18. Story time

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Another picture of who I portray Accalia as. The actor India Eisley.


Accalia's POV

"Did you just kill my brother." Ella exclaimed.

"Oh ya your here." I say looking up at Ella from Aiden on the green grass.

I start dragging Aiden into the pack house. I nod at her to follow. "Don't make me do this to you too." I say looking at her with a bored face.

After I get him through the thresh hold I pick him up cradling him which made me giggle at how this must look.

"So how much did he tell you?" I ask.

"I don't know I guess that your werewolves and your a lunar or something." She shrugs.

I plop Aiden on my black sheeted bed. "Oh ya I did not kill him-" I say pulling a dart out of it neck. "Just knocked him out." I say.

"Why?" Ella asks confused.

"Training." I say getting some rope of of the closet.

"Oh... so how does mate work? He mentioned that." Ella said.

"Ya know I'm glad your taking this well."

"I guess I'm jus think of that guy." She says looking away blushing.

I gasp and run over to Aiden. "Haaay babyyyy? Who did Ella meet since she found outttt?" I ask opening his eye lid to see his eyes daring around.

"Ughhh." I say Grosses out dropping his eye lid.

"Jackk hirees mateses." He slurs. And I jump up clapping.

"What the fuck is he drunk or somethin'?" Ella asks worried.

"No he's high." I state tying his feet. "It'll were off once he wakes up." I add.

"Any way mates is when you find your soul mate. You can't live without them. It's what Aiden and I are.."

"What's the bite thing?" She asks lifting her lip in disgust.

"Yaaa.. it's when we mix our scent to show people that we are together. It's mostly for me cuz you know guys when they don't have mates they get.. touchy."


"Does that make sense?" I ask and she nods.

"You know I actually almost denied Aiden." I say looking at him the to Ella. She was now sitting on the couch looking uncomfortable.

"What's that?"

"It breaks your heart... and the other wolves as well, or person. I'm an alpha and- and I couldn't have a human as my mate. I'd be the Luna and him the alpha but it's hard being a human alpha. It's unheard of. My pack is 78 strong having a week alpha makes the rest of pack weak."

I might as well just tell her the whole story, Aiden already knows most of the pack knows bits and pieces, besides I dont have time to answer every little detail. If I cropped stuff It wouldn't have made sense.

Every one knows I have a rough past and I don't care if people know or not. So telling Ella will save me time and everything else.

I chuckle and continue at the thought.

A/n it's a story time this chapter ;)

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