24. I did that.

21 0 0

It's been five days till I've come to the rouges pack I've mostly gained trust from them and I couldn't handle not being with Aiden so I'm going to have the warriors attack tonight.

The schedule has been the same since that second day here so that's fun and I only had to make out with my bother once gag.

It's fine though we hate each other equally now. I come back from hunting with one deer this time so everyone has small portions and will be hungry not expecting what is to come.

It was about midnight now and I sensed my pack here "you ready?" Xander asks and I nod.

"Are you?" I ask. In response he nods his head no but then it slowly turns into him shaking his head 'no' which made me laugh.

Before we say anything else I let out the bat alpha howl yet making me grin after. I shift into my wolf when I hear heavy foot steps running toward the camp.

My pack comes into view and Xander finally figured out what I said but having the upper hand.

Riders came running by with light leather harnesses on the right foot wolves. They had reins on like a horse but more comfortable and convenient.

The riders had bows, guns, spears and cross bows.

"Holy fuck you were right about upper hand." Xander says before shifting to his wolf.

I spot the face which feels like I've known forever. I bark happily running to Jen seeing Aiden with no harness holding a pistol.

I thank Jen and Aiden hops from her back to mine. He hugs my fur "missed you babe." He says smirking and he cocks his pistol back Aiming at a wolf coming for me.


The rouges put up a good fight but in the end we won hands down.

Most of the wolves we have lined up with me wearing Aidens red coat loving his scent.

Mark spits at my feet when I walk over to him at the end of the line. "Would you like to join the pack?" I ask.

"Never I'd rather die." I nod.

"Will you come back?"

"You bet if I get out o-" he was cut off by a gun shot with blood staining the forest floor.

I move onto Alex with fear in his eyes but doing his best to no look it. "I knew from the beginning but you." He says shooting daggers at Xander. "You are a trader." He spits at my brother.

I grab Alex from his hair sightly pulling his off the ground. "He is my brother now will you join the pack or no." I state and he shakes his head.

I nod dropping him "will you come back?" I ask.

"No." He hesitates and his heart speeding.

I role my eyes another gunshot "liar" I mumble as his body falls to the ground.

I walk to a girl looking about sixteen or so a little younger then me probably the age of Valentina. "Would you like to join the pack?" I ask and she shakes her head looking at Mark and Alex.

"Will you come back?" The girl shakes her head quickly.

I nod, Jen then cuts the girls ropes and motions for her to leave. The girl jumps up and runs away quickly.

I see a woman looking similar to the girl with slight wrinkles "you her mother?" I ask her crossing my arms over my chest.

The lady nods looking at the shadow running away. Jen then cuts the lady's ropes and she runs after her daughter.

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