3. Grade 11

203 8 3

Needs editing... if you find typos plz tell me.


I walk into Snowy Falls High School along with Jennifer, Nick, Alice and echo. Nick is to my left with his arm around Alice, Jennifer is to my right and echo is behind.

The school doors were a new color of blue, a dark midnight blue. We already got our schedules yesterday so we went through the side door. Nick pulls the lock off the double door and throws it 200 yards. I walk in through the doors first glancing around, there's lockers lining the halls a gray color a couple shades darker are the classroom doors. The fresh smell of paint wafts through the Corridors with Students checkered the tile/ carpeted floors catching up and putting books in their lockers. Some were even studying their schedules and I silently giggle when I see three guys attempt to stuff this blond haired boy in a locker. Note I said attempt believe me it's really difficult to stuff a person in a locker, my guess the kids a freshman.

Felling I should do the right thing I walk forward and yank one of the guys shoving the kid in the locker back and he stumbles.

"What the he-" he says then glances at me scanning me up n' down and I roll my eyes.

A growl from behind me snaps his from me to Nick with his hand still on Alice. I feel him mouth something behind me and the kids eyes look like their going to pop out and fall on the floor.

He bows his head lowly "sorry alpha please excuse me of my immaturity." He mumbles grabbing his two friends and running away.

"Thanks Nick." I say punching his shoulder lightly heading upstairs.

Jen and Alice have their first period downstairs so I'm left with Echo and Nick, Nick is instantly depressed when Alice is out his view and slightly pushes ahead of me in a hurry to see her after class.

I chuckle while I jump on Echos back ruffing his pure black hair. "Thank you delta." I say In a childish voice.

"Ya, ya Accalia." I lift my top lip up to my nose and then I smell it, or rather him. I stiffen slightly and slide off Echos back. Smelling in the amazing cinnamon and spruce/ pine.

"What?" Echo asks while Nick slightly grins looking at me.

Nicks brownie eyes seen to pour into mine and he chuckles lowly continuing to walk while I have my feet planted to the floor.

"What?" Echo asks again his green eyes scanning for a possible threat.

Nick glances over his shoulder "our little alpha has just found her mate." He whispers but we hear his as If were right next to us.

Echo looks back down at me for confrontation and I nod slightly taking a step toward Nick who is now waiting for us.

I grab Echos hand and start dragging him, before I know it I'm in front of my mate I inhale his scent and smile at him letting Echo go. He has two friends with him one I recognize from the pack the other is human. The one In our pack is Tim, Tim is a new omega but he's getting along fine.

"I-I'm Lia." I say putting my hand out. he looks confused but takes my hand and instantly the sparks feel like they will start shooting from our touch.

"Aiden," he smiles and I realize something.

I drop my hand instantly, "you? Your human" I state looking at the boy in front of me.

"And your not?" He smirks jokingly looking at my almost yellow eyes.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨. I think, 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯! This boy In front me, my so called "soul mate" is nothing but a weak person. I am an Alpha, An alpha female at that. What will the pack think? They already don't respect me like they would if I were male. I need a mate as strong as I if not stronger. Not a weak human like the guy in front of me.

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