25. date preporations

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I wake to see Aiden walking in. He grunts as he sits on my bed, I take a glance at him to see his shirt off with a bandage around half is body and I bite my lip not wanting to cry.

Aiden puts his hand on my shoulder but I push it off. "I'm perfectly fine Acey." He try's to reason.

"No you fucking not I did that! I hurt you those scares will be there for years because of me." I speak sitting up facing him.

"I still love you." He replies, tears bite at my eyes but I won't let them fall.

I look down at my lap not wanting to stare at him. "You shouldn't." I snap sparing a glance at Aiden.

We're silent for about two minutes before Aiden suddenly grabs my wrist.


"Accalia!" He shouts angrily. I whimper but don't say anything.

"Look at me." He says commanding me.

I look at him glaring. I try to get up but his grips holds me still. I was so stupid I forgot to cover everything else. I try to slip under the covers of my bed so he doesn't see anything but it was to late. He was already staring at my legs.

"Why. The. Fuck. Did you. Fucking. Do this. To yourself?" He says separating each word.

"I deserve it." I bite back braking his grip, locking the bathroom door and changing.

I walk out in a long sleeve shirt with Aidens red coat and black skinny jeans. I see Aiden sitting on my bed with a shirt on now.

He glares at me and I feel the guilt build, no I can't think of that I have a pack to take care of.

I then head downstairs to catch up on work.

Aidens POV ^^

When Lia kicked me off her back she scratched my side, it was pretty bad but was I going to say that? Pffft no!

I walk into Acey's room to see her laying on her bed with her back facing her and a small grey blanket for comfort.

We argue and she changes in the bathroom while I change out of my bloody clothes.

I came over as soon as the pack doctor released me. It was a full thirty-two hours in there. When Lia comes out of the bathroom I glare at her for doing that to her self.

I see guilt flow through her yellow eyes and she heads downstairs. I sit there.

Does she not love me, it was an accident. I know Lia didn't purposely do that. I guess I'll talk with the guys.


I was walking with Echo, Nick and Lia's brother Xander. I then start walking backwards so I'm facing them.

"What do gir-" I was cut off by Xander.

"The girl is always right the faster you learn that the better." He states with a strait face.

"She told me I shouldn't love her." I reply.

All of their expressions change and twist to confusion. "She's angry for doing this on accident." I say pulling up my shirt to expose the bandage on my side.

"Lia. Did that?" Echo asks and I nod grimly.

"How?" Nick asks.

"A wolf pushed her off the trail and she kicked Aiden away so she didn't crush him while she fell in dead weeds." Xander explains.

"Ya and she dug her paw in without even noticing." I add on.

They nod "how bad is it?"

"She scratched my rib cage bad." I say looking at me feet still walking backward in the meadow.

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