19. She goes I go

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Found this cute sketch reminds me of Aiden and Accalia...
I think we need a ship name. lol


I giggle as I push a table and tv up the stairs as Aiden stands at the top laughing at my expression.

I come an abrupt stop almost tumbling down the stairs with the medium size table which would cause the monitor to fall as well.

"Frick." I say looking back at the Monitor cord around the corner of the stairs.

"You forgot to unplug it!" He gets out through quiet fits of laughter.

I scowl at him "go un plug it." I say and he quietly goes down the steps.

I see the cord slack and yank on it hearing a thud. "Are you okay?" I say giggling again.

"What the fuck, are you both high?" Valentina asks popping her head out her room door.

I laugh again "yes." I say "always."

"We are not high!" Aiden shouts from around the corner of the stairs coming up with the monitor cord in his hand.

Mavis pops her head out of her room "what the hell are you all doing?" She asks causing Ella to pop her head out of her room looking at us all.

"We're going to watch a movie?" I ask instead of stating.

"Better then we hearing them make out in the dark, so I'm in." Everstein says walking out from the kitchen.

"One we have not made out... yet. Two how did I not hear or see you from there?" I say with a grin.

"We call her the mouse of the family always quiet but knows everything." Ella says.

I start dragging the table up the stairs as Aiden helps. Everstein walks into Aidens room followed by Ella, Mavis and Valentina.

I look at Aiden to his room door and her shrugs and I nod in agreement.

When we finally finish hooking up the TV/monitor the girls over ruled Aidens preference and we were halfway through watching breaking dawn and us making fun of the characters and loving Renesmee when Aidens door slams open.

A few seconds before I heard their dad come in from the room so I pretended to be sleeping on Aidens chest in his lap.

"What is going on here?" His rough voice shaking us all.

"Movie Night?" Mavis squeaks out.

"On a school night and why is she here?" Their dad asks. I feel Aiden wrap his arm around my shoulders in a protective manner even though I was able to take care of myself.

"Because she's my girlfriend dad." Aiden says and I bite my tongue to keep from smirking.

"She had caused more trouble then she's worth and needs to be kicked out, after tonight you can't see her again." Mr Thomas says and I feel his boney finger point at me.

"You can't do that." Aiden says.

"Dad you can't, please don't." Ella chimes in, now that she understands everything better she knows we can't be apart.

I think what helped her the most is that her mate is Jack. So she's stuck in the reality of being in a werewolves life. I asked her and she said 'better to give in if it's inevitable.'

"I don't care!" His voice booms and I open my eyes pretending to wake up.

I feel Aiden hold me tighter against his chest as he stares at his father. "No." He says "she is part of my life and if I can't see her again you won't see me again."

That made my heart swell at that comment "W-We were just watching a movie. No harm done." I say with a smile pretending to be timid when really I was angry.

I get that he's Aidens dad but I didn't do anything, at least I don't think I did.

'We didn't.' My wolf assures nodding.

"No harm done! No harm done, you went missing twice, my son was going crazy since you were gone and is by your side every second if the day. A wolf like you does not deserve my son." Mr. Thomas yells making me growl low in my stomach.

Aiden feels this and he rubs my mark making me calm down slightly.

Mr. Thomas scoffs "you deserve to be with your own kind find you mate and bite him don't drag my son into this." Now that I think about it mr. Thomas was one of the hunters in the trees when they took me to the zoo.

Before I say anything Aiden speaks up "she is my mate." He growls.

Their fathers expression was priceless and on other circumstances I would have laughed. "Well I forbid you to complete the mating process."

This time I did laugh "to.. late... buddy." I choke out through giggles and laughs tears streaking down my face.

"You had sex with my son?" He asks dumbfounded and I nod wanting to antagonize him saying it was pretty good too but didn't want to push my luck.

A human thinks he can forbid me to be with my mate, Im an alpha we don't take orders very well besides who does he think I am a rouge.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm an alpha and do what is best for my pack which means being with Aiden sorry about your luck." I say getting my composure back.

"You an alpha." It was his turn to laugh "what did you do sneak into the old alphas bed he dies you become the leader." He scoffs.

"No the old alpha was a drunk and I challenged him, then killed him within seconds." I say raising me chin slightly.

"Ya right get out of my house, animal." He says looking me in the eye challengingly making my usually happy sassy wolf snap.

A heavy growl escapes my lips before I can stop it and he snears. "If you know anything mates can't stay apart for long and so you know the animal I apparently am runs in your blood so don't act so high and mighty." I say getting up and walking out the door into the cool spring air.

"Am I the only one whose confused as fuck right now?" I hear Ella ask from Aidens room.

Of course Aidens dad had to hate me cuz that's how my life is, my life is a living joke from hell.

I walk into the tree line to feel someone behind me. I stop moving when Aiden hugs me from behind snuggling his face in my neck.

I move my head slightly away from his so he has room to move more comfortably as I stare off into the tree line seeing every movement in the dark night.

"I know your angry but I'm coming with you, my dad'll come round just wait a little while... please." He breaths quietly against collar bone.

He could mouth in and I still hear it as clear as day. I nod my head turning around and hugging into his chest. Refusing to cry.

I didn't cry about the physical pain from my past and I won't cry about the mental, it's simple really.


Yay ttfn that all really hoped you enjoyed, also wish me luck I have a vocabulary test tomorrow and I don't want to fail lol.


(Finishes at 1:38)

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