17 "ella please calm down"

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Song up above has nothing to do with chapter I just heard it and had to put in in here lol.


I hear a wrapper as Ella picks it up off the floor. "I'll tell dad you two had sex." She says and my eyes snap open.

I feel Aiden tense as I look at him he's staring at her in disbelief "you wouldn't." He says.

"I would." She challenges dropping the wrapper back on the floor.

I scramble to pick it up but I was too slow. I glare up at her. It was no use now so I snuggle back into Aiden he drapes an arm over me but is still staring up at Ella.

"If you told dad I'd be kicked out of the house."


"You could live with me and th- my family." I correct tracing small patters with my pointer finger on his chest. Even with his shirt on I felt the tingles going through my body were we touched by the way he looked he did as well.

I smile and start using two fingers to trace against his chest leaning my head there. I don't even hear their conversation any more I'm lost in thought tracing patterns.

Aidens POV

I start arguing quietly with Ella because L looked asleep. "I can't be- believe you would d-do that." I stutter as Accalia starts aimlessly drawing patterns on my chest.

I ignite by the kind burning trail that it leaves. "Seriously it's not that big of a deal I mean I can just get you to do what I want." Ella shrugs.

"If you tell dad what happens I'l- I'll tell him you first had sex when you were fifteen." I say feeling Lia snuggle closer to my chest now using two of her fingers to trace.

"Fuck you." She says rolling her eyes.

" we.. we could just forget the whole thing and not tell dad any thing." I say glancing down at Lia.

She was tracing little circles and squares now which ignited the tingles further. I then notice that the patters that started up by my shoulders were now to my belly button.

"Stop That it is very distracting." I whisper in her ear so only she can hear making her giggle and pull the patterns away.

"You know what fine, I won't tell dad if you don't tell dad." Ella says sticking her hand out.

I nod and shake it which turns into a pinky promise.

"What time is it." Accalia asks tracing patters slightly above my bellybutton again.

I grab her hand putting up up by my shoulders and she starts tracing patters there but moves her hand down to my belly button quickly teasing me.

"Oh ya it's three o' clock I didn't see you guys at school and neither did your friends so I figured you were both here." Ella says as I grip Lia's hand in both of mine.

"Cool... I'll meet you down stairs?" I ask Ella roles her eyes, closes the door behind her and I don't do any thing till Accalia looks up at me.

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