20. Shopping

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Guys I'm running out of things to put as pictures O-o HALP!


"Come on Lia, time to wake up." Someone says pushing my shoulder softly.

"No!" I grumble rolling over.

The person sighs and I don't hear them tell Aidens familiar lips fall onto my.

He pulls away making my eye lids flutter open. "Either get up or I'll get Echo to get you moving." Aiden says threateningly.

I gasp and jump up, "I'm up! I'm up!" I say scrambling to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth, comb my ratty hair, put mascara on with some eye liner making a small wing, put some dangling feather earrings on and use the toilet. Not in that specific order but walk out to see Aiden looking at his silver watch.

"You did that in less then ten minutes, that must be breaking a record." He says leaning on my bed post.

I role my eyes and walk to my closet grabbing a black t-shirt with a sunflower on the breast, some skinny blue jeans, and Aidens red coat.

He smile when I turn around putting his coat on. I pull my necklace out from under my shirt and he looks at it.

"It was my first wolf tooth I lost." I say as he looks at me and throws my back pack at me with out breaking contact.

We didn't break contact for a while and before I knew it I was wrapped in a bear hug from him. "My dad'll come round." He says soothingly knowing what I was thinking.

Two days ago since Aiden chose me over his father his father kicked him out of the house. He's been staying with me and hey, I'm not complaining but I still feel guilty that it's my fault.

I put my hand on Aidens white t-shirt over his heart and look at him. He smiles at me "I'm not lieing."

I nod and take my wolf tooth necklace off and put it over his head, the black string contrasting with the white tooth and shirt.

He then gives me a short bit long kiss. "Come on let's go to school, we'll be late."

I nod grabbing his hand leading him down stairs with the rest of the pack leader waiting. "Took you two long enough." Nick says rolling his eyes and I punch him in the shoulder lightly walking out the door first.


We pull up to the school in two different cars, Nick took his blue truck with Alice and Jen.
While I took Echo, Bexley and Aiden in the black Jeep.

"God I hate school." I say opening the door of the jeep.

Aiden laughs "ya but oh well I guess."

"At least you aren't behind on twenty assignments." I told my teachers part of what happened and about half of them excused me and the other half didn't believe me and told me to compete all the assignments.

'Ha sucks for you!' My wolf says snickering.

'Fuck you.' I tell her.

'People who tolerate you on a daily basis really are the hero's and have some talent.' She says and I role my eyes at her.

"What are you Both arguing about now." Aiden asks rubbing my hand. We had already sat down in our first period class in the back.

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