6. Run ins

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Hello up Above is who I portray Nick to be, the real life persons name is Skyler Henegan.

Hope you enjoy


Accalia's POV

I wake up to Alice, Jen, Bexley and I all piled on each other on my two seat couch. Looking around my room I remember the events of last night and see melted Ice cream, a half eaten Doritos bag, chocolate rapers, sour candy and six CD tapes piled next to the TV.

I get up not wanting to wake the others, change quickly trying to forget what happened last night and go to my office to get some work done.

Aiden's POV

(The night before)

I open my door planing on shooing one of my sisters away but see Alisha at my door with a basket.

"Why are you in my house." I ask bitterly.

"I brought you a snack." She says in a seductive tone and I role my eyes.

"Get out of my house Alisha." I say think of that girl, Tim said he knows her... I think her names Lia or something. I can't get her out of my head no matter what I do.

"Oh come on baby." Alisha says forcing herself on me.

I try to push her off but it's no use, then an ear piercing howl or roar sounded from the forest.
I found my self wanting to go to it. I craved to know what made that noise.

I tried harder to push Alisha off but she keeps her grip.


I run outside as fast as I could once my sisters kicked Alisha out I really owe them.

I see yellow eyes staring at me from the tree line and I stop mid stride. The eyes look almost human, something about they are familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

I take a step closer to the beast and it whimpers break my heart. Something in my head tells me it won't hurt me so I take a step closer to the sitting animal.

It looks like a wolf but it's the side of a bear. I put my hand out to it and I swear it knows what Alisha did.

"That's not what happened." I tell it knowing I sound stupid talking to an animal that could kill me any time.

I see a tear role down its white fur. Can wolves cry? It shakes it giant head, stands and walks a around me once growlers lowly and sprints into the forest.

I run after the graceful beast but end up losing it. The only thing I hear is a heart breaking howl that hovered in the air.


I wake up to being sprayed by a water bottle.
"What. The. Hell. Ella." I say pausing at every word.

"Hello sunshine." She says bitterly. "We all saw you sneak out last night. To the forest." She says wiggling her perfect eye brows.

I glance over the to the clock groaning when I see it's seven o clock. "It's the weekend why are you up so early."

"Why were you seeking out last night." My twin Everstein asks.

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