10. Hug

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Hello. Echo is up above the person is named Sebastian James.

Enjoy. ^^


I don't even give him a chance to look away I tackle him to the floor hugging him tight.

If this was a dream I never wanted to wake and if he disappear I wanted to be there till he's gone.

"I really hope this not some sick hallucination." I say crying in his shoulder.

"It's not... I don't think." Aidens says petting my hair.

I laugh through my sobs and we just sit there holding each other.

After a long time I finally speak "how did you get here?"

"I don't know... we have some weird bond that makes it so I can see what you can but if I stay to long I'll become physically there/here."

"Well I don't care thank you for coming to me." I cry looking in his eyes.

We stare at each other for what seems forever till the door open and I stand suddenly defending Aiden.

"I've come to let y-" My father says then sees Aiden. Aidens face twists with disgust as he stands.

"That's the same scent as on your coat." My father states the obvious. "How's you get here boy?"

"I don't know." Aidens says shrugging. "But we are leaving. Now." He says in a commanding tone. The tone of an alpha and I grab his hand.

My 'father's save was priceless but I push him against the wall, Hard. Knocking him out.

I run down the dirt corridors dragging Aiden. A couple twists and turns later I'm sprinting in wolf form with him on my back gripping my fur.

I let out an ear piercing howl of joy and command. I soon hear more howls of my pack near by and I run to them. The rush of the forest was the most amazing feeling I've ever had especially because I have been underground for two weeks.


I wake with a jerk but then take in my surroundings of Aidens room. Right at that moment he comes in with a tray of food and pills.

"Hey, you've been out for a while. The doctor said you have to eat these to heal." He says putting the food down on the bed and I pick at it aimlessly.

My only response is a nod and I take the pills silently.

"How's the meal I can't cook good soo ya but I did my best." He smiles.

I not looking at the pancakes and bacon taking a bite. "It's from a package this doesn't count as cooking." I say giving a small grin refusing to meet his eyes.

After I'm done eating Aiden snuggles next me pulling me to his lap and I slightly tense. They may not have broken me but they did do some damage.

"What's wrong." Aiden asks furrowing his brow.

"No." I say, "I'm fine."

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