21. Scruffy

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Accalia's POV

I huddle on my bed having a episode.

Fucking worthless.


Ha your so week crying in a ball on your bed.


The words kept swirling in my head they were right I am pathetic.

"Lia? Oh my god what's wrong?" Aiden asks running up to me pulling me into his lap hugging me tightly from behind.

"Nothing." I say smiling.

He doesn't love you, he pity's you.

"Your crying." He states wiping some of my tears off my cheek.

I lean into the electrical sparks from our touch for comfort but all I feel is the shock not anything else.

I shrug "just needed a good cry."

"Why?" He asks as I brush my finger down in between his brows smoothing them out.

"Why not?" I smirk gettin tip to keel my self up.

I close the door behind me and see a knife I reach for it but think better not.

Just one,

No harm with one.

I resort to snapping my elastic hair tie on my for arm for the same effect.

After about three minutes of doing this I clean my self up.



That shirt makes you look fat.

The voices were worse today but I'll get through it... I always do.

A knock on the door snaps my thought away and I open the door to see Aiden standing their awkwardly.

I lean into him pushing my lips to his and move down his chin.

"What are you doing?" He asks biting his lip moving his head slightly so I can touch his neck better.

"I just love you." I state moving back to his lips nibbling on them.

We slowly move to my bed and he sits down strataling me to him. I push Aiden down laying on top of him.
I move my lips to his mark and he lets a low satisfying growl out making me smirk moving from his mark to his chin, he then nibbles on my bottom lip teasing me and I grip his hair.

"I would love to keep going but Echo said something urgent has come up." He says right as I moan when he licks my mark.

After that he sits up pulling me with him. Aiden then smile and I nod blushing. We take a shower together and head down stairs hand in hand.

You a horrible alpha rather have sex then lead.

That comment made my wolf snarl but I let it be.

We walk into my office to see Echo holding Bexleys hip and he looks from my desk to us.

"Rouges attacked. East one dead three injured, one on full life support. From our knowledge none of the rouges were injured, they attacked quickly then ran." He explains.

"I'll go. Bring half the warriors. Make Sure A Forth Is Riding With Wepons." I state "A, help me." I say walking out.

"What do you need?" Aiden asks seriously. "And why'd you call me A?"

"I need you to make me dirty and because... your an Asshole." I say smirks and nudges me playfully.

"Would you rather I call you Casanova?" I ask looking up at him and he snorts shaking his head.

"Does that mean you think I'm hot?" He smirks.

"Do you have five secret wives?"


"Hate to meet them." I say shrugging walking out the front door.

He kisses my head putting his arm around my waist.

"Fine I'll just call you sweetly pie." He says smiling.

"That makes me sound fat." I say flatly.

You are fat.

Suits you.

"Fine how about... Acey?" He asks and I look at him with a small smile.

"I like it."

An ugly name for an ugly person.

I then shake my head to get the voices out of my head. I take my cloths off behind the door. And walk out grabbing Aidens red coat wrapping it around my self.

"I need to look... scruffy." I state.


"I'm going to be a rouge duh."

"Oh... what do I need to do?"

"Well first paint my nose and foot with paint, then rub me in leaves, dirt, mud etc. and erm brush me backward so my fluff stands on end. Oh and don't forget to sprinkle some water on me." I say taking his coat off.

He stares at my body and I role my eyes "get on with it Casanova."

Aiden then shakes his head "you want me to do this to you in human form?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yes and in wolf form." I state and raise one eyebrow mimicking Aiden.

He smirks and picks some dirt up covering my eyes with one hand and pouring the dirt on my head with the other. I squeal feeling the dirt fall off my head and on my body.

Aiden then rubs it in my scalp and puts some leaves in my hair. He spreads some mud around my body, clearly enjoying seeing me naked.

Aiden then uses a spray bottle and mists me with muddy water. I then sneeze and he chuckles taking my face in his hands.

"Bless you." He says smirking. I feel the sparks fly and I smile.

He then scruffs my hair up and brush my hair backwards and it was very uncomfortable but don't say anything.

I use to do this but is was uncomfortable for one of the pack members to do this even if it were a female but with Aiden it's fine I know he won't care.

I then change into wolf form and Aiden paints my nose and foot. Making me sneeze again.

I lay down when he brushes my fur and I put my nose down to his coat on the grass inhaling his scent from it. I lay my jaw on it and let Aiden do what he's doing.

After about fifteen minutes Aiden speaks "done." I Lift my head and he kisses the top of it.

I let out a type of purr and stand. He looks up at me as Nick and Echo walk out conversing.

Aiden kisses the tip of my nose and says "be careful okay?" I nod my head and he walks next to me as we go to Nick n' Echo.

"She's ready." Aiden speaks and looking up at me.

"That's pretty dam good." Nick says looking at me and I nod.

"You know the plan?" Echo asks and I nod.

'Fill Aiden in, which ever one of you go's let him be your rider.' I state looking them in the eye showing it's serious.

'Are you sure, he is human...' Nick says not trying to be offensive.

I nod and walk East.


Yay short chapter but oh whale.

Hope you enjoyed!!


(Finished at 22:55)

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