9. Father

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Hewo don't have much to say except if you find any Errors tell me so I can fix them ^^



Aidens POV

"Well what do we do." I hear Echo say in the distance. I focus on seeing what Lia can see.

"What the hell." Someone says.

"Aiden." Jennifer says my eyes snap up and she looks like she had seen a ghost. "Your eyes." She says.

I tilt my head, standing up I headed to a clean white washroom. When I glance in the mirror I see what they were talking about. My eyes looked exactly like Accalia's.

I shake my head looking back at the mirror to see my eyes go from Accalia's yellow to a musky white to my black specked eyes.

After a second of staring at the mirror I walk back to the meeting room seeing the pack leaders conversing about what to do.

"She said to get her out but why, the link was cut off when she said that." Alice says.

"Someone knows her tactics but who?" Jennifer cuts in.

"We know that they used wolves bane if the link was shut down at least" said Nick grimly.

"She's seeing her dad." I say pinching the bridge on my nose. "Is that useful?" I ask looking at them all, I then sit on a wood stool near the back of the room.

Horror crosses all of there features except Bexley who just is as confused as I.

"You don't know that. You can't communicate with Lia." Nick scoffs.

"I can and for some reason I can see every thing she can. Every detail. Like a wolf would, I am seeing through her eyes... I don't know how but she sounded terrified and the look on your faces says she's in trouble."

"What do you see?" Bexley asks worried.

"Dirt walls, probably underground it feels... damp, they just threw her in cell their are a lot of men... I don't see any woman... her dad just came I-" I feel a overwhelming amount of fear like it will swallow me whole till I see her dad mouth something. Just like the old times. He says to her.

Her dad unclips his belt raising it over his head and the leather belt smacks down on her arm hard.

I look around as much as I can trying to find something she can defend her self with but there's nothing.

I'm forced to watch a girl be whipped and whacked by her own father and not be able to do a thing about it.

Silent tears roll down my cheeks dripping on the light wood floors. Accalia shuts her eyes closed and all I hear are her screams, whimpers and tears.

Someone starts shaking my shoulders my eyes unfocus then focus on Echo. "What is it." He screams in my face with worry.

I look up at him then the rest of the leaders in the eye opening and closing my mouth trying to speak.

"He- he.. he's whipping her." I say looking at my arm to see a cut with fresh blood running down to my fingers.

I gasp and look back at Echo, Nick, Jen, Alice and Bexley.

"How the hell." I say watching the blood flow in small streams down dripping down my unclenched hands.

Their wide eyes look from the gash to each other and back.

"You know what, it's normal apparently, it doesn't matter. Why the frick did you all let her go with them." I scold them.

Nick speaks first as I cross my arms over my chest feeling the blood from my arm soak my gray shirt. "It's the most efficient tactic. It works every time we try it." He says looking away guilty.

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