2. Prologue

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Soooo... fun story,
I love the name Accalia so here is how to pronounce it up above.


'Run.' My wolf tells me, I take a glance back and see them gaining on me.

'Fine,' I Tell her and feel my bones rippling and changing. Wincing slightly as I feel my body turn I let her take charge and run as fast as she can.

'We're in new territory' my wolf states cautiously crouching slightly after about an hour of running.

Suddenly I'm rammed into the ribs feeling them crack, whimpering I stand ready to defend myself seeing two men and three brown and black wolves.

"Rogue" one of the men says smugly before two of the wolves pounce on my at once.
The last thing I see is the man standing over me looking pleased.

**** two years later****

"Alpha what are we to do? The rogues are edging closer to the border." Nick, my beta, says slightly bowing his head.

"I know Nick just let me think!" I say a little too harshly.

"Lia you need to think of something... and fast," he says nervously

"What did you hear now?" I ask griping my hair looking at the wooden desk I'm sitting on tracing the lines in the wood with my other hand.

"Uh, J-James n' Jake are going to challenge you tomorrow afternoon in front of the pack" Nick says quickly.

"God, I let them into my pack and how they repay me is by challenging me! Those stupid twins," I spit. Standing quickly.

I soon find the two red headed twins in the square with Nick on my heals. "We're pushing you 'challenge' to my position forward." I say bitterly.

The boys glare at Nick but grin when they both look at me at the exact same time "fine but if we will you'll be mine." Jake says.

My wolf growls in disgust as the twins as they quickly rip their cloths and get into a fighting stance simultaneously.

'Creepy,'  my wolf says. 'Agreed,' I respond.

"So your aware-" I say, before shifting to my pure white wolf "- I could be doing important work right now... like protecting my pack from the rouges." My only response was James cracking his teeth together making a wiping noise somehow.

We walk in a few circles before I take the first lunge at the boys.

Their sixteen years old, I may be a year older but I have more experience. I don't know why I have to prove myself to the pack every weak but it's normal now. There aren't many female alpha's like me but I will keep my title.

Two years ago I ran from my pack, they abused me and didn't take care of me. I was a pet. I swore I would never ever become a pet or door mat again, so I ran I held my own in this pack once they knew I was not a threat. This pack was mediocre till I killed the alpha, beta and gamma, Now I'm alpha with Nick and Jen being the beta and gamma, and this pack is very strong and has power.

Why they still challenge me including fighting in teams and I still defeat them in battle still baffles me, I have this saying.

"If the stand behind you,
Protect them.
If the stand beside you,
Respect them.
If the stand against you,
Defeat them."

And that's what I will do.


Yay the prologue is done :)
Plz give me feed back on what to do lol.
This kinda give a preview of what this book about. Do you want more of Accalia' past or no? Mostly it soo...

TTFN, -Sparrow
(Chapter finished at 1:04 a.m)

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