5. Lets make a deal

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Hewo another chapter!!
Up above is who I portray Aiden to be, the actor is Timothée Calamet. I changed his hair/ eye color.

Sooo yee... thanks for reading.

Hey... future me here warring if you have triggers easily you may not want to keep reading.

"Bexley?" I ask once we got home, now we where eating home made ravioli which was like heaven after the long day.

"Uhh... ya?" She asks, her mouth half full.

"Why were you the only female with the rouges?"

"O-oh erm... the other females fell behind and I was the only one able to keep up?" She said it more of a question then a statement which led me to an experience similar to what I suspect.

Suddenly I raise my hand looking like I'll slap her and she flinched away from my hand to the floor.

"You were abused." I state sitting next to her in the floor pulling her into a tight embrace.

After a while of sitting there I look at her to see silent tears running down her face. "I was too." I say quietly.

Bexley look at me like I've grown two extra heads.

Getting up I signal for her to get up and she follows from the floor next to the mahogany table.

When I get to my room I close the door once she comes in. "Sorry the guys n' Jen/ Alice are coming."

"They don't know?" Bex asks sitting on my purple comforter.

I shake my head and pull the left side of my pants and underwear down slightly pointing at a deep scar. "That was from a hot knife."

I pulled my long sleeve up to my shoulder "I did that." I say pointing to teeth marks on my lower shoulder.

"Why does physical pain hurt less then metal?" She asks stiffly.

"Idk." I say feeling a tear role down my cheek. I sit next to her "I found my mate."

She looks at me "where is he?" She asks.

"I don't know... I haven't excepted him, I say he's human as an excuse but really I'm scared to love him." I say sadly.

"You can't get hurt again."

"I Won't. I have a pack to take care of."

"Can we make a deal?" She asks, and I nod slowly.

"First... let's promise not to do this to our selves" as she points at my for arm that have small cuts that have already mostly healed.

I nod "you won't I won't." I smile.

"And second when I find my mate you have to try and be with your mate." She says happily.

"Okay...I think the packs here."

"Yup but you have to get with your mate."

"No I don't you haven't found your mate."

"Yes I have, he's down stairs." She says simply.

"WhAt!" I exclaim "who is it?" I ask.

"I don't know but he smells amazing."

"Echo..." I respond quietly.

Bexley starts skipping down the stairs as I stand still.

Bexley's POV:

I quickly walk down the polishes dark wood stairs ready to see my mate.

I see him before he does me and I freeze. He looks at me after a little while and we stare at each other for what seems like an eternity.

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