8. She-wolf

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Sry didn't post yesterday I napped for three hours instead lol.

Oh ya and the person who I portray Jen as is Georgia Fowler.

Soo Yee enjoy!


I felt the distinct feeling of being carried. My heart instantly goes into over drive I can't be taken agin. I slowly open my eyes hoping not to see him.

I let out a sigh of relief when I see lay mate carrying me through the forest.

He smiles down at me "hey there sunshine" he greets and I roll my eyes.

I curl closer to him closing my eyes feeling relaxed in his arms. Why do mates make us so weak? I think breathing in Aidens delicious scent.

"What?" He asks as I look up at him.

I bite my bottom lip "I don't know." I say looking down at my lap.

"I know that look... it's the 'I'm hiding something but I don't want to tell you' look." I look up at him In confusion. "I live with four sisters they all have that look but it looks cuter on you." He chuckles looking forward.

"Oh." Is all I say... "how do you know where to go?" I ask looking back at him.

"Wolf tracks." He points still holding me cradle Style.

"Oh." I say again.

"Seriously what's wrong."


"Accalia? What is it?" He says in a commanding voice.

I smirk up at him with my perfect poker face "nothing."

He roles his eyes looking forward. "Fine don't tell me."

"I wish you could mark me." I blurt out looking back at my lap ashamed it's selfish of me.

"What's that?" He asks confused.

I just shake my head not meeting his eyes.

Aiden sighs setting me down next to a tree and plops down next to me.

"Wow you really do get heavy after a while." He says grinning.

"Are you fat shaming me." I gasp in fake surprise.

"Nope." He looks away dramatically.

After a few seconds we both chuckle. When I smell it I stand instantly.

'Invaders.' I warn the pack smelling the air.

"I have to get you out of." I say glancing around crouching.

I send the scent through our mind link 'I recognize it it's Brett's second.' Bexley says.

'The two wolves that surrendered. Ones a trader.' I finish giving orders to the pack and turn to Aiden now standing as well looking defensively around.

'Cute.' My wolf says blushing.

'Not the fricken time.' I growl at her.

I turn quickly shredding my clothes motioning for Aiden to jump on.

He quickly climbs on and I sprint looking for our invaders. Please work. please work. please... I think trying to mind link Aiden.

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