12. Go away

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Also the song up above is one of my all time favorites. As a bonus I think this matches Aiden and Accalia almost perfectly don't you?



Aidens POV

It's been three days since I've spoken to Accalia last she has been saying that she had a lot of work to do I haven't even seen her at school she's been there but avoided me.

I did talk to Mavis about Lia and she told me to check her legs, upper arms and lower arms. She said that she could be faking like she did when she was kidnapped a couple years ago.

Mavis was sixteen when she was kidnapped and they did... stuff to her. She was really depressed she even tried to take her life away and that's how we found out about what was happening to her.

Mavis caught on quicker than I did and confronted me when I was about to talk to her about it.

I don't know for sure I still think Lias fine, Mavis is not convinced and made me Promis to check Lia and make sure she doesn't hurt herself.

I said it was stupid but I figured that I'd go after school and that's what I did.

I knock on the pack house door and it grows completely silent. I knock on the door again... no reply.

I knock a third time knowing that someone was here. Then the door opened to see Alice, Jennifer and Bexley standing there blocking the entrance.

I give a lop sided smile "I'm here to see Accalia I haven't seen her in a while and wanted to hang out"

"No." They all say at the exact same time and unlike most of the times they do that they keep strait faces.

"Oh god get him out of here!" I hear Accalia shout.

"Sorry but you can't come it." Jennifer says slamming the door in my face.

Accalia's POV

God I hate heat!!! Did I really have to have my period and this.

Apparently so. Most wolves have one or the other and some lucky ones don't have either.

I have the worst luck and have to bleed form my ass and then soon after that's over I have to crave sex.

Thanks for that life. At least it only lasts a week and once a year or two.

I then suddenly smell Aidens delicious scent and I drool. "No. No. No!" I shout.

"What?" Alice asks. Shes a lucky bitch and is one of those who doesn't have either.

"Get. Him. Away. From. Here" I say every word alone so the girls understand that Aiden has to go.

I'm only aloud to be around females because with Aiden my heat is worse and other mated wolves can't help them selves so the girls and I have been eating ice cream and watching movies in our PJs.

"You know if you fully mate with Aiden then you won't have to hide from him." Bexley says as Aiden knocks again.

"No! I won't. Not yet he's still wrapping his head around everything." I say with a poor excuse.

In reality I don't want him to see anything that I have done to my self.

I stoped cutting when my heat came just in case and now there are light pink streaks but you can still see that I cut.

I grown with frustration four more days and I would be fine but no. "Oh god get him out of here!" I say now realizing that all three girls have gone to the door.

"Don't you dare tell him about this or I will throw your mate out of the pack." I growl so only they can hear and visibly see them tense.

They slam the door sending a small wave of Aidens scent toward me and I bit my lip.

My wolf was in worse shape then me and she was not happy she was getting what she wants but I ignored her. Sucks for you kay I don't care right now we can't get what we always want and this was that.

Something nice about heat is the dark voice completely diapers during this time.


I go to bed that night not falling asleep till a calm presents wraps around me and I let out a small whimper of pleasure and lean further into the presents.

I was to tired to find out what it was till a soft kiss was placed on my cheek and Aidens face nuzzled into my neck breathing on my mark.

'No.' I told my self and my wolf with a commanding tone.

I rolled over involuntary into Aidens chest. I mentally glare at my wolf for doing this to me. She was doing this on purpose and I knew it.

I try to distract myself from the sparks I felt from his touch but end up looking up at him already staring at me.

He smirks and looks at me. "It's difficult to get past your three Guards ya know." He states.

"I know." I say not breaking eye contact.

He pulls up my arm sleeve slowly in what I think is a soothing way. I couldn't contain my self and I curse my wolf for doing this to me.

I crush my lips to his. Aidens surprised for a moment but obliged. I dig my hands in his soft hair. Aiden would have to stop me cuz I was to far gone now.

But after that thought my mind went blank and crushed my self to him getting closer than I already was.

He lets go of my lips and the sparks instantly disappear. I pant quietly at he kisses down my jaw leaving a line of lingering tingles.

When Aiden kissed my mark was when it was really over.


Cool hate that scene but it had to happen sometime so guess that's when lol.

I didn't want Accalia to give in and tell him about her uhh problems so he gets to figure out cuz like I hate it in books when ppl in books say 'I won't tell' then when the other person asks they blurt it out without any restraint.
| That's my personal opinion I mean no hate lol just a little ramble.

Also needs editing like the rest of chapters sry hope you don't mind to much.

Soo hope you enjoyed ^^


(Finished at 23:23)

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