23. Hunting

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We walk silently to his tent and I climb in. Xander climbs in after me and closed the tent door. He leans close to my ear his lips brushing against the tip when he speaks. "I know your the alpha of Luna's Shield." He whispers.

I open my mouth but he puts his finger to my mouth. "Don't deny it. I know your a resilient bitch." He says looking at me. "Admit it." He says sternly.

"I'm the alpha of Luna's shield" I speak lifting my head in honor.

"And your real name." He speaks looking me in the eye.

"Accalia Ehyeh Asher." I speak not breaking contact.

Xander's face lights up. He then tackles me in an embrace. "I found you." He cry's.

"What?" I ask after he lets go.

Xander smiles, "before mom died she had you and I promised I'd take care of you but... I was banished for being kind to you."

"Blue eyes." I state knowing I recognized his scent.

Xander grins "I missed you little sister." He says as I climb into his lap giving him a tight hug.

"What's the plan?" He asks.

I smirk sitting next him "let's go for a run."

When we were far enough away so no one heard us I spoke sitting down against a redwood tree. "Okay blue eyes, I'm going to gain the rouges trust then send my warriors in."

"The rouges trained for wolf combat." He says.

"I know." I say smirking. "I've got something they haven't prepared for though."

"What is it?" He asks.

"You know it when you see it. So somehow we gotta get them to trust me and... thank you for helping me but why are you? they are your sort of... pack." I speak looking down at my lap.

He chuckles "I'd rather help my baby sister then a pack I met two months ago... besides, mate killed my mate, you my only hope." Xander's voice cracking at the end.

I look at him seeing in his gaze turn to fire. He wanted them dead. "I have an idea." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"It's kinda gross but will work... I guess." I respond looking away.



"Xander we need you out he-" Alex was abruptly cut off by us.

Alex clears his throat and Xander gets off me. I smile sheepishly looking down trying not to throw up. "You know what I'll get Jack to do it." Alex says walking away.

Xander closed his tent door and we both gag simultaneously. "Gross. I hate you." He chokes out looking truly disturbed.

I nod and gagging once more. "I am never doing that again." I say glaring at him.

"Your idea to make out." He defends.

"At least they will-" gag "trust me now."

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