29/ Epilogue

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I'm going to skip the fire stuff it was a lot of paper work.

You know what let's just skip a few years? I know before you say anything I am breaking the forth wall but it's fine.

You came and I told you my high school story... well most of it and woah it was quite a ride!

Any way believe it or not I was able to graduate with Aiden and some of the other pack. I got my RN and becoming a nurse!

I also found my mate, Aiden, he loved me when no one did and was there when no one was.

I became a better alpha with him and still am. Your probably wondering bout the the rest of the pack leaders huh?

Well Nick and Alice got married two years after high school still being my Betas, they have two beautiful children named Criss n' Jasper or Jas.

I remember that Nick was gone because he went to get Alice flowers but they where literally an hour away. I sat by her side when she delivered the twins.

Jen... she found her mate, he was not kind to anyone used her then broke their bond. One day she fell to the ground screaming in agony.

That was when we knew he died. She doesn't talk about it... but she's still happy. Jen spoils all the kids roten.
Everyone loves auntie Jennifer.

Bexley almost died in the fire she was in a coma for two months! She woke up and it was the happiest Echo has ever been.

They both literally got married a month later. It was the most hectic marriage ever but still so fun. They have three children and like Alice I was there too.

Somehow the mate was gone again. Twice.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry. I cried at Alice's wedding too, and of course mine.

Yes I got married to Aiden a year after graduation. He blind folded me and took me to the place we always went. The place he took me on that first date.

I still remember laughing my head off that a cop thought I was being kidnapped.

He proposed there and we went to Greece for our honey moon. I told him I wanted to go before we got married and he remembered.

Oh speaking of Aiden, Ella got married to that warrior from my pack. The most romantic I must say.

Back to me! Aiden and I had three kids as well, Aiden promised he wouldn't miss it and surprisingly he didn't. For all three.

It was really funny because it was Aiden, Jen, Alice, and yes, and Bexley. The room was packed.

Their names are Trella, Brody and Bianca. They are soo beautiful and I love them to death.

My favorite was that time when Brody was twelve, trella ten and Bianca nine, I found them both doing Brodys hair which was the best thing ever.

So far we've lived happily.

I don't have anything to fear, my family is with me and my dad confessed to abusing me and lighting the fire!

It's the best luck. I must say though my life has been a roller coaster and I'm glad it's finally coming to an end.

I went for a run with my wolf which will be my last. My wolf and I have been tired along with Aiden.

Our family has grown and the kids and grandkids love the story's.

So here I am laying with Aiden 99 years old ready to let go.

I'll be running forever soon... the alpha she wolf.

Thank you for reading part of my story I hope you learned from it.

Remember that life is not going to end until you end it, but end it with the best ending ever.


That's the end.

I am crying right now omg!! I'll add more thoughts next but that was it!!

I imagine while Accalia is telling this they are all going in for a family photo. The whole pack kids n all.

I imagine Accalia walking by it and laying down for her last breath satisfied with her life.


(Finished 2/15/2021 at 23:32)

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