13. Kidnapped. Again.

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Boyy!! We got a sappy chapter... I think by the time I finish this it will be tomorrow and it will be yesterday's tomorrow. Make sense?
Cool glad we agree lol.

Enjoy the chapter!


I wake with an arm around me holding me against Aidens bare chest.

I sit up away from Aiden and swat him with a pillow then covering myself with it. He groans and looks up at me.

He smirks and I blush. "What's heat?" He asks bluntly.

My jaw drops to the floor and my eyes bug out.

"What I know it's something with animals but I don't exactly know what it is."

"It'swhenananimallikecravessexorsomerhinflikethiatansitsmostlyit...thanksforwjatyoydidbutwhythefricklikeserisyionlthadacouplemoredausansididntwanttorushyoyoranyrhing." I mumble

A/N: good luck reading XD.

"What?" He asks more confused.

"It'swhenananimallikecravessexorsomerhinflikethiatansitsmostlyit...thanksforwjatyoydidbutwhythefricklikeserisyionlthadacouplemoredausansididntwanttorushyoyoranyrhing." I say again faster.

"I got animal and sex." He says with a your crazy stare.

I giggle and get up "you need to shower." I say over my shoulder walking to the washroom.


After we both shower I head for the door but Aiden grabs me pinning my back to his chest.

"Why do you cut." He whispers seriously, his lips brushing my left ear.

We stay there for about three minutes it was clear he won't let go till he gets answers. 'We can't cover this from mate. Mate saw now he knows.' My wolf whimpers knowing we messed up.

"I deserved it." I say looking him in the eye over my shoulder.

Tears well in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. "You should have told me." Aiden looks away heart broken.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"This is exactly what Mavis did. Why the fuck did you not tell me." He shouts.

All I do is look away... ashamed. I knew it was stupid. If I just ignored the voice this wouldn't have happened.

Aiden turns around running his hands through his hair aggressively. "I'm sorry." I say again.

"Don't! Don't apologize it's fine just Promise me you won't hurt your self."

"I won't."

"Promise me!"

"I Promise." I say bowing my head.

"Good." He says hugging me tightly.

I embrace him knowing that he will be a good alpha even though he's human... he'll do okay if I'm gone.

"Some one suicides every forty seconds I don't want you to be one of those eight-hundred thousand souls." He states kissing the top of my head.

I nod into his chest inhaling his cinnamon-pine scent.

"Im sorry." I whisper once again.

"I am too, I should have known."

I look up at him then press my lips to his. Remembering last night.

The door slams open almost hitting my back. "Alpha, Lun-." A wolf says then abruptly stops talking.

I release Aiden blushing. "Yes shade?" Honey lacing my tone.

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