promise?" Kiara asked Uhuru.
"I promise....." Uhuru said with a smile which made Kiara happy.
"Wow Uhuru, I can't believe you actually got it." Fuli said amazed.
"It took me a bit, But I got it." He replied.
"But how?" Kion asked.
"Rafiki said I had to get angry, So Giza gave me the boost I needed, He said he might kill you all or my children......" Uhuru said the last part with a tinge of anger.
"What??!!" This made Aina worried hearing that.
"Don't worry, He retreated because I'm way stronger than him...." Uhuru said.
"Good thing is, If he does come back, You can use your Super Form." Bunga said with confidence.
"Seems you aren't a moron after all Bunga...." Uhuru chuckled saying that.
"I know, I kn-HEY!!!!" Bunga said angrily.
"Alright everyone, Calm down, He will be back, But Uhuru has the power to destroy Giza for good....." Rafiki spoke.
"You know Giza?" Rani asked.
"Giza was the arch rival of Solgaleo, Since Solgaleo was the leader of light, Giza was the leader of darkness, Meaning he is the same age as Solgaleo and Lunala...." Rafiki said with a serious face.
"Wait, But Solgaleo is way stronger than Uhuru, But how did he defeat Giza???" Beshte asked.
"They may be the same age, But if I remember, Giza was strong but Solgaleo was about a trillion times stronger than Giza was or even more...." Rafiki spoke with a calm expression but this made everyone shocked to know Solgaleo's true power.
"No way......" Kion said with a shocked expression.
"But Uhuru can beat him with the super form, Right big bro?" Kopa asked Uhuru.
"I don't even think my Super Form can do much if he is that strong......" Uhuru said whilst shaking his head.
"But Rafiki, Is there a form above the Super Form?" Surak asked.
"Yes there is..." Rafiki spoke.
Rafiki laughed before running into the forest.
"THERE ARE??!!" Kiara shouted in shock.
"I think I know why he didn't say it before...." Uhuru spoke.
"Why not?" Bunga asked.
"Because he knows I can take Giza on with my Super Form easily, So I don't need the stronger forms right now...." Uhuru answered.
"That does make sense, Since you don't need those forms right now, You can get them when a bigger threat comes." Rani said.
"Exactly, Which means the other forms are way more powerful...." Uhuru said thinking about the unimaginable power of the other forms.
"But I wanna know what the other forms look like....." Bunga said impatiently.
"You will find out what they look like when Uhuru needs them, But not right now, Ok Bunga?" Matumaini said.
"Fine, Party pooper.....😡" Bunga sat down upset.
"Hehehe.....Well, What should we do now?" Kion asked.
"I'm going to wait for him to return...." Uhuru said.
"You sure, He could surprise attack you?" Zuri asked cautiously.
"You know my instincts are as sharp as a needle in my super form." Uhuru said calmly.
"He's right, We have to trust Uhuru." Simba said.
"Right, Be careful Uhuru.." Aina said worriedly nuzzling her mate.
"Don't worry, I will be fine.." Uhuru said with a smile.
"Let's go back to the temple everyone!" Nala said as everyone besides Uhuru left the area.
Uhuru runs the way that Giza's pawprints lead to which was a cave where he could hear a voice around the corner....
"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME!!" Giza shouted at someone.
???: Well, Patience comes with a virtue...
"I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BUT YOU SHO-.." Giza was barely able to breathe at this point...
???: Listen you inferior insect!, If you have a problem, I will gladly snap your neck in an instant!, GOT IT!!!
"As you wish, "Master"....." Giza said with anger.
???: Now go get the intruder that has been watching us...
"??!!" Uhuru couldn't believe the mysterious boss knew he was there the whole time.
"Intruder?!, Where??!!" Giza shouted in shock.
???: Near the entrance!
Giza runs at full speed but Uhuru is already gone...
"HE IS NOT HERE ANYMORE!!" Giza shouts.
"*huff* *huff* *huff*" Uhuru was running as fast as he could to the temple but luckily halfway through the run, He went into grass covering his pawprints.
"UHURU!!" Jasiri shouted picking up Uhuru as he was tired from all the running.
"Uhuru!" Kion ran out with the others looking at the tired king.
"Giza is not the boss...." Uhuru spoke with breaths in between each word.
"What do you mean?!" Vitani asked.
"He was talking to someone, In a cave, Someone stronger than Giza, Apparently even though I disguised my power, He still sensed me there the whole time..." Uhuru gasped for air after he finished speaking.
"??!!" Simba couldn't believe it.
"Seems Uhuru might need the next form Rafiki..." Matumaini said in fear.
"I'm afraid so, I was hoping not so soon, But he does need it....." Rafiki spoke before an explosion was heard at the tree of life.


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